Finding God by Cheri Henderson - HTML preview

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But  you  will  receive  power  when  the  Holy  Spirit  has  come  upon you;  and  you  shall  be  My  witnesses  both  in  Jerusalem,  and  in  all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. Acts 1:8

It used to be you had to travel the world to tell the world the good news  about  Jesus’  atonement  for  our  sins.  Now  the  world  is  at  our doorstep.  This  presents  us  with  a  new  challenge:  How  can  we  help people  from  such  disparate  cultures  come  to  an  understanding  and acceptance  of  the  gospel,  a  concept  as  foreign  to  them  as  their worldviews are to us?

As a longtime Christ-follower and writer, I’ve researched the most prominent religions and created paths from each worldview to Christ. The  result  is  a  Scripture-laden,  easy-to-use  tool  you  can  use  to  help friends, family members, neighbors and colleagues come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Be  creative  in  how  you  use  this  material,  whether  as  fodder  for  a Bible  study  or  by  sharing  pertinent  portions  via  hardcopy  or  email. The important thing is that you share. God calls us to be prepared to give  an  answer  for  the  hope  that  is  within  us  (1  Peter  3:15),  and  we will  all  be  held  accountable  for  our  stewardship  of  the  gospel.  It  is our gift to share. Share it generously.

As  you  share,  please  share  your  stories  with  us  about  how  God uses this material in your evangelistic efforts. May God help us all to finish our races strong!