Gems for Daily Meditations by Joseph Summers - HTML preview

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Without Fault




Scripture: Daniel 6:4

So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.


Lesson Objective: To understand that the world will always look for fault but we should live faithfully.


We find that politics can result in horrible experience for many. Candidates start off talking about ideas and differences of position on certain points but the election soon becomes mud slinging where candidates cease talking about ideas and start trying to identify faults in the other and airing negative ads. Often times these ads are only half-truths or not true at all with the hope that such slander will win them the election. As we can see in the story of Daniel this is not new. Daniel faced those who tried to slander him but they could not find fault or error in him.  


Thought for today: The enemy may seek to find fault in you but you do not have to give them any ammunition.



Depending On God



God’s Love Wipes Away Tears



Scripture: Acts 2:25

For David says concerning Him: 'I foresaw the Lord always before my face, For He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken


Lesson Objective: To understand that God will always be with us if we allow him to be there.


The challenge for each of us is to recognize the importance of relying on God for our every need and in every situation in our lives. While we say that, we often times depend on our own and then when we get into trouble, we call on God. The other problem is that we wonder if we are “good enough” to call on God. We must recognize that calling on God is not dependant on how good we are but on understanding that we can never be good enough and call on God for our every need. David recognized this and because he did he was able to ask God for forgiveness whenever he went astray. David committed adultery, murder, and lied but through it all he was able to say “ The Lord is my Shepard”.  


Thought for today: I would want the Lord to say that I am a man after his own heart.



Helping The Community





God’s Love Requires Belief



Scripture: Acts 9:36

 At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did.


Lesson Objective: To understand that we should desire to make a difference in the lives of as many people as we can.


It is so very important that we strive to help others in the community. A community is defined by how well the community takes care of those who are the most vulnerable and the community is comprised of individuals. The Bible gives us a perfect example in Acts where the early Church did not have the public welfare system or social security but each person received based upon their need. We find that when this system was challenged in Acts chapter 6, that seven were selected to take care of the widows and others. These who were selected were full of the Holy Spirit.


Thought for today:

As Martin Luther King Jr.  said, everyone can serve.



Head Of Household



God’s Love Speaks Loudly



Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:14

And therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever


Lesson Objective: To understand that God expects us to have spiritual households and will hold us accountable if we “look” the other way.


It is said that it takes a community to raise a child If this is true then who is the community. The community must be every adult who has a responsibility to aid in providing spiritual directions to the children. It is not enough to say that I do not want to get involved because that is not my child. We as adults are all responsible for each child that crosses our paths. We have the obligation to encourage the child or correct the child when necessary. This is especially true in our own homes. We can neither look the other way when our children are being disobedient nor can we discourage other adults who are providing appropriate oversight when we are not present.


Thought for today: Always be willing to offer a child a kind word of encouragement or words of correction when necessary.



Seeing God In You





Scripture: 1 King 17:24

Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now by this I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth."


Lesson Objective: To understand that we are the light to the world and all should see God through us.


I have heard the term said many times that for many we are the only Bible that they may read. This is so true as people in the community watch us who call ourselves Christians to determine how we will act in a given situation and if we do not act consistent with the Bible, they are quick to point that out to others and us. It is also true that we can bring others to Christ by our actions and words. It is vital that we consistently reflect Christ in our life by our deeds and words. One cannot say do as I say and not as I do. Yes, we do make mistakes and when we do we must readily admit them and seek not to continually make the same mistake.


Thought for today:

A good ambassador speaks only for whom he represents. Are you a good ambassador for God?


Scripture: 1 King 19:21

So Elisha turned back from him, and took a yoke of oxen and slaughtered them and boiled their flesh using the oxen's equipment, and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and followed Elijah, and became his servant,


Lesson Objective: To understand that we must be good followers if we are to be good leaders.


One of the first things that one is taught in the military is to follow commands that are given by superiors. It is most certain that those who choose not to follow orders make poor leaders. The disciples became leaders of the Church but only after they became followers of Christ. Paul uses the term servant and slave interchangeable. A good follower must set aside their own feelings and thoughts and become totally subjected to the will of the masters. This allows the follower to really understand and learn all that he can without constantly questioning based upon their personal feelings. After one recognizes and is assured that the leader is following God, then one must be willing to follow his example.


Thought for today:

Are you too busy leading that you cannot follow?



Waiting On God




Scripture: Luke 1: 24-25

 Now after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived; and she hid herself five months, saying, "Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people


Lesson Objective:

To understand that we must wait on God no matter what others may think.


David was able to witness that God had never forsaken him in all of his trials and tribulations. David had protected his sheep from dangerous animals with only a staff. David had conquered Goliath with only a slingshot.  David had been pursued by Saul and David had to even fight his son. Through all of this David recognized that he needed to depend on God and thus he placed his total trust on God in all of his battles. This trust in God was well rewarded as the Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart. So should it be with us that we trust God totally and without any reservations.


Thought for today:

How much are you willing to trust God today?



Walking With God





Scripture: Genesis 5:24

And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him


Lesson Objective:

To understand that we can be as close to God as we choose.


There is a song that says “ I want Jesus to walk with me”. While this sounds great let us look at it more closely. Enoch knew that God would walk with him but the questions was would Enoch walk with God and he chose to walk with God.  We have the opportunity to make that same decision today. We can choose to walk with God daily or we can pick and choose when we want to walk with him. Just like a good friend, God wants to hear from us daily, We must be willing to walk with God 24/7. God wants a real relationship where we walk with him not when we choose but always. The scripture says to pray without ceasing. We must fully integrate God in all that we do. If we walk with God daily, who knows we may end up with Enoch.


Thought for today:

Walking with God requires that our every thought be on him.




Divided Family





God ‘s Love Makes A Family



Scripture: Gen 25:28

And Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game, but Rebekah loved Jacob.


Lesson Objective: To understand that no one ever wins when a family is divided.

We constantly hear the term family values and the importance that we put on the family unit. Most agree that the very fiber of the community is tied directly to the family. There are many variables that are attacking the family today. These are mostly attacking from the outside. These variables include changing definitions of family so as to make it acceptable for same sex marriage, increased ease of divorce so that one can set aside what God made holy. We also have more subtle attacks from television and movies that depict members of families fighting each other for material possessions. However the most dangerous adversary is family members themselves.

Thought for today:

A Family that prays together stays together. One can also argue that families who eat together and talk together fight the trend against broken families.



What Is Your Assignment?




God’s Love Gives Us A Choice



Scripture: Esther 4:14

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?


Lesson Objective: To understand that we are placed in the present situation for a reason.


I like many other people have asked the question, why am I here and what purpose do I serve. We often spend an enormous amount of time trying to answer this question. We also spend more time then necessary thinking about our future assignments from God. The reality is that we are where we are now for a reason. The question should be what are we presently doing to aid in the building of God’s Kingdom right now in our present position. We should always be ready to witness for God and to help those around us.


Thought for today:

Why should God give us another assignment when we have not completed the one right in front of us now?




Always Be On Alert




Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:3

 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.


Lesson Objective:  To understand that we must continually be on guard as we never know when the enemy will attack.


We must always be careful for it is not the obvious that can harm us but those things that are not so obvious. A friend may call and suggest that you go to a football game. So you miss Church one Sunday and then the next Sunday another opportunity presents itself until you find it easy to just stay home, Then one day you just stop having the urge to worship with the saints and begin to find reasons to justify you not going to church like I can watch church on television or I work all week and I am just too tired to go to Church or I need this day to do all the things that I am unable to do during the week. Soon you look up and you have not been to Church all because of the one time that you made choice not to go to Church and go to the football game.


Thought for today:

It can be the little things that can separate us from God.



Speaking the Word




Scripture: Ezekiel 2:7

You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious


Lesson Objective: To understand that we must be willing to witness for God whether or not people listen.


We all have heard the term that my words are falling on deaf ears or it seems like I am talking to a brick wall.  Most often, these are the words of a parent talking to their child or an adult to another who continues to make the same mistakes. However, it is imperative that we continue to speak the word of God regardless of whether or not we feel that our words or being heard. We do not have the power to make someone listen or even more so change their ways or actions but we are required by God to witness. We are to plant the seed. Whether the seed takes root and becomes fruitful is not for us to decide.


Thought for today: 

You never know when someone will remember that word that you shared and it will make a world of difference to them.




Willing To Listen




Scripture: 1 Samuel 22: 5

Now the prophet Gad said to David, "Do not stay in the stronghold; depart, and go to the land of Judah." So David departed and went into the forest of Hereth.


Lesson Objective: To understand that God talks to us but the question is do we listen.


One of the questions that every new Christian asks is “how do I know that God is talking to me”.  The answers are as varied as the number of people asked. Some speak of waking up with a voice in their head. Others speak of a soft feeling deep down in their heart. I like to think that God speaks to me through people with whom I interact with daily. The key for a new or seasoned Christian is to have a spiritual partner(s) with whom one can have candied discussion relative to the words that may seem to come from God.


Thought for today:  Do not be afraid to stand still and listen to God. Stop telling God what you want and listen to his wishes for you.




Who Is In Charge?





Scripture: Judges 8:23

But Gideon said to them, "I will not rule over you, nor shall my son rule over you; the Lord shall rule over you.".


Lesson Objective:  To understand that God must be the ultimate ruler over our lives.


We as human beings are constantly seeking a leader or seeking to be a leader. Both have their pitfalls. Many seek a leader whom they put up on a mantle and then become disenchanted when the leader makes mistakes as if they are not human. Those seeking to be leaders may begin to think of themselves as above others and begin to expect or even demand special treatment just because they are the “leader”. We must remember that we are only to follow God or those who follow God. If we are to lead, then we are to follow the directions of God in all of our decision making processes. A true leader is a servant and does not rule but serves others by putting their needs first and foremost as demonstrated by Christ.


Thought for today:

Who is in charge of your life?



Fallen From Great Heights





God’s Love More Than Fills Us



Scripture: 1 Samuel 17: 49

Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth.


Lesson Objective:

To understand that we are only a step away from falling to the deepest depth. 


We often hear the term that one should be careful of how we treat others on our way up as we never know who we will meet on our way down.  The problem is that we can fall so fast that we do not even have the opportunity to see others as we fall. There are many examples of people who had it all one moment and the next day lost it all. During the depression, we read of stories where people jumped out of windows to their deaths because they placed all of their trust in worldly material matters rather than trusting on God.


Thought for today:

Do not be so high and mighty that you forget those who helped you to get where you are today. Remember you are standing on the shoulders of those who have come before.