Gems for Daily Meditations by Joseph Summers - HTML preview

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Month of March


True Love

Gives All


Scripture:  John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son…


Lesson Objective: To understand the importance of being willing to give all for love.


Often times we are asked to donate to a clothing drive, especially around holidays such as Christmas. We go into our closets and pick out those items that we can no longer wear or those items that may be out of style. I would suggest that while donating those things that we do not want or cannot use is acceptable, it is not real love. Real love would require us to give away that relatively new suit or dress that we still wear and enjoy. Real love is demonstrated by being willing to give up our best not the things that we do not want. God gave us his only son to die on the cross for us. He did not withhold his best from us as an example of what is required of us.


Thought for today: I challenge each of us to be willing to give our all, not just the things that we do not want or cannot use.


To Be Patient Is Love


Scripture: 1 Corinthian 13: 4-5

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.


Lesson Objective: To understand that love requires patience.


Often times people may say or do something that as we say “gets on our last nerve”. However, the Bible is very clear in that we are required to have patience for each other. Where would we be if God did not have patience for each of us? We are not perfect and we make mistakes daily but God has patience with us as the potter who has patience with a lump of clay. We all have fallen short of the mark but God still loves us. Just as God loves us even when we are not perfect so must we love others and demonstrate the same patience that God has for us. True love requires us to treat others as we wish to be treated that means since not any of us are perfect, we cannot expect perfection from anyone else.


Thought for today: In your prayers today, thank God for being patient with you and not abandoning you in your time of need.


Do Everything in Love


Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:14

Let all that you do be done with love.


Lesson Objective: To understand that love should be the motive for all that we do.


Often times I have heard parents say “this is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you”. Then the natural question is then why do it? The answer is simple- they do it out of love for the well being of the child. It is easy to do things that we like and call it out of love but it is more difficult for us to understand when we are disciplined that it is also out of love. We are often faced with decisions in life in our interactions with others. We have to sometimes make difficult decisions; however, the decisions and actions should be made out of love for the other person. Actions should not be vindictive or mean spirited but done with the same love that Christ has for each of us.


Thought for today: Before we say or do something to another individual stop and think “is the action based upon true love”?



Communion with God


Scripture:  John 1:3

All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.


Lesson Objective:  To understand that love comes from first knowing that it cannot occur without God.


We often wonder how we can love our enemies and love those that despise us as instructed by the Bible. This can only be done with a true understanding that all of our actions are predicated on our constant communion with God. Communion with God means that God and us become as one where we think as God and act as God. True communion with God means that we must talk to God daily and then listen to God. Often times we pray, say amen, and then get up and go on our daily routines. We must begin to stay focused on God after the prayer and listen for his voice of direction and encouragement to us. God does answer prayers.


Thought for today: After talking to God take the time to listen and hear him. God is in the answering business but are you in the listening business?


Love Is Spending Time Together



Scripture: Hebrews 10:25

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some…


Lesson Objective: To understand the importance of fellowshipping together in the demonstration of true love.


I once asked a young man if his family ate together and he stated yes. Upon further questioning, I determined that they ate at the same time but he went to his room and ate while watching TV and the others ate in different rooms in the house. That is not eating together. Due to many factors families no longer eat together at the dinning room table. This results in lost opportunity for the family to share and to spend valuable time together. I would argue that this is another example of why families are not as strong today. True love is a result of individuals spending time together and learning each other. Love cannot be shown in any greater manner than being willing to spend time with those that we love. 


Thought for today: Plan to spend quantity and quality of time with the ones you love

Friends Pray Together



Scripture: John 16:24

Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.


Lesson Objective: To understand the importance of having a prayer partner.


While prayer is a time for each of us to talk to God individually, it is also the time for us to talk to God collectively with others. It is interesting that the Model Prayer found in Matthew 6:9 begins with the words “Our father” which indicates that this is a prayer not just for me but that I am including others in the prayer, Acts Chapter 2 states that the early Church prayed together. As individuals we can become weary and despondent; therefore, it is important to have someone with whom we can share our concerns and cares. True friends pray for each other for strength and endurance as we run this race understanding that we do not run it alone but with others as a member of the body of Christ.


Thought for today: Assure that you have someone who can pray for you and with you.



Friends Must Be Friendly



Scripture: Proverbs 18:24

A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.


Lesson Objective: To understand that each of us decides if we are going to have true friends.


There are some people who go through life and claim that they have no real friends. These are the same people who sit in a corner at the party and wait for others to come to them for conversations or when asked questions never answer more than yes or no. They never share their thoughts, wishes or desires with anyone. When someone reaches out to them, they choose to shut the door of their heart and mind rather than share with others. We can never have true friendships if we are unwilling to open up and be a friend to others. Developing friendships means to make ourselves vulnerable but that must not keep us from seeking.


Thought for today: Walls are barriers that not only keep others out but also keep us locked in. Are you willing to lower the walls to have a true friendship?



The Importance of Fellowship



Scripture:  1 Corinthians 1:9

God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lesson Objective: To understand that the opportunity to fellowship with Christ is love.


The dictionary defines fellowship as friendly relationship; companionship or an association of persons having similar tastes, interests, etc. We have the opportunity to have fellowship with Christ. Why would we not want a friendly relationship with Christ and to count him as a companion? This fellowship is optional. We can accept the love of God and have this fellowship or we can reject Christ in our lives. The verse says that we are called which means that we still have to answer yes. In-order to answer yes, we must demonstrate our love for Christ by being willing to keep his commandments. This love is not mandated but is a choice for each of us.


Thought for today: How can we fellowship with Christ when we are unwilling to fellowship with our brothers and sisters here on earth who we see everyday?


Are You A Friend of Christ?




Scripture: John 15:15

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.


Lesson Objective: To understand the true relationship that we can have with Christ.


There are many individuals in the Bible that considered God a friend. Individuals like Moses who questioned God and negotiated with God on behalf of the Israelites. Job, who questioned God and complained to God when he did not understand why he had to endure such a hardship. David, who was a murderer and adulterer but repented and is known as a man after God’s own heart. If you really have a friendship with God, then you are able to talk to him with an honest dialogue. You are able to tell God when you are angry and you can question God. True friends have heart to heart conversations and are honest with each other.


Thought for today: What is keeping you from having a heart to heart conversation with your friend?