A Prayer For Times of Trials & Temptations
Lord God, so many times I was on the point of falling. Somany times I stood on the edge of the abyss, ready totake the next step. But you have saved me every time.
I am nothing but dust. The most insignificant creature that has ever lived. And yet you saved me. You restoredme. You didn’t let me get lost.
Now I’m scared thinking of all the coming momentswhen I get to those dark places again. Are you going tobe there and save me every time?
There are times when I have no control over my ownheart. Times when I feel so weak. So helpless. When Ican’t pray. I can’t love. I can’t see the light ahead.
There are times when everything around me seems tosink into an ocean of darkness. Will you rescue me fromthat pit over and over again? Will you rescue me from the darkness inside?
My life is in your hands. Don’t let go of me. Not even for a second. For, sometimes, a split second is all it takes tocross the point of no return.
In those moments when I pass through the wilderness, when my soul is dry, help me feel your presence in everywhisper of hope, in every breeze of faith that touches myheart.
When life seems to make no sense, help me hear your call, urge me to seek you again in prayer, do not leave me alone.
When my heart seems empty, bring to my mind the memory of every single miracle you’ve made for me, of every single instance when you’ve revealed your precious love to me.
When I feel down, talk to me, remind me that you can liftme up, that this trial is nothing I haven’t expected, thatall these moments when everything seems like a nightmare were not unpredictable.
Let them not cause me too much harm. Because I am aware they will come sooner or later, I am praying for them now, when my mind is still clear, my faith strongand my heart serene.
I pray, my Lord, for all those moments in the future when I feel lonely in the night, when I feel abandoned not only by all my friends, but also by you, my most faithful Friend... when life seems to make no sense, when myheart is empty… when I feel down and everything seemslike a nightmare.
Those are the moments when I need you most, when Imost long for your loving presence. Stay with me in those moments. Give me strength and comfort.
Hold my hand through the storm, so that my soul can praise you when the rainbow appears across the horizon. Never go away from me when my faith is weak, when my feet are stumbling on the path.
Never turn your face away from anyone who goes through the wilderness, but turn their weakness into strength and their failure into victory.