Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Thou Shall Not Murder


• Not to slay an innocent person (Ex. 20:13)

• That G_D hates the taking of innocent blood ((Prv. 6:17)

• Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger (Lev. 19:16)

• To save the pursued even at the cost of the life of the pursuer (Deut. 25:12)

• Not to kidnap any person of Israel (Ex. 20:13)

• Not to rob by violence (Lev. 19:13)

• Not to castrate the male of any species; neither a man, nor a domestic or wild beast, nor a fowl (Lev. 22:24)

• Not to rape or seduce a damsel

• Not to sell a beautiful woman taken captive in war (Deut. 21:14)

• Not to degrade a beautiful woman taken captive in war to the condition of a bondwoman (Deut. 21:14)

• To regard accordingly the animals of the Earth (Prv. 12:10)


So … perhaps some surprises while other commandments seem intuitively obvious when it comes to murdering … yes?

But let's get a real good handle on murder versus killing before we look at some of the less obvious commandments. First we see that we are not to slay “innocent blood” … meaning that the slaying of the guilty is certainly not prohibited … and there goes any Biblical ban on capital punishment for starters.

Moreover we are commanded not just to refrain from slaying the innocent but we are to actively prevent the slaying of the innocent and even go so far as to take the life of an obvious pursuer of the innocent. These commandments certainly entail a whole lot more accountability than simply not being a ruthless serial killer.

Frankly it should seem reasonable that most people get these commandments intuitively. But then we move into robbery, rape, seduction, kidnapping and so forth … and we ask: “what mean you by this as being murder?”

Well let us consider the ramifications of these acts of violence in light of what we already know. Surely we should have no problem seeing how the results of rape, seduction, and kidnapping are paramount to murder. All of these acts essentially take from a person the life G_D had intended for them and in all probability create significant negative impacts upon the families and personal relationships of those affected loved ones.

As for robbery … we should note that violent robbery tends to have unanticipated results and often results in the victim, and sometimes the perpetrator, being killed. As such we should have no problems with violent crimes being bound to the commandment to not commit murder. In essence … stay away from violence or the prospectus of violence and chances are there will be a lot less murder.

We can also see other commandments that protect the sanctity of the ability to procreate as well as the basic protection of animals from wanton and reckless treatment.

Aggregately we see a set of commands that mandate we as humans respect life as well as the means of propagating life in a manner planned by G_D. Our intrusions upon his plans for life constitute murder and it matters little if our society agrees with G_D … naturally of course it matters in that we bear the consequences of this disobedience and subject ourselves to G_D’s judgment.

And as we peer in upon our Hellenized enlightened culture so full of personal liberty and justice … what do we find? Murder, suicide, human trafficking, kidnapping, rape, robbery, animal brutality, abortion, anti-pregnancy devices and methods … on and on! But of course we know better and stand fast in holding that our way is the best way … our delusion allows us the ability to accept collateral damage because somehow we may personally assess ourselves as being innocent or above such debauchery!

But are we innocent? Do we pursue the pursuer? Do we really protect the innocent? Do we really follow the literal and Spiritual principles of G_D’s commandments pertaining to not murdering? Tough question … and sadly an even tougher answer!

Worse yet … what if the eternal principles of these commands not to murder extend to all of G_D’s glorious creation? What if murder extends to the very environment itself? Can we state that our modern day societal evolution and development of the land is anything less than eco-murder? Hmmm … much to think about … agreed?

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Accidental Manslaughter

• To exile one who committed accidental homicide (Num. 35:25)

• To establish six cities of refuge for those who committed accidental homicide (Deut. 19:3)

• Not to accept ransom from an accidental homicide, so as to relieve him from exile (Num. 35:32)


Short and simple … the taking of life, even by accidental circumstances, does not result in “oops”! The commandments, though protecting the perpetrator of accidental death from death, do not alleviate the perpetrator from accountability … there is still a price to be paid.

What is noteworthy from a Hebraic perspective is the fact that a person guilty of unintentional killing was banished to a city of refuge, a managed incarceration of sorts, where they were to remain in protective custody until such time that the High Priest who authorized the sentence died. At which time the killer could leave the city of refuge without fear of vengeance from the family of the one killed. Conversely if the killer were to leave the city of refuge before such events then by law the killer was open to legal retribution … (death) … by the family of the person killed.

Frankly what we see is a continued picture of G_D’s mercy in that so long as the unintentional killer remains under the guard of the High Priest’s protection there are none that can legally come against them … despite the egregious offense of taking life. The pardon so to speak that takes place upon the death of the High Priest serves in the form of atonement in that innocent blood for guilty blood is being accepted by our LORD.

Can we yet again see the picture of Yeshua our eternal High Priest and guardian? Can we see just how far G_D is willing to go with us so that we don't lose our chances of reconciliation? Do we see how far G_D wants us to go … to restrain from vengeance even when we are subjected to the loss of a loved one by unintentional desires?

We have much to ponder … much to ponder!

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Mandatory Precautions

• To make a parapet for your roof (Deut. 22:8)

• Not to leave something that might cause hurt (Deut. 22:8)


Undoubtedly these simple commandments mandate that we consciously and actively take precautions in order that others are protected. Essentially G_D mandates that we not be careless. G_D mandates that we take care of our properties and possessions so that they pose no threat to ourselves or others.

So … when we see that vehicle on the highway with the dragging tailpipe or smoking exhaust … what do we think is really going on? When we see that home in disarray to the point of being dangerous … what do we think is really going on? Do we ever consider that certain individuals are in a breach of G_D’s commandments? Do we ever really consider that certain individuals may just not really care about themselves and or other persons? Do we ever really consider that certain individuals are on the verge of committing murder by largess, ignorance and or simple carelessness?

Essentially all good things come from G_D. We simply cannot let our blessings become a curse to someone else because of our own lack of diligence. On the other hand perhaps things might be better if we "intervened" … to prevent serious injury! Hmmm … But this would mean some skin in the game on our part!

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Character Assassination by Speech

• Not to wrong any one in speech (Lev. 25:17; Prv. 4:24)

• Not to curse a ruler, that is, the King or a leader in the land of Israel (Ex. 22:27)

• Not to curse a judge (Ex. 22:27)

• Not to curse any other Israelite (Lev. 19:14)

• Not to carry tales/gossip (Lev. 19:16)

• Not to put any Jew to shame (Lev. 19:17)

• Not to give occasion to the simple-minded to stumble on the road (Lev. 19:14)

• Not to wrong the stranger in speech (Ex. 22:20)

• A faithful spirit conceals secret matters (Prv. 11:13)


Yeshua teaches us that everything we say we will be held accountable for! Mashiach teaches us that we limit our discussions of matters to the relevant points of truth … in such a way that we do not overtly or inadvertently cast unnecessary aspersions upon a person's actions, behaviors or character.

Mashiach was filling up by general revelation the ancient Hebraic understanding that “evil speak” … “lashon harah” represents a severe infraction that has significant negative impacts upon people, the community and even places.

When Scripture is reviewed we see revealed that the infraction is so severe that G_D blighted individual persons with “tz’arat” … a skin malady that is often mistranslated as leprosy. In fact the physical manifestation of a “spiritual” malfunction, causing a person to be sent outside the encampment, was ordered to stay the spread of the “disease”.

Ultimately the malady is likened to mold … that we see from Scriptures even spreads to clothing and households … at times resulting in the actual destruction of the physical objects infected.

What we should understand is that we as humans are indeed unique in all of G_D’s temporal creations … he has given us the ability and the power to cognitively speak. This power can be used for “ha’tov/good” or “ha’rah/evil”. What we learn from G_D’s revelation to us is that when we exercise lashon ha’rah (evil tongue) we actually propagate and escalate the chain of death and decay. Through the generation and spread of evil speak, we actually infringe upon the opportunity of another to live the life ordained by G_D … we actually create evil unlike G_D’s creative words which were good!

This of course in no manner at all alleviates our rights or responsibilities to righteously and truthfully witness within a properly ordained framework against wrong doing. What these commandments do prohibit is the reckless discussion of a person's character outside of the ordained framework.

Does this mean that we as people won't have disagreements? Of course not! Does this mean that we as people won't have conflict? Of course not! But these commandments do in fact ordain that we comport ourselves in such a way as to not tear down the character of any person through profane or common discussions!

Beloveds … we as a society … even the believers are in big trouble in this area. We humans seem to thrive on the revelations of others’ character flaws … other's woes! We seem literally hell bent on spreading what we hear … as if it were entertainment of sorts. Perhaps if we understood the real nature of character assassination by speech … and the dire consequences of same … we might think twice before contributing to the age old blight of lashon ha’rah!

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Character Assassination of the Heart

• Not to cherish hatred in one's heart (Lev. 19:17)

• Not to take revenge (Lev. 19:18)

• Not to bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18)

• To love the stranger (Deut. 10:19)


As if the commandments dealing with the evil tongue don't pose a challenge to us, let us consider the mandate to not even harbor malevolence in one's heart! Most assuredly this mandate takes loving others to a whole new realm of accountability.

But as we see revealed with the previous commandments, the ramifications of a malevolent heart are severe. What G_D reveals to us is that “ill will” is in fact a disease that poisons. A disease that simmers and stews until such time that it is released and like steam permeates the atmosphere.

In Hebraic understanding the “kavannah” … heart attitude is paramount to the “person and G_D relationship”. Kavannah in fact deals with our hearts being not hard but malleable … soft and pliable for the use of the CREATOR. We see revealed in Scripture where G_D reserves vengeance for himself … for then vengeance is righteous. But when we take upon our hearts … malevolence or vengeance … we simply are not righteous because we are of equal status to the other individual … a created being … a child of G_D who also has the right to be reconciled to him.

Ultimately G_D expects us to respect him as the judge and mandates that we not “judge” according to the flesh. G_D does not mandate that we tolerate evil but he does mandate that we treat other humans without malice of heart … a tall order indeed!

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Fair Treatment

• That the Court shall pass sentence of death by stoning (Deut. 22:24)

• To hang the dead body of one who has incurred that penalty (Deut. 21:22)

• That the dead body of an executed criminal shall not remain hanging on the tree overnight (Deut. 21:23)

• To inter the executed on the day of execution (Deut. 21:23)

• That one who has raped a damsel and has then (in accordance with the law) married her, may not divorce her (Deut. 22:29)

• That the violator (of an un-betrothed virgin) shall marry her (Deut. 22:28-29)

• To impose a penalty of fifty shekels upon the seducer (of an un-betrothed virgin) and enforce the other rules in connection with the case (Ex. 22:15-16)

• Not to exceed the statutory number of stripes laid on one who has incurred that punishment (Deut. 25:3)


It would seem that G_D’s idea of fair treatment versus our modern day rendering of same is separated by a sizable distance. It would seem that G_D’s rendering of fair treatment by modern day standards is harsh and perhaps even brutal when we consider G_D’s handling of murderers and violent criminals.

So the question is simple for us modern day believers … does the separation of church and state alleviate us from these harsh obligations? Or should we as Hellenized believers be attempting through the liberty of our democratic society to shape the law of the land through the influence of our votes?

Then again perhaps even a bigger question is in order: “If we as believers could implement the laws as we see fit would we even implement the laws handed down to us by G_D himself? Hmmm!

Ultimately we can see where the minimal charge of G_D’s justice truly is based on an eye for an eye … a life for a life … this is simply equitable and none should argue this point.

Mashiach however even teaches us a greater standard of justice when he commands that we accept as punishment even more than what is equitable. He commands that we not only refrain from begrudging but also bless. He mandates that we not just take one stroke but two! Ultimately Mashiach reveals that the equity and justice revealed within the commandments is the baseline of punishment and fairness … because G_D is merciful. Mashiach reveals that our willingness to accept harsher treatment … to absorb judgment beyond equitable, manifests a heart that is submissive to G_D alone. It is also the submissive heart … that when offended … has the ability to forgive and dispense mercy.

Most sadly we think our ways are so high minded and advanced. We think our ideas of justice and equitable treatment serve as some beacon of light to the globe. We think that somehow “we” hold the keys to mercy when the truth is that the one who has authority to dispense mercy is G_D. We believe that our society is beyond the brutal make up of equity and justice prescribed within G_D’s revelation to us! It would seem apparent that we do ourselves and G_D a serious disservice by changing the paradigm of equity and justice.

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6th Commandment Summary – Thou Shall Not Murder


Accidental Manslaughter

Mandatory Precautions

Character Assassination - Speech

Character Assassination - Heart

Fair Treatment


As is the case with the other segments of commandments it is important that we understand the connections between the parent command and those that flow from the parent. When we look across the entire spectrum of “thou shall not murder” we see just how broadly the actual offense of murder spans … all the different variations of “assassination”.

Paramount to our understanding and proper application of the broad scope of “thou shall not murder” is the fact that G_D … the CREATOR desires that each and every soul brought into this world is afforded the liberty and fullness of life intended by G_D. What we see revealed within these commandments is how our treatment of individuals … in so many ways … can infringe upon G_D's desire for them. From violence … to carelessness … to evil speech and gossip … to malice of heart … all of these things affect people and in some shape or form serve to “murder” the potential blessings that G_D’s life has in store for them.

Beyond personal accountability we also learn how murder, the taking of life, is like leaven itself … it expands … it permeates … it generates decay … it literally kills! Essentially murder represents the tearing down of what G_D has built up and the consequences can be far reaching and affect a family, a community … even an entire planet.

So how can we in this modern enlightened age of mankind combat this full range of murder? Do we have the backbone to refrain from and shunning those people that engage in loose talk? Do we have the backbone to implement laws that are predicated upon equitable punishment? Do we have the hearts that are malleable enough to live according to G_D’s standards?

Let us rethink our traditional presumptions of murder. Let us challenge the statements that contend: “we are certainly no Charlie Manson … I am not a murderer”! Let us look into the mirror and into our own hearts and shine the light of G_D’s commandment not to murder; unfortunately we will all have to objectively plead guilty … we are all sadly too eager to shoot off from the mouth … to self-righteously be offended and become angered … to quickly subvert justice through a deluded approach to mercy … yes indeed … we commit murder and we need to get on board with G_D so that we do not continue in the same vain.

We have all heard the saying … “loose lips sink ships”! Well perhaps it is more appropriate that we understand loose lips and a hard heart sink lives and tear down what G_D has created. In some fashion as we view a person as potentially being a living tree … our poisoning of their character and liberty is akin to taking an axe and chopping them down … think about this when Mashiach teaches us to do unto others as we would have they do unto us!

We need to as best we can prevent the seeds of ferment and corruption at the lowest of levels and inside our very hearts. If we let G_D tame the hard heart then we can control our thoughts and mouths. If we can control these base elements of behavior than we surely can prevail against the rage that results in intentional killing! If we can accept and let G_D’s Spirit work within us then we can cease and desist from our murderous ways.

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