End of the Age by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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Jesus died as a ransom for many. He died so that his spirit, the Holy Spirit, could be placed inside everyone who asked for it. This is the only reason that he had to die. So that his spirit could live on in the body of everyone who has requested it. Thus making them the brides of Christ. Marrying themselves to Jesus, the groom.

This was the plan of the Father. It began with Abraham, and was fulfilled with Jesus. So when Jesus begged that this cup pass from him, the Father remained silent. If he would have pardoned Jesus, it would have defeated his purpose for his Son. A purpose that began with the great man Abraham, and an agreement made a long time ago.


And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:40-41.

After praying to the point of sweating blood, Jesus at his near exhaustion point, went back and checked on his disciples. He found them sleeping. This upset Jesus to the point of chastising Peter. “Could ye not watch for one hour?”

He then barks orders at him, saying pray that you don’t enter sleep’s temptation, and watch for me. So that Jesus could return back to the Father. He wasn’t done praying yet, and he needed his good soldiers to stand guard for him. He knew that Judas and the temple guards would be coming along at any time, and he didn’t want to be disturbed while he was in communion with the Father.


 He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.  And he came and found them asleep again: for their eyes were heavy. And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, saying the same words. Matthew 26:42-44.

Three times Jesus uttered the same words, begging the Father to let this cup pass from him. But, for the reasons that I’ve already given, the Father wasn’t going to be deterred from his mission.

Imagine the anguish of the Father at his Son begging for his life. Can you think of any decision that would be more difficult? I surely can’t. I can’t imagine putting my child to death, let alone listening to them plead and beg for their life to me. The only person in history who can relate to this is blessed Abraham.

I’ve talked to people who consider the Father a sadist for this very act. They argue that any god that puts their child to death is no god at all, but a sadistic maniac.

They aren’t seeing the big picture. That the Father sacrificed his only son so that others may live, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Empowered with the Spirit of God so that we can defeat our enemies. It was the only solution to the problem that the Father had. There was no other way. If there was, I’m confident that the Father would have taken it.


 Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going: behold, he is at hand that doth betray me. Matthew 26:45-46.

After he repeatedly prayed to be spared, Jesus rose up and knew at this point in time that there was no turning back. The will of the Father, and not the Son, prevailed.

At this time, Jesus could have stopped all of this, and prevented his arrest. The problem with that was that he would be doing his will, and not the Father’s. Despite his wanting this cup to pass from him, he decided that the will of the Father was for him to drink it. So he picked up his cup, drank it, and returned to the apostles. The decision had been made. He would beg the Father no more.

The clock had struck twelve. The wheels of darkness had begun to turn. Jesus sensed that Judas, and the temple guards were near at hand. He woke up the three disciples, Peter, James, and John, and told them that his hour of betrayal is at hand.

It was judgment day for the Son of God.

And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people. Matthew 26:47.

While Jesus is waking up his three friends, Judas and his posse came to the garden of Gethsemane. A “great multitude,” armed to the teeth, for the arrest of one man.

A great multitude. It makes one wonder what they expected when they came to arrest Jesus. To have so many people come for his arrest, they must have expected Jesus to be surrounded by thousands of followers. What had Judas told them? That a riot would ensue at the prospects of arresting this prophet from Galilee? Nevertheless, the elders, and chief priests, weren’t taking any chances. They had forces armed for battle, “with swords and staves.”

How large a threat was Jesus to have this many come for his arrest? With the popularity of Jesus, they were worried that all hell would break loose. They must have expected the worst to bring this many people. One can only imagine what was going on in their heads as they marched to the garden of Gethsemane.

We also need to remember that the other disciples were unaware that Judas was leading this betrayal. They all believed that he had left to go buy provisions. The fact that he led this charge of treason against their master must have shocked them.


 Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast. And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, master; and kissed him. And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus and took him. Matthew 26:48-50.

Judas tells the chief priests and the elders that he would kiss the man they were looking for. This surprises me, considering that they all must have heard Jesus in the temple, and knew what he looked like. Why then would Judas have to show the elders who Jesus was by giving him a sign, a kiss? Did they not know what Jesus looked like? It’s perplexing, to say the least. Unless of course, these men had not heard Jesus preach in the temple. If that is truly the case, then they wouldn’t have any idea the image of Jesus. Which begs the question, if Jesus was such a threat, why wouldn’t they go and listen to him, to at least check out this perceived threat? It boggles the mind as to why Judas had to give Jesus a kiss to identify him to his enemies.

By giving Jesus a kiss, Judas had sealed his fate. The ultimate betrayal of the Son of God. As Jesus spoke earlier, “It would have been better had Judas not even been born.” Heavy words of condemnation.

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 22, verse 48, it states, “Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?” I’m curious what those words meant to Judas. When Jesus said the word “betray,” did those words cut right to the core of Judas? Did he then realize he was doing the work of Lucifer? Did it finally dawn on him that he had betrayed Jesus after spending three years with the man? It’s my opinion that prior to this moment, Judas thought he was performing a service to Jesus. He felt that Jesus needed to prove himself to the high priests and the elders, that he was the Messiah. Judas felt the only way that would happen was to introduce them to each other. But his plan backfired on him, and became the ultimate betrayal.

For the next 2,000 years, the name Judas would be synonymous with the word betrayer, or traitor. A man who betrayed his master with a kiss. Which would lead to other sayings such as “The kiss of death.”

Judas was a man who thought he could alter the fate of Jesus by handing him over to the chief priests, and elders, had in the end performed the will of the Father. He had played his part in this grand play. Lucifer had gotten a hold of him, and used him to perform something that would in the end, backfire on him.


 And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be? Matthew 26:51-54.

Peter was the disciple who picked up a sword and struck the elder’s servant in the ear, (John 18:10). Jesus then chastises him for it. And then declares a marvelous thing. He told those many in attendance that he had the power to call down twelve legions of angels to defend him.

So now we need to ask ourselves, what is a legion? A Legion of Roman soldiers was considered to be anywhere between 3,000 to 6,000 foot soldiers. I’m assuming that Jesus was using this as his reference, therefore we are looking at anywhere between 36,000 to 72,000 angels. In other words, a mighty host.

This tells me that Jesus could have stopped these proceedings at any time, and the Father would have granted it. No questions asked. But this was not to be the case, because if Jesus would have halted this arrest, then the scriptures wouldn’t have been fulfilled. Jesus wouldn’t have died, and the Holy Spirit would have never entered into this world to redeem mankind. A plan laid down by the Father at the foundation of this world.


 In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me. But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled. Matthew 26:55-56.

Jesus looked at the many assembled against him. He must have marveled how well armed they were. What had they expected? A riot? He must have smirked when he asked them why they were equipped with swords and staves. Imagine it, a multitude assembled to arrest the Son of Man. An army come to take away the prince of peace.

He asks them why they didn’t arrest them while he was in the temple. He already knew the answer. These type of people do their deeds in the dark, never in the light of day. With thousands of followers surrounding Jesus in the temple, these people were afraid that a full blown riot would have ensued had they done their dirty tricks in the temple. No, they had to do this under the cover of darkness. For such was the condition of the priests and elders during this time period. Corruption at its height. Reminds me of many governments that would follow. They always come in the night, never in the light of day.

It states here that all the disciples forsook him, and fled. This is the reason Philip and Bartholomew were sent away. They wouldn’t have, and the Father knew it. Let me explain how I came to this realization through the help of the Angel named Samuel.

A while back I was meditating on the words of this Gospel. While I came upon this verse of the disciples forsaking him, I heard a voice saying to me, “Not all were present to forsake him.” The words immediately shook me. And then I heard the same voice telling me to “read the letter written from Peter to Philip in the Gnostic sources recovered at Nag Hammadi, in Egypt.”

So I did as instructed, and looked up Peter’s letter to Philip. The letter begins as thus:

The Letter of Peter which he sent to Philip

"Peter, the apostle of Jesus Christ, to Philip, our beloved brother and our fellow apostle, and (to) the brethren who are with you: greetings!

Now I want you to know, our brother, that we received orders from our Lord and the Savior of the whole world that we should come together to give instruction and preach in the salvation which was promised us by our Lord Jesus Christ. But as for you, you were separate from us, and you did not desire us to come together and to know how we should organize ourselves in order that we might tell the good news. Therefore would it be agreeable to you, our brother, to come according to the orders of our God Jesus?"

When Philip had received these (words), and when he had read them, he went to Peter rejoicing with gladness. Then Peter gathered the others also. They went upon the mountain which is called "the (mount) olives," the place where they used to gather with the blessed Christ when he was in the body…”

And the letter goes on with all the disciples meeting with the Lord Jesus on the Mount of Olives. He gives them instructions on what to do next. How to preach the gospel of the kingdom.

Once I read the letter from Peter to Philip, I wondered what it all meant. Why would Philip, and the brethren who was with him, (Bartholomew), want to separate themselves from their fellow disciples?

This is the reason given to me by the Angel Samuel. After Philip and Bartholomew were called away by the Father to go to Gaza, they met a man whom they converted to the followings of Jesus Christ. Once finished, they then returned back to Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives. Not finding any of the disciples there, they went back to the upper room and elsewhere looking for their disciples, who by this time, after the crucifixion, were all in hiding from the authorities.

While Philip and Bartholomew were looking for their fellow disciples, they learned from others what had happened to Jesus while they were away. That their master had been crucified, along with two thieves.

Finally, the two found the others, and questioned them on the events that transpired while they were absent. When Philip learned that all of the disciples had disavowed even knowing Jesus, he became apoplectic at his brethren. He became enraged at Peter for denying Christ three times, and lost his temper at the others. After calling them all cowards, Bartholomew and he left the group, vowing never to return to them again. The two proclaimed that they would be leaving for Samaria, to preach the gospel of the kingdom, as Jesus had commanded while he was in the flesh.

The two once again departed the group, this time thinking for good. It was after their departure that Jesus resurrected himself from the dead. Once Jesus had performed this miracle that is still being talked about, he told Peter to write a letter to Philip, saying he wanted them all to meet on the Mount of Olives. That he had instructions for all of the disciples.

Once Samuel told me this revelation, it all made perfect sense as to why Peter wrote his letter to Philip. And why Philip, (and his brethren), didn’t want anything to do with their fellow disciples. For the sake of accuracy, I have included this story into this text.

The Angel Samuel told me that Philip, like Peter, was a hothead. A leader amongst the disciples. That the reason the Father called Philip and Bartholomew away, was that unlike Peter, those two wouldn’t have denied Jesus. And instead of the two thieves being crucified along with Jesus, these two disciples would have went with him. And the Father had future plans for these two beloved disciples. Therefore he sent them away, to spare them this fate.

And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled. Matthew 26:57.

It was a kangaroo court, fully assembled by the enemies of Jesus. Those whom had a favorable opinion of Jesus were not called to this assembly. Only the high priests and scribes, who were against this prophet of Galilee were in attendance.

They arrested Jesus in the middle of the night, because they feared the crowds who saw Jesus as a prophet. They drug him to the palace of the high priest, where a mock court was assembled. If ever in history there was a rigged trial, this was it.

They had been planning this event ever since Jesus set foot in Jerusalem. False witnesses who were purchased by these priests were waiting for him. So that they could lie, and falsely portray the Son of Man. They conjured up stories for themselves on how to best misrepresent Jesus. How to show each other that Jesus was a false prophet.

These chief priests and scribes weren’t new at this sort of thing. Their ancestors had been doing this sort of thing for a very long time. As I’ve previously shown, many prophets have been killed by the chief priests. Many messengers of God have been slain by preaching the word of God to religious authorities. Jesus were merely following the same path that many others had. From Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, John the Baptist, and others to himself, such is the fate of the Prophets. Theirs is a doomed lot on earth. It hasn’t changed in the 2,000 years since Jesus.

Now it was Jesus turn. His turn to pay the ultimate price for preaching the kingdom of heaven on earth. Like all prophets, it was his turn to drink of its cup.

But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end. Matthew 26:58.

Peter wasn’t going to run as the others had. He needed to know the fate of his friend and master. Curiosity was getting the best of him.

He slips in by stealth, and pretended that he was one of the high priest’s servants, and had a seat to watch the proceedings. One of the leaders of the disciples needed to be there to witness the fate of their leader. It was imperative for him to witness the events that took place, so that he could report back what he had seen to his fellow disciples.

Peter remains quiet throughout the trial, fearing for his life. If anyone recognizes him, he would be placed right next to Jesus. With sweat racing across his brow, he watches intently at the events that would transpire, and transform the world forever.


 Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death;  But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses, And said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days. Matthew 26:59-61.

The chief priests and elders held this assembly for one reason, to put Jesus to death. Nothing was left to chance, he could not escape these proceedings alive. The fate of the Jewish nation depended on it. For they reasoned that it be better that one man should die, than a nation perish. For in their minds, Jesus was perverting Judaism, and overthrowing the laws of Moses.

Jesus, like John the Baptist before him, was enormously popular amongst the people. The weight they carried amongst the common Jews could upset the balance of everything. They both preached a message of hope, and repentance that resonated with those who had little reason to believe in the elders of Israel. Those whom followed Jesus and John were a poor lot. Their day to day existence was built on material poverty. All they had in the world was their faith, and both prophets restored that to them. That there was something better in their future. That the kingdom of heaven would not forget them, as the chief priests and elders had. Therefore their popularity was immense.

A wise man once told me, “The greater the threat, the greater the resistance.” Jesus, like John before him, were the greatest threats to the power of the priests that the nation of Israel had ever faced.

With all that being said, they had their false witnesses lined up. Bought off to make sure they were all on the same page. But something happened in the middle of this process, they couldn’t get their stories straight. No two witnesses could agree on anything, frustrating the chief priests and the elders.

After hours of interrogation, finally there was hope for the priests. Two witnesses came forward to tell the elders that Jesus proclaimed that he could destroy the temple of God, and in three days, he would make it rise again. They completely misunderstood Jesus, thinking that he was referring to the temple In Jerusalem. When in all reality, he was describing his body. Which is the true temple of God.

Jesus made a wonderful point with this expression that refers to all of us. Our bodies are our temples. They are the vehicles that our Souls use to incarnate in. Without our bodies, we would never be able to express ourselves in the physical. Life would merely be a conception instead of an experience. We would have to permanently reside in a higher dimension without these wonderful bodies that God has given us. There would be no experience of anything, only imagination. We would not be able to know love, fear, sadness, joy, guilt, happiness, doubt, tenderness, pain, ecstasy, and a host of different feelings in the physical. Each being a gift from our Creator.

Jesus was merely prophesying that in three days after they would put him to death, he would rise again. Resurrecting himself, which the world still talks about, 2,000 years later.


 And the high priest arose, and said unto him, Answerest thou nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? But Jesus held his peace, And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Matthew 26:62-64.

The time for miracles has passed. Jesus would no longer prove himself to these unbelievers.

When the high priest, Caiaphas first asked Jesus to answer the false witnesses, Jesus held his tongue. He had nothing more to prove to them. If they hadn’t believed in him by now, they never would. Nothing he would say would ever convince these people assembled that he would make himself rise again in three days. It would be fruitless to utter one word to them. Theirs was an unbelieving lot, who hadn’t interpreted the prophets correctly. If they had, then they would have known that Jesus was the one prophesied since the days of Abraham. Jesus knew what his lot was, and any words would be a waste of breath. The Father had warned him of all of this ahead of time.

But then the high priest turned the tables, and forced Jesus to respond to him. He did this by making Jesus swear by the living God. Caiaphas asked Jesus if he is the Son of God, the Messiah spoken of in the scriptures of the prophets.

At this point Jesus had to answer the high priest. He had no choice. When he was asked to swear by the living God, he was taking a solemn oath to the Father. Caiaphas had forced his hand.

His answer so beautiful. “You’ve said it.” In other words, by the high priests own mouth it has been declared that Jesus is the Son of the living God, the Messiah. The Jesus makes a declaration, and a prophecy to him in reference to his second coming. “…Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.”

Sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. What does this all mean?

The heir of any throne, whether it be the king of any country, or the kingdom of heaven, always sits at the right hand of the king. The Father has made the Son heir to all things in creation. That includes this universe and any others. By telling the chief priest that he would be sitting at the right hand of the throne of power, Jesus was telling this assembly that he would be heir to all things. The heir to the God of Abraham. The first born Son of God, the prince who would rule the earth. This is a role that only the Messiah could fulfill.

The message wasn’t just reserved for Caiaphas, but for all of us. We shall all see him sitting at the right hand of power. Words to remember when times look bleak in the days ahead. No matter what lies ahead, all eyes shall see him sitting at the right hand of power.

Then he prophesies in regards to his second coming. He will come in the clouds. This is the event I spoke of prior in regards to all those golden orbs of light that shall appear at the great and terrible day of the Lord. When these ships shall appear, they’ll make earth’s atmosphere produce clouds around them. It will be a sight that every eye on the planet shall see. Or as Jesus put it, “as lightning strikes in the east, and shines in the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be.”

Caiaphas forced his hand, and Jesus responded in the affirmative. Swearing by the living God that he is the Messiah. This statement makes Jesus one of three things. A liar, a lunatic, or the Messiah. There are no other choices in the matter. Either he was lying to the high priests, which Jesus doesn’t lie. Or he was a deluded lunatic, as they thought he was. Or he is truly the Messiah, which I believe. We all have to have make this choice as to the true identity of Jesus. There just aren’t any other alternatives. In front of God and man, he boldly stated that he is the Messiah, prophesie

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