Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Part I Conclusion

Hopefully the author in objective and inoffensive fashion has presented a reasonable challenge to you the reader to consider at least the possibility that Western social and religious cultures are operating under a broad sweeping Hellenistic influence.

If so … Does the information presented herein prompt you to question what you thought to be real and true?

Does the information presented herein cause you anxiety or do you think it unimportant and or irrelevant?

Do you question why are we not provided the historical context of the basis of our Western religious heritages when we are in essence indoctrinated into same?

Do you question why are we not taught the known history of the Christian faith and informed that the earliest of apostolic doctrines and practices were in essence representative of the original Biblical faith … a Jewish faith?

Do you question why are we not told that the entire framework upon which our Christian faith systems sit upon, is non-Hebraic and in essence represents without question a Greco-Roman/Hellenistic mind set?

Do you better understand now why significant components of Western culture and even Christianity is besieged with anti-Jewish undertones and why Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years?

Do you question why in the face of all these facts do Christian leaders today formulate even more philosophical arguments to justify various and nefarious doctrines that can't withstand the scrutiny of G_D’s word?

Do you question why it seems that our churches, synagogues and our faiths do not seem to make a real difference in the lives of followers … why we don't see a transformed world?

Do you question why do the Christian faith systems … diverse in so many ways … seem to rally in union upon one simple mantra: that the law has been fulfilled … abrogated … and because of “grace” we no longer need to abide by the terms of the eternal covenant?

Do you ever wonder why greater Christianity never drives the Jew to jealousy?

Do you just wonder what that gnawing inside you really is … that gnawing that has you wondering what else there might be for you … wondering what does G_D want from us? Wondering what you are missing out on?

If you are asking these types of questions you very well may be able to already understand what the problem is … the delusion is in place! So now what do you do?

* * * * * * *

Diverse Perspectives

To begin let us once more take a look at the core perspectives of Olam Hazeh … “this world” … our modern culture … the perspective that is not the perspective of G_D or what is intended for his chosen people:

Core Convictions of Mystery Babylon

  • That the world (cosmos) as a whole needs an explanation;

  • That there is an ultimate reality that would enable such an explanation;

  • That reason may be a bit unreliable, let alone sensations/emotions which certainly are unreliable;

  • That reason is a key to understanding what human beings are and our purpose;

  • That reason can help determine the good life and good society;

  • That reason enables understanding which enables knowledge which enables influence which enables control

Habits of mind for the adherent of Mystery Babylon

  • Rational argumentation/debate;

  • Testing proposed explanations of the cosmos against observational evidence for adequacy and completeness;

  • To exercise skepticism when confronted with arguments not supported by empirical data;

  • To look to philosophical heroes of the past and build upon the philosophical framework;

Conversely there is a different perspective … the Hebraic perspective!

Obviously one could simply presume that a Hebraic perspective would be in opposition to what is depicted herein … and this presumption would be correct! The Hebraic mindset/perspective can indeed be viewed as being antithetical to Mystery Babylon in the following high level manner:

[The Hebraic perspective does not concern itself with a need to understand the cosmos as a whole. For the Hebrew thinker, G_D has already provided through revelation what we need to understand. G_D has already declared that he is not like us and that we will not be able to understand the vastness of his glory or his works. From a Hebrew perspective G_D has done what he has done … G_D has purposed what he has purposed and no human understanding of the cosmos is going to change this. The bottom line is that the answer to the great questions of the cosmos can be summed up simply … “G_D IS AWESOME!

The Hebraic perspective regarding the ultimate reality is that reality is simply what we encounter every moment of our lives. Ultimate reality from a Hebraic perspective is simply man being in conformance with G_D’s will and purpose for us. There is no ultimate reality … only the coming glory of Olam habah … the world to come!

The Hebraic perspective accepts G_D’s word that man is incapable of rationalizing, on our own, the basic premise of life, its purpose and what is good and evil … what is right and wrong … what is holy and unholy. The Hebrew understands that G_D’s revelation to man is the singular source of wisdom and truth.

The Hebraic perspective understands that obedience to G_D’s ways of living is the determination of what is good for individuals and society. The Hebrew knows that actions driven by obedience equates to wisdom and no amount of mental astuteness or perceived knowledge can bring about good … for an individual or the community.

The Hebraic perspective understands that control is a delusional mechanism promulgated by the adversary to make people rebellious. People are not in control … G_D is in control and man's purpose and destiny is to be echad (united/single) with him … in peaceful and joyous servitude.

In the Greek perspective the individual is free and the community a republic is driven by the relative and changing popular definition of good/evil … right/wrong. Conversely the Hebrew is free from the pressures and delusions of self-determination to follow the unchanging revelation of G_D’s truth … his word … or from a Hebraic perspective the Torah! Ultimately the Hebrew does not believe in democracy or republicanism … the Hebrew believes in the promises of the Eternal Covenant and the unending faithfulness and mercy of G_D …. The Creator!

The Hebrew does not measure value by wealth or academic certificates or quality of employment. Instead the Hebrew measures value by how well a person keeps faith with the covenant and how a person applies Torah to life! To a Hebrew, faith is not a part of a person's life … it defines a person's life while the Greek simply seeks to find a nice balance between G_D and life … to the Greek a good life in the here and now as well as in the here-after … is a right!] xv

Is it any wonder why there is so much anxiety within Western culture … why our society is plagued with factions … why our society is virtually polarized … why conservatives and liberals really don't get along … why people and leaders are just plain confused … why there is such discontentment and lack of peace … why people are just fed up and want to work things out on their own?

No surprises to this author!

End Part I