Exposing Mystery Babylon - An Attack On Lawlessness by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness


• That one who possesses evidence shall testify in Court (Lev. 5:1)

• To examine witnesses thoroughly (Deut. 13:15)

• Not to testify falsely (Ex. 20:13)

• To do unto false witnesses as they had purposed to do (to the accused) (Deut. 19:19)

• That a transgressor shall not testify (Ex. 23:1)

• To know that G_D hates a lying tongue (Prv. 6:17)

• To know that G_D hates a false witness (Prv. 6:19)


The importance of faithfulness in testifying surely cannot be overlooked and it is clear that G_D’s idea of justice does not view the witness as a “rat” or a “tattle-tale”!

We can see from these commandments that G_D’s corner stone of justice is the requirement for EVERYONE to take whatever steps are necessary to insure that justice and equity prevail with respects to crime and disobedience to G_D’s Torah.

But let's look a little closer at G_D’s commandments. We see the mandate to testify … apparently regardless of any personal inconvenience or risks! We see where G_D prohibits the testimony of “transgressors” … a.k.a. known criminals since their testimony cannot be trusted. We see where the penalty for perjury is that the liar will receive the punishment planned for the accused!

Do these principles really describe our system … is this really the way we people operate? Despite placing a hand upon the Bible and swearing to be truthful can we really be assured that the truth will come out in our courts?

Even more so, outside the official domain of the courtroom let us consider the fact that in all reality lying itself has become a foundational component of our societies … with our governments (the so called bastions of freedom and liberty) and political leaders leading the way. Our societies from the top down are inundated with: misinformation, half-truths, lies and in many instances simply the truth is purposefully withheld. So much so that most societies have laws dealing with the protection of so called “whistle blowers”! Fancy that … we need laws to protect people from telling the truth about the very governments and other system entities which are sworn or covenanted to uphold the integrity of society.

Sadly for us this standard operational procedure of lying has woven its way into the very fabric of our lives and households. Far too often the truth is hidden so that the greater peace can be maintained. Far too often the truth is massaged so that consequences can be lessened. Far too often lies are promulgated simply to advance personal agendas … and it seems to matter little what the costs of doing so may be.

Our LORD and Mashiach, Yeshua presents himself to us as “the faithful witness” … the ONE in whom his word can be trusted. Does Mashiach prance around with the truth … does Mashiach mislead by manipulating the truth … does Mashiach withhold the truth … Heaven forbid. As such all who follow him need to account for our words and they will either be truthful or not … and it matters little if we personally believe the damage associated with our untruths is negligible or non-existent.

The Hebraic perspective, as previously discussed with this brief work, places an absolute premium upon a person's word. So much so that the Hebraic perspective whole heartedly believes that there is power in speech … power for both good and evil. Consequently it is imperative within the community that a person's testimony maintain integrity and truth.

One other point … the confidence level regarding a person's testimony is directly proportional to their zeal and obedience to G_D’s Torah. From a Hebraic perspective there is little cause to put stock in a person's words if it is intuitively obvious that they do not honor G_D’s way of life for his people. As such we can be assured that Mashiach as the faithful witness was the ONE perfectly obedient to Torah!

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Judicial Treatment

• To treat parties in a litigation with equal impartiality (Lev. 19:15)

• Not to render iniquitous decisions (Lev. 19:15)

• Not to favor a great man when trying a case (Lev. 19:15)

• Not to be afraid of a bad man, when trying a case (Deut. 1:17)

• Not to be moved in trying a case, by the poverty of one of the parties (Ex. 23:3; Lev. 19:15)

• Not to pervert the judgment of strangers or orphans (Deut. 24:17)

• Not to pervert the judgment of a sinner (a person poor in fulfillment of commandments) (Ex. 23:6)

• Not to hear one of the parties to a suit in the absence of the other party (Ex. 23:1)

• Not to decide a case on the evidence of a single witness (Deut. 19:15)

• Not to render a decision on one's personal opinion, but only on the evidence of two witnesses, who saw what actually occurred (Ex. 23:7)

• Not to take a bribe (Ex. 23:8)


These next set of commandments as can be readily seen deal with a secondary layer of insuring that truth and integrity prevail within society. As the first set of commandments dealt primarily with “testimony” we can see that these commandments deal specifically with maintaining the broader integrity of courtroom proceedings/trial.

These commandments to no surprise are designed to promote equity, impartiality, etc. in order that we people do not let our flesh get in the way of the truth.

What is important to keep in mind is that the Hebraic perspective views the principles of these commandments in a much broader context than simple courtroom proceedings. The Hebraic perspective promotes these principles to a point wherein G_D’s perspective is adopted in everyday life and that perspective is to not be a respecter of persons.

Obviously Mashiach took these principles to the fullest extent and commanded us not to judge with the eyes but to judge with the Spirit of truth and faith in order that G_D’s will would not be undone.

Despite our modern day perspective that would have us believe we are immune to bias and subliminal sway, we need only look at how our society and individuals behave when confronted with the perceived beautiful versus the comely … or the educated versus the uneducated … or the economic successful versus the poor … the majority versus the minority … and so on. We should really not argue or debate the fact that we as Hellenists do respect the persons. Our system is designed to promote the populist view and influence adherence to the populist view … it is the Greek way!

The very root of the system is premised upon personal liberties and personal success. Hellenists love to bask in our smugness and we love to receive affirmation of our way of life through the desire of others to become just as we are. When confronted with those individuals that don't fit in with our vision we tend to be a non-respecter of persons … and thereby render the principles of these commandments nonfunctional.

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General Rules of Law

• To give the decision according to the majority, when there is a difference of opinion among the members of the Sanhedrin as to matters of law (Ex. 23:2)

• To accept the rulings of every Court in Israel (Deut. 17:11)

• Not to rebel against the orders of the Court (Deut. 17:11)


The final commandments within this section quite simply follow on the heels of the first two sets of commandments. We began with truthful testimony (witnessing) then moved to proper and impartial adjudication and now conclude with the acceptance of judgment.

Needless to say it would appear that G_D’s idea of justice also entails the need for those parties involved in disputes, cases, etc. to adhere to the decision of the courts.

From the Hebraic perspective the idea of conforming to the court's decision is premised upon the mandate to abide by G_D’s rulings. We must keep in mind that the original legal system of G_D’s Kingdom Israel consisted of Moses … and then expanded to the seventy judges and then to the governing Sanhedrin. Let us also once again remember that these judges were to be well versed in Torah and intuitively seen to be persons in submission to G_D’s commandments. It is not coincidental that the Torah … the law … was given to what the Bible reveals was the most humble of persons (Moses) … an unwilling servant by all accounts.

Can we say the same today about our judges and courts? Can it be stated that the qualification requirements for the judges meet the standards that G_D revealed to us? Hmmm!

Naturally one might argue that this is not relevant since we utilize a different system of legal justice and accountability … Hmmm … This would indeed be the point!

In fact as we look at the manner in which the supreme court of the United States is appointed … we see nothing but agendas (either liberal or conservative) and political influence peddling throughout the process. Our courts and system are so numb to the truth that a requirement for being seated upon the supreme-court virtually entails that the topic of G_D remains unspoken! … One nation under G_D … Hmmm!

But we get what we ask for in our Hellenistic system and sadly this entails adhering to the decision of the courts … for bad … or worse!

Perhaps we should understand why believers are exhorted to settle matters within the communities by Paul … a Jewish Rabbi. Perhaps Paul understood that the only place one could expect real and impartial justice was within the community of believers? Hmmm … perhaps Paul knew something about Jewish justice that the rest of us did not?

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9th Commandment Summary – Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness


Judicial Treatment

General Rules of Law


Although we begin with a simple requirement to tell the truth, it is very certain that the complete set of associated commandments with this parent mitzvah depict the necessary workings of G_D’s intended judicial system for Israel … and all humanity.

How ironic is it that Western Hellenistic culture will admittedly confess that the cultural rule of law is fundamentally Judeo-Christian, but at the same time without batting an eyelash work diligently to usher in a new cultural rule of law.

Most assuredly one can see what is going on within the United States for instance wherein the following occurred in February 2011: A federal appeals court ruled unanimously that a local trial judge in Ohio had no constitutional right to hang in his courtroom a poster of the Ten Commandments along with his own pointed comments about "moral relativism" and the rule of law.

In a 17-page order, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared that the presence of the poster in the courtroom of Richland County Common Pleas Court Judge James Deweese violated the First Amendment rights of lawyers and litigants appearing before him. Asserting that the judge's "secular" justification for the written message was "a sham," the federal appellate judges affirmed a lower court ruling ordering Deweese to take down the poster.

Hung on Deweese's courtroom wall in 2006, the poster includes the following comments from the judge himself above the familiar list of commandments: "There is a conflict of legal and moral philosophies raging in the United States. That conflict is between moral relativism and moral absolutism. We are moving towards moral relativism. All law is legislated morality. The only question is whose morality. Because morality is based on faith, there is no such thing as religious neutrality in law or morality.”

Ultimately," Deweese's poster states, "there are only two views: Either G_D is the final authority, and we acknowledge his unchanging standards of behavior. Or man is the final authority, and standards of behavior change at the whim of individuals or societies." In addition, underneath the commandments, the judge added this comment:

"The cases passing through this courtroom demonstrate we are paying a high cost in increased crime and other social ills for moving from moral absolutism to moral relativism since the mid-20th century. Our Founders saw the necessity of moral absolutes. … The Declaration of Independence acknowledges G_D as Creator, Lawgiver, 'Supreme Judge of the World,' and the One who providentially superintends the affairs of men. Ohio's Constitution acknowledges Almighty G_D as the source of our freedom. I join the Founders in personally acknowledging the importance of Almighty G_D's fixed moral standards for restoring the moral fabric of this nation."

Said the appeals court: The poster sets forth overt religious messages and religious endorsements, the appeals panel wrote. "It is a display of the Ten Commandments editorialized by Defendant, a judge in an Ohio state court, exhorting a return to 'moral absolutes' which Defendant himself defines as the principles of the 'G_D of the Bible.' The poster is an explicit endorsement of religion by Defendant in contravention of the Establishment Clause."

Yes beloveds … the legal system of Western culture is assuredly under attack … so much so that the very root of the legal system within the United States … the ten commandments … has ultimately been viewed as a political inconvenience … a legal scenario wherein these enlightened modern day judges are given the latitude to still further depart from being a nation under G_D … to a nation that knows no G_D but only man himself.

But let us move beyond the deflation that is experienced when we attempt to critically view how things are going on in Westernized culture with relation to G_D’s way for humanity. Let us focus on what our Mashiach really wants from us by way of faithful witnessing and our testimony.

The truth is that the people can't handle the truth. What Mashiach demands of us is our truthful testimony. A testimony that entails our admission of our slavery to sin and the cares and wiles of this world's systems. A testimony that entails our acknowledgment that it is only he who can save us from this slavery and free us to live a life of lawfulness as established within the framework of his Torah. A testimony established by Spirit and in truth that will be manifested in our lives of obedience. This beloveds is the message of the Gospel. This is the testimony of faith through grace. This is the stand that we need to take despite the hardships and ostracizing that will be experienced. This is the message … we are not guaranteed success … we are only required to stand and give solemn and faithful testimony! This is Israel's charge … this is how Israel is to be the light to the nations!

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