Fasting by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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But one may ask…

‘If I fasted Ramadan, but in the end could not become illuminated by God’s Light, the purpose for which fasting was legalized, would I then be one of the losers? Does this mean that I shall have gained no fruit of my fasting? Will all my deeds and prayers avails me nothing?’

The answer for this question may serve as a warning for some people, and a as reassurance for others. We say:

Every human knows best than others about their own spirits. So, their Lord and Provider grants them of His Favor in a deal proportional to their own state. If human is one of those who give free rein to themselves and pay no heed to the Commands of their Provider, so they let their glance wander freely among what is forbidden to look at and leave their spirits immersed in objectionable actions throughout the year, then when Ramadan comes they begin to fast; I say that such people will gain nothing of their fasting, even if they spend all their life fasting, this is what the noble Envoy (cpth) hinted at when he said: “whoever does not abstain from telling lies and practising falsehood [should know that] God is in no need of their abstaining from having food and drink”[10]

He (cpth) meant that if fasting is not preceded by straight conduct and refraining from what is forbidden, it will avail the faster nothing. Such faster will not gain illumination by God’s Light, which is the lofty purpose for which fast was legalized.

As to those who prepare their spirit properly throughout the year, and then when Ramadan comes they fast, they can indulge in the happy hope that their Provider will surely oblige them with His Favor.

This preparation is accomplished by moving the spirit from the stage of dogmatic belief that there is no god except Allah, to the stage of observational faith in this fact. For thus human enters an impenetrable fort which protects them from falling in breaches and disobedience, the matter which spurs them to draw closer to God during their communication with Him in prayers. This closeness graces their spirit with attributes of perfection and purifies it from its imperfections and sins.

Such believers will definitely and eventually become illuminated by God’s Light whatever long time they need. In everyday, their straightness and true communication with God draw them closer to God than the day before, and in every year, they become higher and more elevated than the year before. They will keep advancing in this way until their spirits become qualified for this supreme gift and great Godly Donation. There and then, the Almighty will bestow his Favor upon them and dress up their spirit with the garment of piety (illumination by God’s light)