Eliza's Prayer Book by Eliza Wilson - HTML preview

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Prayer For A Life Lived With God

Father God, you are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. It is safe to place my heart in your hands.

In a restless and troubled world, you are a realm of peace and comfort. In a sea of doubts, you are the certainty. Inan ocean of darkness, you are the light.

Guide us through the night. Your mercy is endless. Your grace is eternal. Your love has no boundaries.

Without you, we would be lost and alone. With you, we are saved and loved, we have a purpose and a meaning.

Teach us to love and to forgive, as you love and forgive us every day.

Teach us to find our joy in you and our strength in your name.

Make us a candle for others' steps, so that they can see where they are going and do not stumble on their way.

Make us a light for the blind, a song for the deaf, a hope for the lost and the lonely.

Guide us to say the right word at the right time and tochoose wisely every time we have to make a choice.

Give us the passion and the courage of the earlyChristians, the power and commitment of the apostles, and the perfect love of Jesus Christ.

For you have the power to build up hearts and minds, torestore and to heal. Glorified be your name forever and ever.
