God is Loving and Merciful by Gerald Anumba - HTML preview

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Let me quickly remind us that we are constantly at war (spiritual battle) with the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. See Ephesians 6:10- 12.

God in His infinite Love and Mercy have not left us to the mercy of these forces of darkness, He had provided for us war armour and weapons to do battle against these forces. The spiritual armour and weapons God made available for our use are: Faith (is the shield used for extinguishing all the flaming arrows of the evil one), the Word of God (which is the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Holy Spirit), Prayer, Praise and Worship, Blood and Water of the Lamb, the Fire of God, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, Love and Mercy, etc. For detailed explanation of these armours and weapons, please turn to Chapter 5 “Weapons and Armours for Spiritual Battle.”


God communicates with us in various ways through dreams, vision, inward witnessing, etc. See Job 33:14-16.

In 1999, I got a message from God via dream, I found myself standing between two women, and both of them were holding a bow and arrow in readiness to shoot. Their bows and arrows were pointed towards me, for I stood between them. There where I stood, a very bright white light shone over me while at my left and right hand sides where both women stood were dark respectively. Then I saw a big human hand stretched out from the bright white light giving what looked like a scroll to me. I received the scroll but wasn’t happy that I got a scroll instead of a bow and arrow like that of the women who stood in the darkness by my right and left sides. I never knew I was having something better than a bow and arrow.

I woke up confused over the meaning of the message from my dream. It was difficult for me to understand then because I wasn’t spiritually sound. There were other options which I didn’t take. I was supposed to share this dream with those that had the gift of interpreting dreams, which I refused to.

Instead, I kept the dream to myself.

Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach, if it is encouraging; let him encourage, if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously, if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. (Romans 12:4-8 NIV)

From the above bible quotation, one could deduce that I was supposed to look for someone gifted by God’s grace with the interpretation of dreams.

The bible made it more clearly that when we receive messages from God through dreams and unable to explain/interpret the meaning, we should look for someone who can interpret, just like when Pharaoh enquired from Joseph the meaning of his dreams and also when Nebuchadnezzar had his dreams interpreted by Daniel. See Genesis 41:1-40, Daniel 2:1-49 and 4:1-27.

Guess what? This very book “God is Loving and Merciful” was the message (the scroll) which I received from God. It was made known to me by the Spirit of God during my quiet time in His presence (Holy Ghost School).

Those two women standing at my left and right hand sides were the forces of darkness trying and working fruitlessly to prevent the manifestation of God’s will in my life by firing their flaming arrows.

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. (Ephesians 6:16 NIV)

The forces of darkness will always shoot their flaming arrows of setback, force doctrine, illness, pain, discouragement, etc. in order to thwart the manifestation of God’s will in our lives. God’s infinite Love and Mercy had assured us in Psalm 91 that as long as we continue to dwell in His protection, believing and trusting in His Words, we need not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the plague that destroys at noon, that a thousand may fall at our left side, ten thousand at our right side but it will not come near us. We should always thank the Lord for His Love and Mercy which knows no bounds.


Dearly beloved, I want to share with you a testimony of my first experience of the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ. If not for His precious Blood, His saving Blood, His healing Blood, His purifying Blood, etc, you won’t be reading this book today. I would have been dead and forgotten a long time ago. But I thank the Almighty God for showing me His unlimited Love and Mercy.

Sometime in the year 1997, I had a horrific attack by a demon of death while in the dream (the spirit realm). This attack was aimed at taking my life. Have you heard the story of someone that slept at night and in the morning he or she was discovered dead? That would have been my case if not for the saving Blood of the Lamb.

In my dream, which is the spirit world, I was in my father’s house, our family house. I came out of my room and entered the children’s parlour, while heading towards the passage way to meet my family members, some of them were standing in the passage at the entrance door which led to the kitchen, while some were in the kitchen. Suddenly, I saw a giant ugly looking demon coming out of the visitor’s room behind me. Immediately, fear gripped me. This fear enabled the demon to pin me at the door way which stood between the children’s parlour and the passage way. I was so scared that I didn’t even remember to plead the Blood of Christ. I noticed that the demon was slowly walking towards me, holding a small rough dagger in its hand that was lifted up and waiting to strike, its face was very ugly with blood in its mouth. The demon had a rough hair like loosed hair attachment. I started shouting for help, calling my family members by their names but they could not hear me. There was light where they stood and I was pinned at the door which stood between the parlour that was dark and the passage way that had light. I kept shouting still there was no help until when the demon almost struck my neck with the dagger that I shouted “Blood of Jesus!!” Guess what happened? Have you heard the sound of a flowing stream of rushing water before? That was the sound I heard when I shouted “Blood of Jesus.”

His Blood formed a mighty sea and flushed the demon. I woke up at the same time, with sweat all over my body. Ever since then, I’ve had no such attack.

Sometimes later, I read about this demon in a book written by Iyke Nathan Uzorma titled: “Occult Grand Master Now in Christ.” This demon is usually projected by occult men to destroy those they wish to kill and also, the demon operates more in the dream.

To illustrate further the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ as a complement to my experience, let me include here, a true life story, written by Rev. Father Stephen Uche Njoku in one of his books titled “Radical Prayer”.

It was in the month of June 1989. A Christian whose name I wish to with hold for obvious reasons visited a friend. In the friend’s house this Christian joined the company of three other persons. Being a militant kind, he immediately was drawn to the argument that was going on. It was about marriage and divorce. One of those present was the man of the occult organization. He was of the opinion that marriage is not meant to be permanent. If it works, fine. If it does not work the man should drive away the woman and waste no time in looking for another woman. The Christian objected to it and reaffirmed that it is contrary to the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:31-32).

The occult man would not hear the name Jesus mentioned. This Christian took note of his annoyance and called the man back to the name of Jesus and asked him to explain the reason for his anger. The man bluntly stated that the name of Jesus should not be mentioned. First of all, he questioned why people should worship Him. He called Jesus “that man” and would not himself call the name of Jesus. Then he called Him a wicked man. The occult man claimed he belonged to the “middle temple,” (whatever that means) and that he served Lucifer. He went further to claim that they have been striving ever since the man sat on a throne to dethrone him and destroy Him. In their operations in the middle temple where Lucifer makes his appearance they tried to dethrone Jesus. Each time they attempted to attack the one on the throne, that is, Jesus, Blood would begin to drop from his body one by one until it would become a very deep sea impossible to cross. Finally he asked: “why should Jesus sit on that throne which we see only at a far distance? Well since we cannot get at Him we deal with His Christians. Already we have weakened them. We make sure His “stupid” kingdom does not stand”, so he claimed. Little did he know that the victory of Jesus belongs to us too, for those who know their God.

Just at that moment the Christian became angry and dug in. He turned round and saw the picture of Jesus hanging on the wall. It was the picture of Jesus hanging on the cross and Blood dropping from His face. The Christian pointed to the wall and asked this occult man to look at the picture. He turned and looked and fell on the floor. He claimed he stumbled on a side stool. The Christian began to defend the name of Jesus and to emphasize why all should believe in Him and ridiculed the false claim of Lucifer and his occult system. As the Christian talked, the man began to shake until finally he became feverish. Since a medical doctor was the owner of the house, medical help was easy. The man ended up asking questions about how to be free from the bondages of the system and become a Christian.

I hope you were able to see how powerful the Blood of Jesus is? In both testimonies, the Blood of Jesus transforms to a mighty ocean or sea or river to do battle. That is how the Blood of Jesus works when you plead it against the evil forces of darkness. Read more on the Blood of Jesus Christ in Chapter 5.


Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of Blood and Water. The man who saw it has given testimony and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe.

On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity. (John 19:34-35 and Zechariah 13:1 NIV)

God’s Love and Mercy knows no bounds. His Love and Mercy are called to duty by our prayers and you know what? In Ephesians 6:18, we have been commissioned to ask for “anything”.

Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit’s wishes. Plead with Him, reminding Him of your needs and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere.

Ask God for anything and keep praying for all Christians everywhere (including those in Purgatory). What a great privilege we have that when we pray to God to show Love and Mercy on souls in Purgatory, by pleading the Blood and Water of the Lamb on them, He definitely shows them Love and Mercy.

God never changes, He is the same God of yesterday, and He is still the same today and will remain the same tomorrow and forever. God once did set spirits in prison free. Read 1Peter 3:18-22. Considering the fact that He never changes, when we pray through His Son Jesus Christ to do the same today, He will definitely free souls detained in Purgatory because He is full of Love and Mercy.

In 2008, I was prompted by the Spirit of God to pray for souls in Purgatory. I combined three prayers of the Roman Catholic Church, prayers sent to earth from Heaven. These prayers are:

1. The Holy Rosary prayer

2. The Divine Mercy prayer and

3. The Precious Blood prayer.

On the 4th of February, 1997 during the 8th day of the second Novena of the Precious Blood prayer, Brother Barnabas through whom our Lord Jesus Christ revealed the Precious Blood prayer was transformed in spirit. He saw our Lord on a cross. He clearly saw the sacred side of Jesus Christ.

Suddenly, there were drops of Blood which he counted to be twelve. As soon as that of Blood was over, there were drops of Water which he also counted to be twelve.

These twelve drops of Blood and Water came from the sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ when He was pierced with a spear by a soldier named Longinus at mount Calvary. This fact was revealed to Blessed Faustina Kowalska of the Divine Mercy by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Meditating on both revelations and on God’s words in John 19:34 and Zechariah 13:1, I was moved by the Spirit of God to form this prayer:

Lead: Oh twelve drops of Blood and Water which gushed forth from the sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ at mount Calvary as a fount of Love and Mercy for us Response: Wash away my sins/Wash away the sins of the whole world Amen!

How to say the prayer for God’s Love and Mercy is explained in Chapter 5. God’s Love and Mercy knows no bounds or limit, it is unlimited. Jesus revealed this to Saint Faustina when He said:

“I have opened My Heart as a living fountain of Mercy. Let all souls draw life from it. Let them approach this sea of Mercy with trust.

I am Love and Mercy itself. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My Mercy is greater than your sins and those of the entire world. I let my Sacred Heart be pierced with a lance, thus opening wide the source of Mercy for you. Come then with trust to draw graces from this fountain. I never reject a contrite heart. Sooner would Heaven and Earth turn into nothingness than would My Mercy not embrace a trusting soul” (Page 26 and 27 of the Divine Mercy Message and Devotion book 1993 Edition)

I am used to saying the prayer of God’s Love and Mercy using the Chaplet of the Precious Blood. Sometimes, I say the prayer for myself or for the world.

Prompted by the Spirit of God in 2008, I offered the prayer to God as alms, for the freedom of souls in Purgatory, using the 9 days Novena that was revealed to Saint Faustina by our Lord Jesus Christ. This made me to change the response to:

Wash away the sins of souls in Purgatory. Amen!

During the course of saying the prayer, I requested from God in my heart that those souls He will release from Purgatory as a result of my prayers, should also pray for me to make Heaven after leaving the earth when I die. Little did I know that God would let me witness their freedom?

After saying the prayer on the 7th day of the Novena, at night in my dream while I was asleep, I saw a Golden door in front of me. On this Golden door were different precious stones woven together. No door in the world matched its beauty. See Revelation 21:19-20 for the list of these precious stones.

While I was joyfully admiring the door, suddenly a great bright light appeared behind the Golden door, like the light of the sun. As the light becomes brighter and brighter, the Golden door started reducing in its size till it disappeared i.e. the bright light engulfed the door. Then I saw a being like a human, dressed like a priest coming out from the source of that great bright light, holding a Chalice in His hand. Where He stood, looked like an altar and there was other beings too at the right and at the left side of the altar dressed in milkish white garment. Facing the altar were many beings, as black as charcoal from their head to their feet. I was behind them watching all that was going on. I gave to those beings standing at the left and right sides of the altar what looked like a chair designed in the form of an hourglass because it was demanded for. Then I woke up.

The Spirit of God made me to understand that the place where all these took place was in the Heavenly Sanctuary. Please read Hebrews 8:1-5.

The being dressed like a priest represents our Lord Jesus Christ the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, i.e. a King and a Priest. See Hebrews 7.

Those other beings at the right and left sides of the altar are altar servants, assisting the High Priest. The many black beings who stood in front of the altar, were souls released from Purgatory, waiting to be purified by the Blood of the Lamb which the Chalice in the Priest’s hand represents. After their purification, they will enter the kingdom of God and dwell in His presence.

The chair which looked like an hourglass stands as a reminder to those souls released from Purgatory to pray for me to make Heaven at the hour of my death. Remember, I prayed for it.


Dearly beloved, it is our duty as soldiers of Christ, as Christians to pray for our fellow Christian brothers and sisters and for the souls who have departed this world. I enjoin you to pray especially for souls suffering in Purgatory. Plead the Blood and Water of Jesus on their behalf, to wash away their sins, so that their days in Purgatory may be shortened. God bless you. Amen!


This is the one who came by Water and Blood – Jesus Christ. He did not come by Water only, but by Water and Blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the Water and the Blood; and the three are in agreement… And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. (1John 5:6-8, 11-12 NIV)


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