From A Greater Hand Than Mine by Russell D. Holder - HTML preview

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Chapter 1... A Hand for faith, faith builder

"One morning I'll wake up"

can we believe one day we'll

be in heaven...

of the glory to be seen,

and the story to be heard of

 the difference we've made as

we walked upon the earth,

to actually meet someone who'll

remember what we did...

doing things as we should, as we

all should be doing now...

there will be the knowledge

and here we prove our worth.

"Oasis of man"

The torrent of tears

by mankind couldn't feel

more through the ages

than when Jesus wept.

"Always there"

My life

is as a bird

in my father's hands

when I'm down

He lifts me up through the strength

of a gentle breeze

when troubles are about

He guides my path

through gift of flight

well within ease

He lets me soar and fly so high

but when carried away

He brings me down

to stand on earthly feet

with a firm understanding

He's always there

"Light the window eternal"

I have no time

to bother with doubt,

I have no time

to dash after worry,

for I know it's time

to clean my window.

I'll stop no moment

to hesitate on love,

I'll stop no moment

to falter form hope,

for I see it's time

to clean my window.

Remember... light is eternal,

when darkness surrounds you,

but you have the power

to brush it aside forever,

stay cheerful and bright...

form night comes a new day,

form night comes a new day.

Let me so pause

to comfort the lost,

let me so pause

to restore the faith,

for I feel it's time

to clean my window.

"Light the window eternal" cont.

I shall not lull

my time to waste,

I shall not lull

my life undone,

for the time has come

to clean my window.

Remember... light is eternal,

when darkness surrounds you,

but you have the power

to brush it aside forever,

stay cheerful and bright...

form night comes a new day,

form night comes a new day.

"Showing hope"

Love doesn't show itself as a

harsh word form the lip,

and never snaps at people,

even on the worst of days,

love wouldn't think of jumping to quick

off the line of any race,

which just goes to show all involved

that all involved should learn to pace,

love hasn't come into being to deny

certain people over any other,

and the truth of the matter is

that we're family to one another,

"Showing hope" cont.

love has spoke these same words

and shall come to proclaim it again,

which goes to share with all concerned

there is one way for man to win,

love is the way that shows hope

"Gifted by grace"

He who has a gift,

Knowing it is a gift,

Shouldn't ever say that

He has earned it, which

Is exactly the way

We need to approach

The gift of grace,

Provided by Lord Jesus.

"Our little shoulders"

When you give up hope

is when you need not life,

for there's nothing to hold

onto but a constant strife,

"Our little shoulders" cont.

when you give up faith

is when you need not truth,

even though you see you'll

never believe the proof,

when you give up love,

the kind we get from others,

is the time we lose sight

that all men are brothers,

when you give up charity

to say it is all my own,

is simply put to say that

the truth was never grown,

so when will these return:

charity, love, faith and hope,

with no God to believe in

you bathe without the soap,

when all is said and done

we need God's relationship,

to remove from our little

shoulders a very heavy chip.

"A slice of wisdom"

How do people find their own space

and forget about others,

have we not yet found the vision

to see all men as brothers,

in these days of war on earth...

technology boasts it's best,

should we not grasp each person's hand

and then stand up to the test,

when we can do this upon the earth

and feel God's mighty word,

we as people will come to see

the need to drop the sword

what we need has been given freely,

the change within our hearts,

believe strongly on all His grace

in the light of a new start,

each new day we should praise His

name and read our daily bread,

for in the end, I pray you'll not

say your life by men was led

"Tread lovingly"

With the sandals of man

we must tread the

spiritual waters, on

the path of our lives

to be fully aware of

the reason we

here on earth…

to love our LORD,

as well as loving others.

"Straightened out"

The anvil of time rests in God's hands...

sometimes we take quite a beating;

because, we've many dents or troubles

to be straightened out. Rest assured,

when we strive to stay in God's hands

we will be tired and tired again...

and again, until we come forth like

pure gold and pure in heart.

May we be forged in truth,

tempered by faith

and crafted in love.

"Stand trusting"

Lord, your servants

stand trusting in


though the road

which we take may

get dreary,

we will stay strong

in our faith of you,


even when our legs

and our hearts grow


"Stand trusting" cont.

for we've come to

face this day you've


knowing that you provide

the truth and the


and even when we

can't see things


You're already

removing all the


You are the way to

be sustained,

Dear Lord,

for we know the

path surely


and with You we

find true protection,

form old Satan's

would be harmful


"In love's sight"

Kindness is but one of the branches

on the tree of life,

gentleness is another to be seen

and felt by the spirit within,

both are to be understood as they

are gifts form above,

and when we walk to the tree

seeking truth love will begin,

the tree has been chiseled pure

by the carpenter's hand,

the light form the tree shines

throughout the ages,

only through the grace of love

does the ability come to stand,

and our breath is paid toward

our life, so praise the wages,

all people who come gather

In love's sight are supplied,

the pathway to truth we must seek

and never shall we be in hiding,

He has fold us all that peace is near

to the people who have loudly cried,

and to those that sought His grace...

form the heartless you'll see dividing

"Steppin' stone"

The rock of truth, the hope of life,

will cause both good and to some strife,

the lessons come for us to grip,

don't turn away or then you'll trip,

as you must see He is the Lord,

as you shall know He is the word,

so you should come to seek the truth,

to learn and grow... our lives as proof,

when truth is lived as it is heeded

life will fulfill all that is needed,

seek steady ground and truthful voice,

in heaven's sight may all rejoice,

stand firm on rock... the rock is true,

and know full well He created you,

He's our tooting through troubles all

and by our faith we'll hear His call,

you're to believe the word as guide

then ask Him in your heart to abide,

when times get low and feelings are down...

realize this... He's always around,

so stand up for the truth so plain...

we're all God's own, may all catch rain,

the rain is giving growth to the needy,

though never to the ones so greedy,

"Be as Me," our Dear Lord has said...

that is the way... by water and bread,

the water of spirit is learning thought,

the bread is action when living is sought.

"Sounds like"

Can you distinguish the sounds of God

form the sounds of man?

when talking... do you hear yourself?

Are you bitter or forgiving your

neighbor of his opinion

that may differ form yours?

Constant change is required

to allow growth a chance.

find comfort of soul with an

allowance of acceptance... we

are all different, but may we hold

high our hands in praise of

our God who sent us... so we might

learn through the problems of this world

and understand wherein our strength

truly comes form.

"Loving ingredients"

Love lives where hope resides,

there you befriend your neighbor,

but when greed comes creeping in

what remains is what you remember,

so live your life for now,

for here and not for then,

one day you just might say

there was a time of when,

I've lived for a wagging tongue

is what you shouldn't say,

It doesn't matter what the

Jones's up and do today,

love lives where trust abides,

kindness shows love savors...

the time to face believing

of love's quite special flavors.

"Don't give up"

Remember my friend,

when you're:

in a glen,

on a hill standing still,

hiking a valley,

in the city

by an alley...

It's not true

that you're alone.

Haven't you heard,

everyone includes you,

we have a shepherd

so don't get uptight,

take a breath...

it's a guiding light,

even when you fall

and you've no plan,

don't give up hope

there's always a hand,

just walk upright and

take a little pride,

it's pleasing in His sight.

Remember my friend,

when you're:

in a glen,

on a hill

standing still,

"Don't give up" cont.

hiking a valley,

in the city

by an alley,

it's not true

that you're alone.

"The gift"

What man could ever throw away

a gift when it was given,

which would hurt the feelings

of the giver when not believing,

not believing the gift was given

freely and form the heart,

the gift of eternal life is

form God for man to start,

when man can accept the gift

of love and cherish it through life,

God has known man would learn to...

believe and see beyond his strife,

and all we must do is believe

that the Lord is always true,

so believe in the gift of love

and find the change in you.

"where stands"

where stands the light of the Lord

rests an individual full of happiness,

an individual who wishes to build and

not destroy due to loneliness,

where shines the love of the Lord

shines a pathway bearing wholeness,

the pathway providing direction and

a way out of emptiness,

where yields the truth of the Lord

yields the strength and hand of kindness,

the hand sent to guide and

not to judge form selfishness,

where grows the life of the Lord

grows a spirit understanding receptiveness,

the spirit gifted of vision and

not casting sight of blindness,

where stands the wisdom of the Lord

stands intelligence held by tallness,

once learned bringing depth and

insight of our smallness.

"shepherd's pocket"

when we think of Jesus

let us not focus on where He went,

who saw Him, when He talked,

why all the miracles; but rather

how He was tilled with the spirit...

the spirit unyielding to anything

but the truth... to the point

of self denial, only to

rise above earthly problems...

showing us there is a way

and not to dwell on things that

ruin your here and now.

when you're in the shepherd's fold

will He not keep a watch on you?

"with Him or without"

The good in life is found with God,

the bad in life is found without Him,

and there is no in between to see...

either you're with Him or without Him,

when you're with Him you're in the light

and when you're not there's only dark,

those that stumble and grope for truth

are like the sighted blind... left so stark,

the truth to know is that Jesus is Lord...

He is the King over all that is known,

"With Him or without" cont.

and unless you bow your head to Him,

to Him you will remain the unknown, t

he truth will be seen soon returning

and those that believe in Him will find,

when He comes back for His their earning,

the good in life is found with God,

the bad in life is found without Him,

and there is no in between to see...

either you're with Him or without Him.

"Tread lightly"

How can christians keep asking for more,

what the Lord takes away He will restore,

just keep strong in your faith each day

and train your ear to hear what He'll say,

for it is more important to hear of His plan

than anything that's said on earth by man,

so put your trust in Him on high

and know that His own will never die,

and seek out His peace, He brings you such calm,

do remember the King that rode on the palm,

don't ever look on another with hate...

the Lord's path is true and He'll set you straight,

so take heart in all the things that He said

and be mindful of how, on this earth, you tread.

"Left question to answer right"

why must we bicker (?)

when God gave us

what makes us special,

where we pray matters little, or

How different our views and beliefs are, for

who we pray to loves us all.

"Thank you father"

for being there when we need You,

for being there when we're down,

You supply the strength we need

to help us come around,

when You do pick us up

It's always with a gentle hand

we also feel and know Your strength

when at last we finally stand,

firm feet do stand on THE ROCK, t

he HOLY GHOST we'll never fear,

we'll welcome You in this household

each day and every year.