Gems for Daily Meditations by Joseph Summers - HTML preview

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Love As Yourself



God Loves Always Abide



Scripture:1 Samuel 18:3

Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.


Lesson Objective:To understand what is necessary for the ultimate love.


I had an acquaintance, who had the blessing of having a true friendship with three others. They had gone to elementary school, middle school and high school together. They had entered the service together and served in Viet Nam together and came home and purchased Philadelphia Eagles season tickets together. They were the best of friends. Their love for each other was evident in that they constantly sacrificed for each other. True love of friends requires willingness to sacrifice for the benefit of the other. Jonathan was willing to sacrifice his right to become King of Israel for the friendship of David. He also on several occasions chose the love of David over the affection of his own father. 


Thought for today: How can you say that you love God who you have never seen and hate your brother who you see every day?



Whatever Circumstance




Scripture: Genesis 39:21

But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.


Lesson Objective: To understand that God will be with us wherever we are.


We often wonder why we are in a particular job or a certain place in life and bemoan the experience. We can spend most of our time having a self pity party or we can recognize that God has us where we are for a reason. It may be a lesson for us to serve others. The fact of the matter is that wherever we are God is with us and he is preparing us for something better. God allowed Joseph to be put in jail so that he would be in a position to be made known to Pharaoh and thus ended up in a position where he could feed his family in a time of need. Joseph did not do anything to be put in jail, but he never forgot his God and thus retained God’s mercy throughout all of his trials.


Thought for today: Make the best of where you are today in preparation for what is to come tomorrow.



Control What You Can




Scripture: Joshua 24: 15

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."


Lesson Objective: To understand that to save the world we must begin at home.


Sometimes I read the paper or watch the news on the television and get so despondent. I walk the streets and see people who are doing things that I may feel are so destructive like selling drugs, cursing or other such actions. I wonder what I can really do to affect a change. Because of the enormity of the situation, I get discouraged. Everything seems to be out of control. Then I think about the things of which I do have control and realize that I am not doing all that I can. If I would do a better job with the youth that I do work with daily, if I do a better job helping to maintain my own block where I live then I will be making a difference. I must try to control those things that I can.


Thought for today: Identify one area of your life today that you can better control and then do it.