I have been preaching and leading people to Christ Jesus since 2008. In Junior High School, I preached about Christ Jesus. In Senior High School, I preach Christ Jesus to my mates and several people.
The National Union of Presbyterian Students-Ghana (NUPS-G) in Senior High School made me an executive in the church leadership. I traveled with some of my schoolmates and church executives to different Senior High schools and villages to preach the gospel (the good news).
In University, I preach the gospel in various lecture halls, hostels, and apartments. I served in Deeper Life Campus Fellowship as the Evangelism Coordinator at the University. By God’s grace, I have served several church leadership.
I set up an evangelism team in one of the tertiary schools in Koforidua (eastern region of Ghana). We preached the gospel and started student fellowship. I have preached the gospel in streets, public buses, and market centers.
I’m still in the business of preaching the gospel. People must know Christ Jesus through the gospel. When people hear the gospel, salvation (deliverance) will take place. Evangelism is one of the most significant mandates of every Christian believer.
Evangelism means spreading the gospel of our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus. You can evangelize without winning a soul for Christ Jesus if you don’t know the fundamentals of evangelism (soul winning).
Effective evangelism involves soul-winning. If people surrender their lives to Christ Jesus after preaching, they have become children of God. However, it doesn’t end there. You must know the principles of evangelism (soul-winning). What you should expect from this book.
1. Seven fundamentals (principles) of fruitful evangelism (soul winning).
2. The hard truths about evangelism.
3. Some of my experiences in evangelism.
4. Forty strategic ways to effective evangelism and seven ways to preach the gospel.
5. How to successfully evangelize.
6. Why evangelism fails.
7. Forty reasons you should evangelize and forty reasons you should study the Word of God.
Kindly share this book with your loved ones so that they will grow in wisdom.