From A Greater Hand Than Mine by Russell D. Holder - HTML preview

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Chapter 6... Other Hands, Be Not Misled

"Status quo ante"

Mirrors have existed throughout

all time...

and beyond the sinful efforts

men contain,

secrets manifest themselves

to the open

despite the best intentions

and retrain,

duplicity causes mimicry to

shield intent,

to mislead... a misgiving by

need to task,

however unscrupulous or

improper... uncertain,

form the masses the sure

show a vulgar mask,

ill-equipped as deceived and


for the truth as known; which

is a turning point,

the fulcrum to upset designs,

echoing warning...

the antithesis of love...

vendetta- the reply out of joint.

"Justice for the meek"

Seek the justice of the meek,

who rightly know wrong form right...

good form bad, reasons for remorse

it guilt should bear its weight. Having

a spirit light enough to hold no dark

corners... cowering to no authority, as

there are no reasons for misgivings

or misdeeds to be shameful for...

fullness of a light soul is such bounty.

Innocence lost is enough to carry

shame form for a lifetime, the guilty

would know remorse so strongly as

to understand the consequences of

actions taken... the steps to which

justice walks must be equal to the

measures dispensed. Justice to be

seen by all as the ideal to respect

and revere. for those that have no

remorse for dark deeds achieved... the

darkest corners of the darkest dungeons

would be too good... and not harsh enough.

"In common with"

What is the one thing we should

have in common with saints?

We are to live like saints...

without tear,

it there has ever been any

lesson you have learned...

may it be this, earned and

understood quite clear,

how else can you affect change

or implement clear thought?

Learn form the people who have

entered heaven's gate,

don't be idle in your actions, brash

or arrogant at all...

it you are then eternal burning

will be your sad fate.

What is it the saints have done

to earn heaven's grace?

They have been true to the faith

of Jesus and His way...

be honest in your dealings, be true

to yourself and others,

and seek the truth in what you do

 and what you say.

'Turn and face the truth'

Turn again that the glory of the

Lord would cause your face to shine,

turn again for the quickening to

truth, the well of your soul divine,

those that would turn you to face

darkness will forever feel its despair,

to know nothing of the warmth of

compassion... to know nothing of true care,

defend not the wicked hand or their

deeds for they are truly the unjust...

seek not to offend the poor, fatherless

or needy... true treasures will not rust,

know full well the ungodly strive for

all their treasures found to be seen,

the gifts of God are such... the things within

and shall not be found unsightly or obscene,

the weight of truth and its yoke

is the glory and measure we must bear,

for it is by this measure God counts His

own, the burden light... the gift to share.

"Rise above the evil within you"

You've never been so exposed as when

you have felt true cold opinion...

an opinion different form your own–

caring not for love or its yearning...

subjected to biased ridicule for the

sake of demeaning and nothing more,

when you understand its naked capacity

to hate is the moment you'd call learning,

the nature of its base desires can

be nothing more than be called evil,

and though some would have a scent of

It... they cannot actually know its course,

still, the ability to be used by it is

what lingers on in the souls of men,

and it makes the difference between men

of heart or those that steal without remorse,

so shall you desire to rise above the

ruinous destruction of flesh and spirit,

you will begin to soar above these base

desires which can build to rule your soul,

and though you may have your residual

moments that can and will impede you...

you must know it is God alone who can truly

fulfill you and you'll see heaven is your goal.

“To the failure of principle”

What purchase has the man with

nothing in his hand,

or to drool form want... receiving

not but a dream,

still finding freedom in the air, he

breathes without care,

to realize the truths he held

weren't as they'd seem,

living on credit was the trial

for lite's denial...

of being incapable to pay as

money comes in,

toward the old ways of this

came an accounting,

a judgement of it... the wages

of our sin.

"Pride is best found on our knees"

Can we live knowing it's only

on borrowed time,

stumbling at times as though

losing stride...

the pride to realize as our

own will tail,

trail as the shoreline subject

to ebb of tide,

what life brings us... deposited

at our feet

can often bring us down

upon our knees,

and no matter how strong

we think we are...

only God will hear our sorrow

and our pleas.

"for God's sake"

Forget not the ear of God...

He hears you as you sleep,

the voice of the soul as it

stirs... a respite of the deep,

but even better still to

find His ear as you're awake,

to let Him know the body sees

what is important for His sake.

“To hear the winds”

Scarred beyond recognition... the

burning man cannot be restored,

the mere thought of such a thing

even staggers ability... underscored,

once deformed, skin melted... frozen

in a time of scorn and pain of woe,

found in a pool of blood, flag was

shredded nearby... a loss to show,

but the burned man knows he is

not the same man you and I see,

what keeps him going is the wellspring

for life... the good in you and me...

it is this same desire, in every man,

which wishes good will for a son...

it is the spring in the step of a

child, autumn colors as summer's done,

hope shall never give up... no matter

the condition or season for a man...

it is by this resilience hope is fed,

whereby pain of birth to man God's plan...

some lessons come easy, to those of ear

to hear the winds of change lighten souls,

but you will have your spirit, none can

take it form... but God, when on your shoals.

"But for footprints on the sands of time"

Be we not great in being humble...

for we are not the highest of creation,

we've never been that lofty, except

in minds of their own machination,

so will you be of the humble kind

with calluses on both your knees...

will you strive toward great importance–

to end in failure... bailouts and pleas...

but deceive not yourself to think we,

as people, do not see your want of deceit,

can you not believe we would see

through the guile... guilt so damn replete.

( Inspired by a line of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's

poem "The Psalm of life.")

"The worst thing man did... "

The kindest and best thing God

gave us was choice... tree will,

the harshest and worst thing man

did was to stand against Him,

when man chose to go against God...

it was easy to then oppose man,

first... looked at as competition...

second, as interior... choice of whim,

the need to be the best by rival...

to reveal superiority as a truth,

God was already dealt with, defiantly...

that leaves nothing but the task,

the job of undoing what has been

done... to know how things work...

to know the mind of God work here

with a political smile... ungodly mask,

science to use as this tool to poke

and prod at the genetic mysteries...

the last vestiges of creation seen

through windows God locked... strong...

the plans to undo everything made,

created form love... undone by evil…

darkness form light... having waited so

many years, centuries past to long,

"The worst thing man did... " cont.

forced to be in the merciful sight

of God, watching and waiting... both,

for this very moment where man

was sure God wasn't looking any more,

to frolic with such evil intent and

desire... destroying what was made

by perfect hands, Creator of the

whole universe... time to now deplore.

"Gasps that realize"

from the sighs of dignity, should

integrity tail,

to the gasps that realize our

breath so well,

the lungs supporting our bodies,

desires behind them...

would life then expire... no one

to tell,

no one to tell on this side of

the veil that separates this

life form the next,

yes... there is life beyond this


open up your Bible... and read

of the text.

"Chose to be away"

Can there be nothing worse than thinking

this world is the epitome of man's glory,

to then revel in its evil, as though reaching

for nothing but the darkness to this story...

where what is found is found to be nothing

but the glut of sensations and a drain,

as tortured souls sear and burn, to be

subject to this reality... nothing more than pain,

to look around and hear the screams of

destruction, the sounds don't stop or go away,

the echos simply mount back up... to rever–

berate within your being... day after day,

the wrongs of all man's existence to be

tilled, contained and throbbing as a source,

the smell of burning flesh will stay forever

with you... the scent so memorable, of course,

there will be nothing you can clean your

hands form as it's guilt that stains your hand,

since you gave yourself over to that feeling

you now are reeling... as though you can't understand,

but you thought you knew what you were

doing when you helped to kill and maim...

you were snookered to believe you were

doing the right thing, even bragged to claim

you were fighting terrorists... and yet it

was you who tortured and killed with glee,

so how is it that you became what you

said you were against... as you then killed me,

"Chose to be away" cont.

I was once like you... thinking I was right

to do as you have done, and asked forgiveness...

Jesus... God the Savior, He is the Forgiver

of sins, ask Him before time reaches fullness...

it is when time is full that finds man then

cast to hell to gnash his teeth and wonder...

wonder why he didn't repent of his sins-

why he chose to be away form God and splendor.

"Have no clue"

"Man up," I hear, on a daily basis...

"man up," people say... as it to impel,

to then run to ruin and disgrace...

not so likely then to repel,

to late to avert our direction...

committed by cost of lives and trust,

"man up," they said, on the road to

destruction... so we'll all go bust,

it that is what's meant by "man up,"

then they don't see it as I do...

it makes me wonder, form the blunder,

it they understand they have no clue.

"Ubiquity of judgement"

Another dawn comes... but unlike the

many before it form millennia past,

this one will be different than those

countless mornings, to set some aghast,

gone will be the day like any other day

we will have ever experienced before...

this day will bring to an end, a close, of

the heavens and the earth... some to deplore,

gone will be the separation of the two-

joining forevermore... God will walk the earth,

the days to end where vile men treat others

with harm and wrath as a source of mirth,

shall we not see or feel the presence of the

tour horsemen, sixteen hooves on air and ground,

there will be no escaping the intent of the

momentous occasion... spectators of the sound

and sights of God's wrath as He bathes this

world and purges man's evil heart... cast to ruin,

all mankind subject to God's existence at hand...

ubiquity of judgement for what man was doing.

"Question not the way or the truth"

The circle of life is agonic (1),

without the form of ambiguity...

no amaranth (2) ottered where

imaginary never fades...

life is not that way-

good and evil will continue

to struggle until one

holds complete control... man

or God, which do you believe

will be the ultimate victor?

(1)... without an angle     (2)... poetic, an imaginary flower that never fades

"The chapel of calm"

I recommend:

crawling form the crystals,

running form the radio...

screaming form the sounds of

civilization... the things that

cause vibrations, emit low

level frequencies... penetrating

the soul, full of spiritual

inhibitors to dull the growth

of the eternal being we

can and should become...

get to nature... far form

what man has created to the

chapel of calm... the Gospel of

God... the creation itself...

nature in its au natural,

to clear up and build to

the stillness you need to

hear again the Master's voice.

"All to thee"

It is better to kiss the feet of "the Lord

of peace" than release your soul to the

god of hell,

one allows you to reach the heights of

your potential and the other thinks his

passions are so swell,

so base... animal instincts to: sleep, eat,

tight when in a corner or cower... and

screw anything of choice,

better still... to love the one you're with,

with mutual respect for your brother and

to God your voice,

give your heart to God, the God of peace,

on bended knee and pray for strength in

your time of need,

there is not a day you won't need Him,

and His seeds when planted and watered

grow indeed,

your actions for His love are the actions

beyond belief, to show you know Him...

alive is He,

He will make your life, not take it, as

you dedicate your all to Him... God gave

His all to thee.

"No reflection of love"

when the deceived have been betrayed...

freedom fed will then be used,

not to know the truth form a lie...

led by tear to see any man abused,

torture would be only a tool...

the tool will never see himself as

the next in line,

the banners and speech would comfort,

supporting the belief and actions taken,

love will then be impossible...

all mankind silent and complicit,

our bloody hands unwashed and marked.

"Conscriptus veritas... ne quidem"

(Latin for "Draftee of truth... not even")

All is kabbala, for all...

to all cabala... through all,

kabbala for all.

This mantra to living belief,

to cause relief of ideals by

deception for the sake of power...

gain form countries losses,

stolen form willingness to

secure hope ottered for one,

unselfishness is seized upon

and taken advantage of... to think

we are doing the right thing

is our collective weakness...

offering of our selves that

which would not be given to ideas

it the weakness was realized,

it is only form this tact, alone,

blinded to secrets untold...

would you leave your home unlocked

by request of a stranger...

stranger still to the idea of security

that we do such a thing...

blind faith is not without honor,

simply a condition we find

true of the vulnerable... the

Trojan horse of our beliefs

to prosperity, handing the keys

of our future off... assuming

we are in a race, baton handed

off to the next person in the

race... trusting the goal is the

same and shared by the team.

All is kabbala, for all...

to all cabala... through all,

kabbala for all.

To what end is this cabala... form

out of Rabbinical thoughts, an

esoteric interpretation of Hebrew

Scriptures, an occulted theosophy,

this confidential stereopticon of

belief, speculation of religion

dealing with the mystical apprehension

of God... having the qualities that

mystify, bewilder the common man,

unable to know the rites of initiates...

small group of believers to behold

secluded mysteries of dark secrets,

the enlightenment comes form

knowing that which has been

hidden form the multitudes...

transferred to those selected

as special and found worthy to

reveal these truths form secret...

to be known... so conspiratorial,

to think select and above all others.

All is kabbala, for all...

to all cabala... through all,

kabbala for all.

From out of seclusion... seen by

all as a source to be reckoned

with, the attributes of power,

thoughts to separatists and the

historical grand struggle of

vying for mysteries as fluid

as smoke, deciphering puzzles

to meaning... left ambiguous in

nature to con and confuse true

Intent, mirrors to truth... slipping

good with evil and meshing them

so as to make distinguishing one

form the other unattainable...

by design to propagate the

dark desires by those unknowing

in the folds of the tallith...

sure that noble is to the cause,

the case to be settled in time...

until time itself runs out... at end.

All is kabbala, for all...

to all cabala... through all,

kabbala for all.

To lay ones head on a prayer

carpet with a hand on a talisman,

to speak of the mysteries of

faith, the practice of hope and

remain blind to the occulted

images seen in the temple... a

ritualistic symbolism as ancient

as the deceit that caused man's

tall form grace... serpents on

spears, jewels to embroil desire

and envy, pentagrams used as a

design for purity and honorable

tasks to confuse the nature of

true intent... to make one

accustomed to seeing an image...

and thinking it harmless, benign,

as it floods our souls and permeates

us... and we not affected by

its dark presence, we think.

All is kabbala, for all...

to all cabala... through all,

kabbala for all.

To burn form the closeness in

proximity to evil... and not see

or realize the cursed intent

form an inner circle, the circle

within the circle of those that

guide with steady hand and offer

support... face value, to embed

the ideas represented to be

just... just ideas, and the ideas

can be tweaked to right or wrong,

however slightly... without thought

form the familiarity and comfort

brought... to think these symbols

are, even now, thought of as our

own... a part of who we are,

like our own hand and as in–

separable form our own being...

the lie ingrained to be true...

then, and only then, betrayal is

not looked for to be seen in

front of our eyes with a smile,

this unique occulted facade to

deaden our senses to the truth.

All is kabbala, for all...

to all cabala... through all,

kabbala for all.

The philosophy of demonstrative

rituals to represent supernatural

influences, secret... concealed by

its nature and hidden form view...

whereas God, Himseft, walked in the

open... performed acts in the open...

talked in the open and instructed

those that would follow His

examples... to do so in the open,

observed and seen by all with

no questions to allegiance or

shadow of doubt occulting the

efforts of true light, glory to

be given to God in the highest,

God the father and not god the

liar... the two as different as

night to day, both showing light,

enough to deceive anyone who

would think they know truth, and

not know to know truth, known

by truth as one of His own...

the fruit of one's speech and actions

being where to look and exercise

discernment... should you tall into

the arms of temptation, the arms

of philology... the hands that

offer you a secretive meaning

to the truth you know to be sound–

but: seductive is the voice, vanity

does it advance toward and appeal

to, to add in your specialness as

unique... sparing you form the

masses, a brotherhood to offer

and a hell of confusion... this

is cabala... man made, not of

the God of truth but form the

father of lies himself... form

another that knows the Talmud

backwards and forwards, to hang

on man's existence as his own...

to burn for an eternity form loss

and conspire against man's Creator.

Mirrors... the mirrors are everywhere.

"Einstein understood relativity"

It time is truly relative... to the energy

experienced and the motion we are

exposed to as it is experienced...

then the motion we individually feel

can be mutually felt only by another

that is in motion at the identical rate...

or the experience should be separate,

since a difference exists...

to our own experience, an

understanding which eclipses us in as

much as referencing the thoughts of

God and the meager tailings of man...

yet striving to control the understandings

we have of God, allowing man a control

he was never meant to have... relative to

the time God returns to regain that

which is rightfully His alone, the original

relativity between Creator and creation.

"Abandonment not love"

Love will never abandon it's

life, hope or dreams,

never would love even think of

doing any one of those things,

love, true love, knows no failure

to provide for whom it knows,

and always for the little ones-

on whose faces the effect shows,

love knows no evil deeds and

seeks to do no wrong,

love does not set up to abuse

and, by patience, lasts quite long,

love hopes to share its goodness

with all people within its grasp,

but love will never place on its

own, so chained, an end or a clasp,

which means... you can leave love

and by doing so run to hate,

should you ever do such a thing

then, in truth, you'll seal your fate.

( In the President's first Inaugural speech [George w. Bush] is this line,"... abandonment and abuse are not acts of God, they are failures of Love." I say, "abandonment and abuse are acts of men, having abandoned God, that know not love.")

1 Thess 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.