FAITH. FAMILY. FULFILLMENT. The CLARITY you need for the relationship YOU WANT by Chris & Suzanne Vester - HTML preview

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There have been times over the years when someone has said to us, “Gee, you have such an interesting story. Have you thought about writing a book?”

Our answer has always been, “No, but thank you for the nice words.”

While we do enjoy sharing our story with others, and it seems to have an impact on people, we’ve never felt it was enough for a book, at least not one that people who don’t know us might be tempted to read.

Then we realized, there’s something far more important we can share. It’s our mission. Our belief that when you have faith in your life, anything is possible. A better career. A better relationship, whether that’s with your spouse, your kids, your employees or co-workers.

In other words, a better life. So, then we thought, “Well, how can we share that with others? How can we help others experience what we’ve experienced? How can we help others see that with the three pillars of Faith, Family and Fulfillment, you have the foundation you need to build the relationship you want?”

That isn’t easy. There are a lot of obstacles in your way. There are many challenges to finding the right path to follow.

As we thought about it, that’s when we said, “Okay, this is a reason for a book.” Yes, our story can be part of it, but we really need to share other couples’ stories. Couples who have experienced success in business and in life, but who have also experienced challenges.

Above all, couples who, like us, have faith in their life. In a very significant way.

We began interviewing couples like that, and while we already knew these couples, it turned out there was a lot we didn’t know about them. Hearing them talk about their successes and the obstacles they had to overcome to get there was eye- opening for us. We learned how similar we are, and how we all relied so heavily on faith to get us through the tough times and help us get more out of the good times.

We’re so grateful to them for letting us share their stories, including the parts of their stories that were difficult to share. In some cases, they may be tough to read. But you will get so much out of each and every one.

Whether you’re not in a relationship, struggling in one, or have a great relationship, this book will help you build a better one. This is the book we were meant to write, and we hope it’s the one you were meant to read.