Eliza's Prayer Book by Eliza Wilson - HTML preview

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Prayer for Blessing

My Lord, as I kneel before you in prayer, my heart is like an open book, my soul thirsty for your blessings.

As you bless the land with merciful sun and rain andmake the seed germinate in the bosom of the earth, blessmy whole being with the rain of your mercy and the sun of your love. Bring out good seeds of faith, hope and love and help them grow into fruitful trees and beautiful flowers.

The man who is blessed by you has nothing to fear. The man whom you bless is richer than the richest kings of this world. For your blessings are like a spring of livingwater, forever flowing, never running dry.

Bless me and my family and all my loved ones, so thatwe can feel your loving presence everywhere, in andaround us, like a warm breath of air breaking the coldwinter, like a circle of light breaking the darkness of the night.

Bless me with health, comfort and joy, but above all, blessme with love, peace and wisdom, and with the strength and courage to face everything life brings my way. Blessme and my loved ones in countless ways, in ways full of power and wonder, in ways worthy of your glory.

Bless us, Father, not because we are worthy or we have done anything to deserve your mercy, but because you are good and you find pleasure in blessing your childrenand filling our hearts with joy. Never let go of our hands, but see us throughout the journey of our lives and beyond, into our eternal home.
