Chapter 3... Reach for Your Goals, Goal Oriented
"His own, He will say"
It a man has not
the love of God
and proclaims to know
love as his own,
I'll share a man
for you to see, and
he will receive all
of what he has sown,
you'll hear me a lot,
along with I too,
so lend an ear to
hear your friend,
as well as others,
people need people
who will be there
down to the end,
one man stood here
once, upon this Earth,
and when He returns...
all men will proclaim...
Lord God, my friend,
I hope they say,
they'll see He lives
and on Earth He'll reign.
"I knew you not"
from east, west, north and south t
he people came to hear His word,
and wherever He would go He'd talk
so that people could say they heard,
when He spoke, He spoke only the truth,
the kind that penetrates to the soul,
for... you see that saving lives
was indeed His only goal,
and though He spoke to all the people...
the people chose to see Him not,
the man was our heaven sent Savior
and in time the message they forgot,
so strive to remember the words of the Lord,
those words of faith were tilled with love,
for truly the father sent forth His Son,
the Lord Jesus did come form up above,
so carry each day the truth in your heart,
in temptation's net be not caught,
or else when on the Earth's last day
the Lord will say, "I knew you not."
"The way is lit by truth"
Thank you, Jesus, for
sharing with me
the way I should go and
the way I should be.
"The way is lit by truth" cont.
Thank you, Jesus, for
sharing with me
the light for my path
enabling me to see.
Thank you, Jesus, for
sharing with me
the truth of the spirit,
eternal and mighty.
Thank you, Jesus, now
I'll share with them all
that you are my Lord God...
I'll answer your call.
"For all to see"
0' little light,
wherever you may be,
though the wind makes you waver
shine your light for all to see.
0' little light,
wherever you may go,
shine your light brighter than bright
so the unknowing will truly know.
"for all to see" cont.
0' little light,
whatever you may see,
though darkness attempts to surround you
keep your hop in the Lord of light.
0' little light,
whatever you may do,
though times may make you flicker
know the Lord is always there for you.
0' little light,
whenever you may dim,
won't you look up to truly see
the light of heaven is your coming home.
"Love raised"
when you call me,
Lord, may I be standing with you
when you do,
for when you've called me, Lord,
I know I'll be standing t
here with you,
and then there'll be no call, Lord,
to shed tears, except for praise...
of love raised.
"Give your hearts over"
The next war on this Earth
shall be for power,
and who knows the day or
even the hour,
so let not these things
bog you down today,
for the power exists in
the Lord's hand, I say,
so when troubles befall us...
there is yet hope,
His peace and comfort will
help us to cope,
and we should strive to
live up to His call,
He will call home His
children, yes... one and all,
before these problems can
tell us they'll win,
give your hearts over...
give them over to Him.
"Protected by grace"
All the King's children are
hidden by mercy,
yes... they've found protection
by grace,
for when the day of the wrath
of the Lord comes,
"Protected by grace" cont.
they'll not have to run
form His face.
All those who have trusted
In Him
will surely through faith
at last stand,
for the Lord knows who His
own are
and His promise is He will
lend a hand.
Every knee shall be bowed
to the King,
everyone will behold the
Lord's call,
either willingly or un- willingly,
the Lord's will shall affect
us all.
"Did you know"
when you hear the name
of Jesus Christ,
you must come to know
It's no story,
"Did you know" cont.
for the ones who know
Him in their hearts,
when He returns will
see His glory.
when you're standing in Him
He will be near,
nothing will tower over you
in His way,
and as the truth touches
you in life
you'll see a path clear
and not stray.
when you believe in Him
raise your hand;
but don't you do it
just for show,
for He must know you
as a friend,
when He comes again...
did you know?
"wake true, wake straight"
Diving swimmers can
sometimes cleave
the water true,
leaving little splash
behind them.
"wake true, wake straight" cont.
when a man awakens
to realize the rippling
wake he leaves in
the waters of his life.
To every affect there
exists a cause, often
not the one that's
seen to be form
God's hands.
will the wake, less of
truth be to wide,
in most cases a narrow
gate will not accommodate
"Have you ever thought"
Have you ever thought
on the beauty, the calm
and serenity humankind
will have... to be able
to enjoy. The freedom
and beauty of a garden
abundant. A garden
never ending with peace
and calm that wells within...
"Have you ever thought" cont.
unlimited by nagging man,
unaffected and unworried by
things that man creates.
The ease and serenity
of flowers and trees
of grandeur, the glory
of things made by the
hands of God. Eden too
was adorned in its flawlessness,
save for the tree that
brought humankind down. No such
tree will exist in the garden
of plenty this time around. Oh...
for the harmonious
moment when Heaven and
Earth become one. Have
you ever thought dreams
would come true, a chance
to stroll in Paradise. God
hopes we all become a
part of Him now,
that way we can become a beneficiary
of the blessed Kingdom to come.
"They've always been children"
Higher than the highest man
sitting on his throne...
"They've always been children" cont.
is the Lord who sees us all,
we're so very small...
after all,
and His call will be heard, f
or He's the word
that tills the world
and the true hope for tomorrow.
What will you say
of your life and way,
and will you still stand
to hand truth to late;
which bars the lock
on Heaven's gate...
think, now my friend
before rolling your dice,
you were bought with a price.
Does your wrong thinking
start you sinking,
you can't face life
unless you stop the blinking...
open your blind eyes
to the truth,
Jesus rose to provide proof
that He loves us all the same.
"To reach home"
I need them in a better
although I understand
your sorrow,
but hold on strong to
your own faith...
and we will see you
just tomorrow,
the space of today, as
the Lord says,
is His to reward or to
was the Lord's fruit
grown and guided,
no matter our street
or avenue,
to reach home at home
the Lord resided.
"Life... breathing"
A breath...,
the very beginnings of
memory tumbled back in place,
form back in the catacombs
of being...
A breath...
"Life... breathing" cont.
she had freckles, the girl I
used to sit across form in
Mrs. Chamberland's class...
A breath...
the new paint job was so
important, I remember, I
had to wax it before the game...
A breath...
to realize the hell of it all
was to be there with more
than words buzzing past your
ears, Sam takes the green...
A breath...
I turned my head to see an
older daughter staring back
at me, form where a younger
one had stood...
A breath...
I caught mine, as I felt it
slip form the grip my
lungs had easily achieved, before,
in the past...
"Life... breathing" cont.
A breath...
life came rushing at my mind,
the experiences experienced...
A breath...
as my family neared the bed, I
understood, I understood life,
as we know it to be... is truly
the gift given and found in...
A breath.
"Contains the following"
What will our
manifest so contain,
form the passage of
our life?
To journey
through life abundantly
proclaiming either
good, or...
all in the
life-long process of true
vision and foresight
to know.
"Contains the following" cont.
when belief
causes reaction in life,
we can learn to
pick well,
fulfill the
statement of our lifetime
with light becoming
in life is recorded
down, to help recall
all done,
and at the
time of our calling home,
we will be held
to account.