Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Part II Conclusion

Who could have thought that simply exposing in literal text, just one word in proper context, could make such an impact to how G_D’s word is viewed? Imagine how G_D’s word would look if everyone would test these interpretations and doctrines by studying the Greek text in detail … and of course understand the Hebraic framework which determined the selection of those specific Greek terms by the inspired Jewish writers! Dear reader … it does make a huge difference! Where have all the Bereans gone?

Conversely … ask yourself how easy it also is to take out of context the intended and true meaning of a word … or words? How easy it is to fashion far flung meanings to support virtually whatever doctrine one is attempting to support! Sadly it would appear that this is what has happened over the course of nearly two thousand years!

Of course the shocker is not that interpretations into the English language, from Greek in this case, might lose some context … not at all! The shocker is that the interpretations seem to be devoid of the foundational framework upon which the inspired writings were meant to convey … G_D’s revelation.

As was demonstrated through this brief Scriptural review, it would seem that what is lost in translation is the very essence of the Gospel message. That essence being that G_D’s Torah is an integral component of Mashiach’s destiny, mission and purposeful reconciliation for humanity. The essence being that because of Mashiach’s redemptive work we his followers have been freed from the bondage and delusion of “this world's system” and have the right to be G_D’s children! But …

We have two choices. We can be the children of disobedience and lawlessness or we can be the children of obedience and comport ourselves in a manner that is holy and acceptable unto THE LORD … in a manner that shows ourselves as being pliable towards Yeshua's glorious image and likeness!

This brief review irrefutably points to a revelation by G_D that he stands in opposition to lawlessness. Additionally we have seen much evidence that it is the expectation of G_D … of Yeshua … and the inspired Apostolic writers … that a believer's natural response to the free gift of mercy and grace is transformation from lawlessness into a life that is holy, obedient, fruitful and yes … lawful!

We have seen evidence that those false prophets and workers of satan have a role to play in this battle between life and death. Their role is to propagate the delusion that lawlessness is acceptable to G_D. The role of the workers of lawlessness is to lead astray the children of men and it is also apparent that they themselves actually believe the delusion as well! But … man should not live by instinct but by every word that pours forth from G_D!

By examining this one issue, lawlessness, the hope is that G_D’s word has exposed the fundamental purpose of the adversary's delusional framework … Mystery Babylon; that fundamental purpose being rebellion against G_D’s will, purpose and plan for humanity! That great mystery is to have people operate under animalistic instinct rather than G_D’s word and not even know it.

We people honestly do not have the capability to understand righteousness let alone determine righteousness. Righteousness is G_D … this is the end of the matter. As such there is only one means that we have of understanding what G_D expects of us and that is to listen to what G_D himself has revealed to us as being righteous. But as we have uncovered thus far … this seems to be a difficult proposition.

We have seen thus far how the adversary is warring against the saints at every turn … casting delusions to spread confusion so that truth remains obscured. We've seen how the early church essentially turned its back on its orthodox roots and repudiated all things that were Jewish … all things of Israel … all things of Mashiach … while keeping only the name that lives. Sadly the church remains with only a name that lives while it essentially is dead because it operates on a fundamental premise that lawlessness is acceptable!

Dear reader … I know this is of course a potentially most distressing dynamic … a most frightening proposition that naturally challenges virtually every single teaching that most of you have been exposed to … but all the same the truth remains. G_D’s Torah is his revelation to us about himself for the promise of reconciliation and restoration of his creation … and Mashiach is the real life manifestation of G_D himself … Mashiach and Torah are one!

If we really want to understand how far off the Hebraic and Greek context are … please review the following:

“I once had a Christian friend argue that all the things being discussed herein about “lawlessness” is false teaching and that Messiah has drawn all things unto himself and that now … because of grace and the Holy Spirit the narrow path is defined by faith; hope and charity! Additionally the passages below (1 Corinthians: 13:1-13) were used to support that assessment.

1 Corinthians: 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profits me nothing. 13:4 Charity suffers long, and is kind; charity envies not; charity vaunts not itself, is not puffed up, 13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil; 13:6 Rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 13:7 Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 13:8 Charity never fails: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. … 13:13 And now abides faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

Certainly Paul is revealing much through the Spirit and this revelation hinges upon a proper definition of charity … agreed? So what can we say about charity?

  • Charity is not defined as faith that can move mountains or perform great works;

  • Charity is not defined as providing material support to the poor and needy;

  • Charity is not defined as martyrdom!

  • Charity is not defined as kindness!

Conversely charity is long suffering … submissive … non-coveting … … humble … exhibits proper behavior … thinks no evil … rejoices in the truth … stands against lawlessness … withstands all things … and … can never fail!

So … Is it then possible for charity as revealed through Paul to be human … or divine? Is there any behavioral definitions defined by man that are even possibly righteous?

Is there anyone that will challenge that it is only G_D’s character, manifested through Torah, which stands against lawlessness?

Is there anyone that will challenge that the truth is delivered to us through G_D’s Torah … the holy revelation?

Is there anything other than G_D’s word (the Torah) that will withstand all things? Is there any doubt that charity above all things is defined by the life of our dear LORD Mashiach Yeshua? Is there any doubt that charity can only be defined within the contexts of G_D’s own holy commandments, statutes, ordinances and judgments?

Ultimately I did agree with my Christian friend in the end in that there is no true faith, nor true hope, nor true love without charity. There is nothing at all where there is no conformance to the character of G_D! Apparently it all depends on how one defines charity at the end of the day and if one is of the opinion that people are qualified to define charity. According to G_D’s word through Paul, in a proper Hebraic context … the answer is that only G_D can define charity … and love … and righteousness and faith!

Somehow we have been handed down a heritage that seems to forget the first love … the love of G_D. Somehow the narrow path has been redefined through man-made theology to have us think that we can determine the terms of the covenant by OURSELVES. Somehow we have been convinced that we can exist in harmony with G_D through Mashiach and simply be led to our hearts content by the Holy Spirit … and if we be led to a state of lawlessness then it is OK because of grace!

Beloved children of G_D … it is not OK! Surely there will be grave consequences!

End Part II