Dreams, Visions and Seers by Peter McArthur - HTML preview

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In the Bible there are numerous examples of dreams used to bring warning. We find one instance in Genesis where Abraham (for the second time!) pretends that  Sarah is his sister (Gen 20: 2 / compare 12:11).


The unsuspecting King Abimelech takes Sarah to his harem but is warned in a dream not to touch her and to return her to Abraham. God in His mercy graciously warned this heathen king. One of the interesting things I find in this event is that God and Abimelech have a conversation with each other while the King is in a dream state! (See Gen 20: 3 -7). We'll look at this ability later, particularly in regard to visions.


In the New Testamenthe most famous dream warnings are found in Matthew's gospel. The wise men are warned not to return to Herod (Matt 2:12). Interestingly enough this seems to be a season of dream -warnings because just after the wise men depart Joseph is also warned in a dream and told to flee to Egypt for a time. Howevein the latter case it's an angel that brings the warning, though still in a dream (Matt. 2:13).


There are many such examples of dreamgiving life-saving warnings throughout history. It seems as though when a warning comes via a dream there is a time frame involved that gives us time to consider it. The dream may warn of something that's going to happen many hours before it occurs, an accident for example. The warning is giving us time to pray about it. Thintercession caavert the disaster. Just because we have a dream that shows a friend drowning or in a plane crash doesn't mean the event is necessarily inevitable.


God will often alert us to a scheme of the Enemy so we can intercede to cause the accident noto happen. So don't just accept warnings fatalistically as if there's nothing you can do about it. God may be calling you to prayer!


However, warnings that come in the form of a vision seem to be much more urgent, warning of impending danger. Take this example for instance.


During World War II a lady in England was sitting in church one Sunday morning. Suddenly shhad a vision