Gems for Daily Meditations by Joseph Summers - HTML preview

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Friends Share Joys and Sorrows


Scripture: John 11:35

Jesus Wept.


Lesson Objective: To understand that friends support each other and share in their pain and sufferings as well as in their triumphs.


This is the shortest verse in the Bible and has been reviewed time and time again by many Biblical scholars. Why is it that Jesus Wept? Was it because his friend Lazarus was dead, was it because he saw the pain in Mary and Martha, or was it because they still did not understand the power that he had to raise the dead and to bring all to salvation? We may never know the answer; however, we do know that in their time of sorrow, Christ shared in the loss of their brother. He could have raised Lazarus from the dead without coming as he had healed the centurion’s servant; but, he chose to come and be with his friends when they most needed him. He had been with them in triumph when he had supper with them earlier and he was with them in sorrow.


Thought for today:  Do you make yourself available to your friends in time of need?



Friendship is Based On Mutual Trust



Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:25

that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.


Lesson Objective: To understand that true friendship requires equal care for each other.


It is always very painful to see families and other relationships split over what others may see as trivial matters. We may often wonder how did it get to this point that there seems to be no reconciliation. The problem is usually a result of lack of mutual trust and love between all parties. If there is equal love among all, it is impossible for anything or anyone to separate the family or Church body. The aim of all members of the body is to work toward assuring that every member of the body is given equal consideration in all matters. We note that the position of Deacon was created to address the point that there were members of the body who felt that they were not receiving equal treatment. It is the duty of each of us to assure that all members of the body are treated with equal respect and mutual love.


Thought for today: Do you speak up when someone is not treated fairly?



Friends Think of the Other First



Scripture:  1 Corinthians 10:24

Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being.


Lesson Objective: To understand the importance of caring for others before ourselves.


There was a radio show where there were a series of interviews on successful marriages. Each couple had an opportunity to share any thoughts, ideas or actions that they felt were crucial in the success of their marriage. One couple gave an interesting response. Their response was that they continually attempted to one up the other person. Initially I was taken back by the answer until it was explained. They consistently tried to out do the other in pleasing each other. They were constantly trying to find ways to show their love for each other. While they were thinking of each other first, this resulted in a successful marriage for them. Therefore by default they were both being served by the other. 


Thought for today: Are you one who gives up the last slice of cake for others?



Friends Look at Similarities



Scripture: Romans 14:19

Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.


Lesson Objective: To understand that we must look for things that join us together rather than things that separates us.


Friendships are developed usually based upon similar likes or similar dislikes. It may be things as small as liking the same football team or using the same beautician but there is usually something that draws us toward each other as friends. We have a choice in life, we can spend time talking about our differences which usually results in negative behavior or we can concentrate on our similarities which then allow us to help each other and compliment each other in our efforts. The basis of love is Christ and that while we all have different gifts, they all come from the same Spirit that causes us to work together to glorify God.


Thought for today: Working with difficult people gives us an opportunity to concentrate on similarities rather than differences.