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[66] People who study the English literature and linguistics must be familiar with types of verbal pparallelism such as anaphora, cataphora, epistrophe, symploce, anadiplosis, epanalepsis, antistrophe polyptoton, and so forth.

[67] For those who wish to know about the beautiful life of Muhammad (’alaihi ’s-salâm), we recommend the Turkish books Qisas-i Anbiyâ and Mawâhib-i ladunniyya.Also, there is detailed information in the first part of the Turkish original, and in the first fascicle of the English version (Chapter 56) of Endless Bliss, under the heading Hilye-i Se’âdet, and also in the fourth, fifth and sixth sections of the sixth chapter of Why Did They Become Muslims.

[68] Sufyân-i-Sawrî passed away in Baghdâd in 161 [A.D. 778].

[69] Hallâj-i-Mansûr was martyred in Baghdâd in 306 [A.D. 919].

[70] Abû Sa’îd Abu-l-khâyr passed away in 440 [A.D. 1048].

[71] Shihâb-ud-dîn ’Umar Suhrawardî Shâfi’î Siddîqî passed away in Baghdad in 636 [A.D. 1234].

[72] Abdullah Ansârî passed away in Hirât in 481 [A.D. 1088].

[73] Ubaydullah-i-Tashkendî passed away in Semmerkand in 895 [A.D. 1490].

[74] Shâh-i-naqshbend passed away in 791 [A.D. 1389].

[75] Mishkât is a commentary of Mesâbîh. Huseyn Beghâwî, the author of Mesâbîh, passed away in 516 [A.D. 1122], and Muhammad Waliyy-ud-dîn, the author of Mishkât, passed away in 749 [A.D. 1348]. There are Arabic and Persian explanations of Mishkât.

[76] Bishr-i-Hâfî and Sirrî passed away in Baghdâd, the former in 227 [A.D. 841] and the latter in 251 [865].

[77] Abû Sa’îd-i-Harrâz passed away in Baghdâd in 277 [A.D. 890].

[78] Abd-ul-khâliq Ghonjduwânî in 575 [A.D. 1180].

[79] Ja'fer Sâdiq is the sixth of the twelve Imâms. He is hadrat Alî's grandson's grandson and is at the same time Mûsâ Qâzim's father. He passed away in 148 [A.D. 765].

[80] Ahmad ibni Hanbel passed away in Baghdâd in 241 [A.D. 855].

[81] Abû Hanîfa passed away in Baghdâd in 150 [A.D. 767].

[82] Hadrat Muhammads ascent to heaven. There is detailed information about Mi'raj in Se’âdet-i Ebediyye (Endless Bliss).

[83] Ghulâbâdi Hanafî passed away in 384 [A.D. 994].

[84] The sixth Sultân of India, Alemghîr Muhammad Evrenghzîb, passed away in 1118 [A.D. 1707]. He ruled over India fifty years with justice and served Islam.