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‘The Four Quls’, the Spells for Spiritual Protection in Quran


I intend to investigate the powerful protection spells stated in the Quran called the ‘four quls’. The hermetic arts of astrology and symbolism are employed here to interpret the esoteric meaning, and the applications of these spells.

The Four 'Qul' Necklace.jpg

The word ‘qul’ in Arabic language means ‘to say’. There are four chapters in Quran that begin with this word, each of them peculiarly composed of only a few short verses, and placed at the very end section of the Quran. These chapters are also used as mantras by Muslims during prayers because they consider them as powerful protecting ‘surahs’, and are popularly known as the ‘four quls’. Here an attempt is made to interpret the message of these chapters in the light of astrology, philosophy, and psychology. There are four quadrants in an astrological zodiac, such that each of the four chapters correspond to one of those quadrants. Moreover, the philosophical and mystical significance of the spells for the empowerment of human beings is also discussed.

The Suggestibility and the Mind Control

The talent that stands out to distinguish the human existence on planet earth has to be their extraordinary communication skills with languages and symbols. Although human beings occupy a position of privilege when compared with other life forms, but they also frequently become victims of their own endowments. As languages make it possible for a mind to be open for all sorts of information, they can also be used as tools for manipulation and indoctrination of ideas.

The mind constantly searches for excitement in activities whereby it can subside the insecurity of being a vulnerable human. The biggest of such an insecurity is the unpredictability of its environment, and therefore, the foremost activity it dictates is the movement towards a safety zone. Though this action by the mind does provide a temporary solace in the thought of doing the right thing, but at the same time it also creates a frame of reference for its objectives. This frame of reference can be defined by the terms ‘indoctrination’ or ‘mind control’.

The Mind Control.jpg

The ‘mind control’ requires a person to be on the stronger side at all times for his security, and in doing so the mind creates a conflict, and becomes a part of that conflict. This makes the mind to find security in a well defined and a well controlled conflict, because such a conflict dissolves unpredictable outcomes and insures sustainability for its existence. Notwithstanding the transient utility of this arrangement, it has the fundamental flaw of accepting the mind control as the absolute fact, whilst in actuality the ‘frame of reference’ is always relative and dependent. When the frame of reference changes, the mind still sticks to its illusory safety zone, and thereby becomes the victim of its own talents. The ‘indoctrination’ of a mind is thus responsible for the ambiguity in its judgement.

The mind of a human being is usually susceptible to propaganda that may provoke its sense of insecurity in terms of his identity, honour, and livelihood. Though it may well be based on lies, the propaganda can leave such powerful impressions on a mind so as to cause addiction from it. These psychological addictions take the forms of personality cults, football teams, organized religions, political ideologies, or food preferences and cause the enslavement of a human mind to an illusory frame of reference.

The Astrology of Persuasion

As mentioned earlier, the psychological insecurity of a human being is a direct consequence of the unpredictable environments, and that the mind craves for a safety zone whereby it can avoid hardships and struggle. A deeper understanding of this factor of unpredictable environments is possible through the study of astrology, because astrology involves the observation of human consciousness as it is influenced by the seasonal changes on earth. The seasons are caused by the variation of intensity in sunlight on earth during the course of a solar year in such a way that they include periods of moderateness and extreme. Astrology can potentially describe a pattern for the changes in human psychological environment, thereby serving as a tool for empowerment and emancipation. Whilst the mind control activities capture a constant theme of imagery to be celebrated or rituals to be exercised in a definite manner, the astrological insights are based on the sequence of patterns that do not carry constant features but rather more variables, options, and flexibility for inspiring hope in a state of despair, than to whitewash a deplorable condition. The astrological insights can be utilized to confront indoctrinations through defiance of the definable suggestions that are offered by the factors of mind control or the agencies of enslavement. In brief, the key factor to break away from mind control is through defiance or non-cooperation by using astrological archetypes.

The Four Astrological Quadrants.JPG

Chapter 112: The First Quadrant (Aries, Taurus, Gemini)

1. Say: He is Allah, the One!

2. Allah, the eternally Besought of all!

3. He begetteth not nor was begotten.

4. And there is none comparable unto Him.

The chapter 112 is composed of 4 verses, and it provides the protection from the influences of the first astrological quadrant. This quadrant represents the spring season which begins at the sign of Aries. The astrological Aries depicts an individualistic and almost selfish pride in ones abilities to conquer the world. In order to counter that pride, the great divine ego of the omnipotent and almighty God is employed to teach humility to the overconfident individual. In verse 2, the Taurus trait of accumulating material resources is checked by stating that God does not need anything for His existence. The verses 3–4 challenge the Gemini characteristics of working with symbols or emblems by defying the possibility of divisions in the authority of Godhead, and that of comprehension of divine through comparison or analysis.

Chapter 109: The Second Quadrant (Cancer, Leo, Virgo)

1. Say: O disbelievers!

2. I worship not that which ye worship;

3. Nor worship ye that which I worship.

4. And I shall not worship that which ye worship.

5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

6. Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

The chapter 109 of Quran offers protection from the influences of the second astrological quadrant. This quadrant is the brightest among others because it represents the summer season, and houses the two royal signs of Cancer and Leo. In order to protect against the influences of this quadrant, the mantra has to be very explicit in its defiance against authority. Therefore, the verse 1 says the autocratic and despotic rulers as ‘disbelievers’ in God. The verses 2–3 expresses the defiance to authority in the present tense, while verses 4–5 rejects them in the future tense. The verse 6 is peculiar since it says the word ‘religion’ which is essentially a Virgo trait. It declares that the manners of conduct with respect to religion should be separate from customary practices.

Chapter 113: The Third Quadrant (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius)

1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak

2. From the evil of that which He created;

3. From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,

4. And from the evil of malignant witchcraft,

5. And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.

The chapter 113 poses challenge to the third astrological quadrant which includes the signs of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. This quadrant reflects the autumn season in its characteristics. In contrast to the first two quadrants, the latter two quadrants represent the darker side of the zodiac, due to which these two successive chapters begin by seeking of the ‘refuge’ in both the cases. In verse 1, the refuge has been sought after from the ‘Lord of Daybreak’ which is actually a reference to the sign of Aries, because Libra is the sign where the Sun sets. The verses 2–4 offer protection from the sign of Scorpio because they mention the malevolent creatures, gloomy environments, and malignant subversive activities. The verse 5 protects from the negative attitudes that result in reaction to the optimism, success, and well being of Sagittarius.

Chapter 114: The Fourth Quadrant (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)

1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,

2. The King of mankind,

3. The God of mankind,

4. From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,

5. Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind,

6. Of the jinn and of mankind.

The chapter 114 offers protection from the fourth astrological quadrant which represents the winter season and consists of the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Similar to the preceding case, here also the ‘refuge’ is sought after due to the prevailing darkness in the quadrant. The verse 1 mentions the ‘Lord of mankind’, which is essentially a reference to the sign of Cancer due to its opposition to Capricorn. The verse 2 speaks of the ‘King of mankind’, thus referring to the sign of Leo (opposite Aquarius); and the verse 3 says the ‘God of mankind’, which is a reference to Virgo (opposite Pisces). The verses 4–5 indicate that the troubles caused by the fourth quadrant could result in afflictions at the heart region of human body, which is also associated with the royal signs of Cancer and Leo. The verse 6 metaphorically mentions jinn as the Capricorn, and mankind as the Aquarius.

The End Note

We live in a magical universe, an infinite cosmos, and a perfectly designed existence that is meant to inspire every living soul to reach the ultimate potentials of their experiences, and to make them to realize the beautiful beings that they have always been. I should conclude this article by quoting the following verse from Quran.

Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as thou didst lay on those before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk. (2, 286)