FAITH. FAMILY. FULFILLMENT. The CLARITY you need for the relationship YOU WANT by Chris & Suzanne Vester - HTML preview

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Wow! Talk about compelling conversations! We can’t thank these couples enough for sharing their stories. Hearing how they overcame obstacles, including many significant ones, and created strong relationships and successful businesses, was truly inspiring.

It was especially gratifying for us to hear how faith and Christian values play such an important role in their lives, particularly in their relationships, and we hope that was significant for you as well.

Because that’s the basis for this book. It’s the reason we decided to have these conversations and make them the focus of the book. It’s something we’ve learned throughout our lives, and because it has meant so much to us, we want to help others reap those same benefits.

So, if you got half as much out of reading these interviews as we did by conducting them, this book will achieve the purpose we intended. The fact that you’re reading this now means you found the content compelling enough to read all the way to the end, and we’re grateful for that.

There may have been times during this book you read something and said, “I hadn’t thought of that,” or perhaps “That sounds like something I’m going through.” We hope if you had thoughts like that, they were followed by “I can do something about that,” or even better, “This is really going to help us in our relationship.”

That’s what it’s all about. How faith can help us get through the bad times and get more out of the good times. How faith can be the foundation for a better relationship and a better life.

So, now what? Now that you’ve read this book, what are the next steps on your journey?

If nothing else, just take a step. Use the information and insights these couples shared. Learn from what they’ve done. Apply it to your relationship. Apply it to your career. Apply it wherever it’s appropriate in your life.

You can also reach out to any of them. They not only shared their stories, they shared their contact information. They’re happy to answer any questions you might have, or provide more information for you. Like us, they’re grateful for what they have, and want others to have similar successes.

We are also here for you, whether that’s individually, in a small group, or in a large setting.

Please use the QR code at the bottom of this page to get to our website. It’s filled with updated information about us, events we’re taking part in, our podcast and other media appearances, and much more. It also gives you ways to contact us.

There’s an important reason faith is the first word in the title of this book. It’s the foundation for everything that follows. It’s the cornerstone of this book, and whether you’re looking for a relationship, struggling in one, or are happy in the one you have, it can help you build a better one.