Gems for Daily Meditations by Joseph Summers - HTML preview

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Listening To People





Scripture: 1 Samuel 15: 24

Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned, for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice.”


Lesson Objective:

To understand that we must listen to the oneness of God rather than listen to the voices of the crowd.


In America the role of an elected official is often debated. Is the elected official required to vote based upon the will of those who elected him or should he vote based upon what he knows is right and best in the given situation. In a true democracy, he would have to vote based upon the wishes of the people, but since this is a republic he is free to vote his conscious and run the risk of not being reelected. The true statesman understands the importance of doing what is right regardless of the popularity of the vote. 


Thought for today:

There will be a time in all of our lives when we must choose to stand with the crowd or stand for what is right.



Best Love

~Shulamite ~Maiden



Scripture: Song of Solomon 1: 2

(The Shulamite) Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth-- For your love is better than wine.


Lesson Objective: To understand that the best love that we can have is the love of God in our lives.


When we were young, we all had that first true love. The one who we could not live without and the one that we knew we would be with forever and forever. For most of us that love lasted all of one day or maybe one week or maybe even one year. The real challenge is can we even remember the full name of that person. Do we know where the person now lives and is that person still in our lives? I suspect that for most of us the answer to the above question is a resounding no. This type of love is fleeting at best and changes as the wind. We must seek the love of God which is eternal and everlasting. It is built on understanding that there really is no substitute for God and that we can not live without him. 


Thought for today: What will you do today to show God how much you love him?




Right Hand Man




God Provides Our Spiritual Needs



Scripture: Acts 16: 25

But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.


Lesson Objective: To understand that all leaders need a “right hand man”


I remember the story of Perry and Henson who were the first men to reach the North Pole in an expedition. There is much written about Admiral Perry and little written about Matthew Henson however many believe that in fact Matthew Henson actually reached the pole first. What is known is that both depended on each other for survival and the success of the mission. The same can be said for other pairs in history such as Lewis and Clarke. What we must recognize that we each have a place in the advancement of God’s word and it may not be in the fore front, but that does not diminish what is required of us as we support those who are in the fore front. 


Thought for today:

Do you work just as hard when you are in the background as you work when you are in the limelight?




Carrying the Cross

~Simon of Cyrene~


God is our Light




Scripture: Matthew 27: 37

Now as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear His cross.


Lesson Objective: To understand that we all have a cross to bear and none is no bigger than another.


I like the story of the man who went to God and asked if he could change his cross. God said that since he realized that he had to carry a cross, he would allow him to exchange his cross. He then carried the man into a room of crosses and asked him to put his down and choose another. The man saw one that was real shinny and picked that cross but found that it was too heavy. He then proceeded to pick up one that had flowers and put it down because it had thorns. After much thought he then picked up a small cross sitting in the corner and said to God this is the one. God said ok and the man left with the little cross. Upon leaving the room, the man soon found it that it was the same cross that he had laid down earlier.


Thought for today:

We all have a cross to bear but the beauty is that we do not have to bear it alone.




Finishing God’s Work





Scripture: 1 King 6: 14

So Solomon built the temple and finished it.


Lesson Objective:  To understand that we must continue the God driven work of others who have come before us.


Often times we do not give credit to those who have come before us in this battle. We think that we have all the answers and that those before us just do not understand the world today and because of that we have to institute this major change. What we fail to recognize is that the foundation should never be changed. A house would never be built if every other day, one wanted to change the foundation. Solomon followed the instructions given to David relative to how the temple was to be built. Solomon gets the credit for building the temple, but the temple would not be the same if Solomon had chosen to redesign the structure.


Thought for today: Today you have to opportunity to continue to build on the work of God started by many before you.



Following Christ




Scripture: Acts 7:59

And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."


Lesson Objective: To understand that there is a price when we choose to follow Christ.


The story of Stephen is really a story of two individuals, Stephen and Paul. Stephen was an individual who had chosen to follow Christ no matter what the cost. Many even see Stephen as “Christ Type”. Stephen was one of the seven chosen by the people and ordained by the Apostles to serve the widows and others. Stephen grew to begin to minister to others on the life, death and resurrection of Christ. He was killed by the mob although he had done no wrong. Saul was there at the time of the murder of Stephen and confessed such. While Paul later became the great missionary, we may never know what effect the ministry of Stephen had on Paul and his ultimate change of heart on the road to Damascus.


Thought for today: 

We do not know the cost of our following Christ nor do we know what effect it may have on others around us.




Example to Others




Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7

And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe


Lesson Objective: To understand that God requires us to witness to others by our examples.


There was a short documentary on TV one day which was very interesting. A parent was called to the school because the child had been caught cussing and smoking at school. The parent came to school irate at the child and proceeded to ask the child where they learned those bad habits. The child then responded by watching you at home. At first the parent was angry and then they had to do a self evaluation because what the child said was true. We cannot tell our children to do as I say but not as I do. This is totally inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible.


Thought for today:  Do you live your life in such a way that you can truly say follow my example?




Why Do You Believe?






Scripture: John 20:29

Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."


Lesson Objective: To understand that God requires true belief.


I have gone on many a trip where I believe that I know the directions and I will say that I am completely sure. I may make a turn and continue for a while seeking a sign to let me know that I am going right. Soon after not seeing a sign, I begin to doubt that I am headed in the right direction and I begin to get more doubts and ultimately I may stop and ask directions or even turn around. The fact is that I did not really believe. If I really believed, I would not need signs along the way. I would not need constant confirmations that I am headed in the right direction.  Signs do not make up for disbelieve.  


Thought for today: Signs are not for those who know the way; but Signs are for those who need direction and confirmation on the trip of life.



A True Son





God Knows Our Needs



Scripture: 1 Timothy 1: 2

To Timothy, a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lesson Objective:

To understand that we are to develop others to carry on the delivery of the God’s message to the world. 


I believe the primary responsibility of a Christian is to make disciples as instructed by Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. Paul understood this responsibility and reached out to individuals such as Timothy and Titus who were young in the ministry and became disciples of Paul. Timothy accepted Paul as his father in Christ and traveled with Paul throughout his ministry. In his letters to Timothy, Paul offered Timothy various advice or direction, but none as renowned as Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.


Thought for today: Go out today and identify someone who can mentor you in the scriptures as well as find someone to mentor.



Waiting on God





Scripture: Luke 1:21

And the people waited for Zacharias, and marveled that he lingered so long in the temple.


Lesson Objective: To understand that patience is a virtue and that God works on His time which is not our time.


I have a friend who says that they always have a problem cooking fried chicken in that the chicken is never fully cooked especially near the bone. It looks great on the outside, but never fully cooks on the inside. My suggestion is to be patient and let the chicken fully cook. You can increase the heat but the problem results in that the outside cooks quicker and burns while the inside still does not get done. They should let the chicken cook longer so that the inside reaches the appropriate temperature as well as the outside remains crispy and finger licking good. It is the same with our Christian walk with God. We should be patient while God prepares us to fulfill his wishes here on earth. 


Thought for today: There is a reason why slow cooking is usually the best. It allows the flavor to seep deep down inside the food to give a great taste. Will you allow God’s blessing to marinate into your soul?

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