God is Loving and Merciful by Gerald Anumba - HTML preview

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What is Holy Ghost School?

Holy Ghost school is God’s end time program for the preparation and perfection of the bride of Christ.

Holy Ghost school simply means learning directly from God! It happens whenever you separate yourself to God at a specific time each day, allowing God to teach and lead you in His ways. At that particular time you separate yourself to God each day, you are to study His word (the Holy Bible). The Holy Spirit is our teacher in Holy Ghost school. Whatever you find difficult to understand in the word of God, just ask the Holy Spirit and He will make you to understand it clearly.

Where is Holy Ghost School?

Holy Ghost School is everywhere, it is at that place where you separate yourself everyday to God at a specific time. It could be in your room, at your place of work, at the hospital, at the church, etc.

The specific time at which you separate yourself to God is called covenant time. It is at that time you go into God’s presence for Him to train and teach you His ways. It is a time meant for you and God alone. For example, if you promised God that you will be in His presence at 8PM, each day, that 8PM becomes your covenant time with Him and you must separate yourself to God everyday at that time, studying His words.

Why Holy Ghost School?

The following are reasons why being in God’s presence at Holy Ghost School hour is very important in our present time:

  • It helps us to being intimate with Jesus.
  • In His presence, the shroud that enfolds us will be destroyed.
  • To feed and grow our spirit man.
  • In God’s presence, death is swallowed up forever and our tears are wiped away from our faces.
  • In God’s presence, we are made perfect.
  • Our sins are washed away in His presence.
  • It is in God’s presence that we are able to know the purpose for which we were created.
  • In God’s presence, we gain freedom from captivity.
  • In His presence, we are protected against God’s coming judgment and destruction of the world.
  • We receive power and authority in His presence.
  • We are trained and equipped for battle in His presence.
  • In His presence, hidden and deeper knowledge about God are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit.


This world is coming to an end; no one knows exactly the day or the hour when it will end except the Father. In His infinite love and mercy, He had given us some clues through the prophets, His Son and the Saints, to enable us know the beginning of the end. These clues are found in the books of Daniel and Esdras, the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, the second letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians and the book of Revelation. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle which I will put together to give us a clearer view of the events that will lead to the end according to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.

They are:


The world had grown old and unable to bear any longer because of man’s wickedness and the spread of evil. If only all mankind living presently would turn away from evil and seek Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world, things would be restored to normal but it is impossible because the offspring of Satan lives among the people of God. Since the whole world would not in one Spirit of Christ Jesus seek the love and mercy of the Father, terrible disasters will come upon the world.

These terrible disasters are the birth pains recorded in 2 Esdras 15, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6. Let’s take them one after the other to determine the common truth in them and see how they fit to our present time.

The lord says, I am going to bring terrible disasters on the whole world-war and famine, death and destruction (2 Esdras 15: 5 TEV)

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places (Matthew 24: 6-7 NIV)

When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earth quakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains. (Mark 13: 7-8 NIV)

… Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earth quakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21: 10-11 NIV)

I looked, and there was a pale-colored horse. Its rider was named death, and hades followed close behind. They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill by means of war, famine, disease, and wild animals. (Revelation 6: 8 TEV)

The common truth among these bible verses is death and destruction around various places in the world. God will allow death and hades to bring death and destruction upon a quarter (i.e. one-forth) of the earth because the evil of the world has increased greatly and has reached its limit. See 2 Esdras 15: 6.

From the bible verses above are listed the terrible disasters which death and hades would use to bring death and destruction upon the world. They are: war, famine, earthquakes and pestilences. Now, let’s relate them to our present time.


War is a situation of fighting over a period of time which involves the use of deadly weapons between two or more countries or nations or states or kingdoms or different groups of people within a given country or nation or state or kingdom.

The greed for power and control is the major cause of war. The leaders of various countries of the world who belong to one or more cult/club are used by the forces of evil to engage themselves in war. Their major aim is to gain control of the world and rule it. In the process of struggling for power and control, many people are killed and properties destroyed. We have witnessed many of these wars in our time; some are political, socio-economic or religious in nature. Examples are:

1. The terrorist attacks on lives and properties of Christians in the northern part of Nigeria by the Boko- Haram sect which is both political and religious in nature.

2. The war on terrorism (war between the United Nations and some terrorist group)

3. The two civil war in Ivory Coast (the first began on 19 September 2002 which ended by late 2004 though the country remained split in two with a rebel-held north and a government-held south. The second civil war broke out in March 2011 between military forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo the president of Cote d’ ivoire since 2000, and military forces in support of the internationally recognized president-elect Alassane Quattara)

4. The civil war in Libya which resulted to the death of many Libyans in 2011 and the death of their former leader Muammar Muhammed Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi on 20th October 2011.

5. The Arab spring uprising in 2011 which was triggered by an event which occurred in Tunisia on the 17th of December 2010, leading to the death of many people across North-Africa and the Middle East.

6. The current civil war in Syria which started in 2011 and still rages on presently.

7. The conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, etc.

From the listed wars, we could deduce that in our present time, some had occurred, some are still on and some are yet to come. No doubts, these wars causes’ death and destruction of lives and properties, since it involves the use of deadly weapons such as: surface to air missile, cruise missile, rocket launcher, armoured tanker, hand grenades, various types of guns and ammunitions, etc. all these weapons brought about the destruction of lives and properties.


Famine is a widespread lack of food over a long period of time, caused by some factors like drought, war, etc. this phenomenon is usually followed by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic and increased mortality.

Despite repeated stated intentions by world leaders to end hunger and famine, famine remains a chronic threat in much of Africa and Asia. In July 2005, the famine early warning systems network labeled Niger with emergency status, as well as Chad, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia and Zimbabwe.

In January 2006, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization warned that 11 million people in Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia were in danger of starvation due to the combination of severe drought and military conflicts. Below are lists of famine in the past and the present time:

1. 1914-1918 mount Lebanon during World War 1 which killed about a third of the population.

2. 1916-1917 German famine during World War 1, caused by the British blockade.

3. 1928-1930 Famine in northern China, caused by drought which resulted in 3 million deaths.

4. 1967-1970 Biafran famine caused by Nigerian blockade during the Nigerian civil war.

5. 1972-1973 Famine in Ethiopia caused by drought and poor governance.

6. 1991-1992 Somalian famine caused by drought and civil war.

7. 1998 Sudan famine caused by war and drought.

8. 2008 Myanmar food crisis caused by cyclone Nargis which devastated Burma’s major rice producing region.

9. 2009 Kenya food crisis which affected 10 million Kenyans.

10. 2012 West African famine (Mali and Niger).

Considering the above listed cases of famine in the history of our time, we could deduce that drought and war are the major causes of famine. Though we have earlier seen how deadly and destructive wars could be. But there is another major factor drought.

What is drought? It is a long period of time when there is little or no rain or snow, aided by the depletion of the ozone layer otherwise known as global warming.

Drought devastated crops around the world in the year 2012, including corn and soybeans in the united sates, wheat in Russia and Australia and soybeans in Brazil and Argentina. This has contributed to a 6 percent rise in global food prices from June to July (the United Nations data).

I believe you know what doom this spelt, if the trend of drought should continue and probably increase in the future, considering the fact that major world producers of food are affected? It means that there will be famine more serious than previous once and as such would lead to the increase of food scarcity which in turn would lead to increased hunger and starvation that would cause the death of many people in the world.


Earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth’s crust.

Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers or seismographs. The moment magnitude is the most common scale on which earthquakes larger than approximately 5.0 are reported for the entire globe.

Magnitude 3.0 or lower earthquakes are mostly almost imperceptible or weak and magnitude 7.0 and over, potentially cause serious damage to lives and properties over larger areas, depending on their depth.

The largest earthquakes in historic times have been of magnitude slightly over 9.0 or equal to. The most recent large earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or larger was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan in 2011 (as of December 2016) which triggered a tsunami, was the largest Japanese earthquake since records began.

The shallower an earthquake, the more damage to structures it causes. When a large earthquake is located offshore, the seabed may be displaced sufficiently to cause a tsunami. It can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.

Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts and nuclear tests.

Earthquake is no doubt a terrible disaster which is highly deadly and destructive in nature. Below are listed cases of earthquake:

Cases of Magnitude 8.5 and Above

1. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake which occurred at the Indian ocean Sumatra, Indonesia on December 26, 2004.

2. The 2005 Sumatra earthquake at Sumatra, Indonesia on March 28, 2005.

3. The 2007 Sumatra earthquake which happened in Sumatra, Indonesia on September 12, 2007.

4. The 2010 Chile earthquake that occurred in Maule, Chile on February 27, 2010.

5. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake which occurred offshore at the Pacific Ocean, Tohoku region, Japan on the 11th of March 2011.

6. 2012 Aceh earthquake at the Indian Ocean, Sumatra, Indonesia on April 11, 2012.

Ranked Deadliest Earthquakes on Record

1. The Haiti quake on January 12, 2010.

2. The Indian Ocean quake on December 26, 2004, etc.

Ranked Property Damages Caused by Earthquake

1. The 2011 9.0 magnitude quake in Tohoku, Japan which destroyed properties worth $122 billion.

2. The 2008 8.0 magnitude quake in Sichuan, China that damaged properties worth $75 billion.

3. The 2010 8.8 magnitude quake in Chile destroyed properties estimated to be between $15 billion to $30 billion.

4. 2012 4.6 to 6.1 magnitude quake that destroyed properties worth $13.2 billion in Emilia, Italy.

5. 2011 6.3 magnitude quake which destroyed properties worth $12 billion in Christchurch, New Zealand, etc.

More destructive and deadly earthquakes are still to come in the future, how prepared are you if caught by this terrible disaster? Believing in Jesus, trusting in Him and obeying His commands are the only sure way of escaping this destructive destroyer.


The oxford English dictionary defined Pestilence as an old usage (word not commonly/presently used) which literally means any infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people. While the word Epidemic which is commonly used means a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community.

The International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and Red Crescent Societies defined an epidemic as the unusual increase in the number of cases of an infectious disease which already exists in a certain region or population. It can also refer to the appearance of a significant number of cases of an infectious disease in a region or population that is usually free from that disease.

From the above definitions, we could deduce that Pestilence or Epidemic is an infectious disease of any kind, which spreads rapidly in a short period of time within a particular region of a given state or country, killing many people.

Disasters such as tropical storms, floods, earthquakes, droughts, etc, could result to epidemic. Epidemics may also attack animals leading to local economic disasters.

Types of Infectious Disease

There are various kinds of infectious diseases such as:

1. Avian influenza (AI)

2. Cholera

3. Dengue Fever

4. Ebola and Marburg

5. Malaria

6. Measles

7. Meningococcal meningitis

8. Yellow Fever


10. Tuberculosis, etc.

Approximately half of all deaths caused by infectious diseases each year can be attributed to just three diseases: Tuberculosis, Malaria and AIDS. Together, these diseases cause over 300 million illnesses around the world and more than 5 million deaths each year.

So far, we have seen how deadly and destructive these terrible disasters are. According to the gospel of Matthew 24: 8, they are the beginning of birth pains.

One may ask: why would a loving and merciful God allow these terrible disasters to kill and destroy? The answer is in 2 Esdras 16: 18-20 and it says:

Troubles will come and many people will groan. Famine will come, and many will die. Wars will come, and the world powers will tremble. Disasters will come, and everyone will be terrified. What will people do when these disasters come? Famine, epidemics, troubles, and suffering are sent to punish and correct people. But in spite of all this, they will not turn away from their sins; they soon forget their punishment.

In essence, it is telling us that God allowed these terrible disasters to kill and destroy as a kind of punishment for the sins we have committed in order to make us repent from our sins and turn back to Him who is the Almighty Creator of all things both visible and invisible. But verse 20 says that despite all these, they will not turn away from their sins… read Revelation 3: 19-20.

Since the world cannot sincerely and humbly seek the face of the Almighty God for forgiveness in one Spirit of Christ Jesus, these terrible disasters will continue to kill and destroy. The unrepentant hearts of men will take us to the next event which is the Rebellion.


Do not let anyone deceive you in anyway. For that day will not come until the final rebellion takes place… (2 Thessalonians 2: 3 TEV)

Rebellion according to the third sense in the Oxford English Dictionary means opposition to authority, being unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour, dress, etc.

God gave us rules and regulations through Moses and the Prophets, to enable us live at peace with Him and with our fellow man. Those rules were further explained clearly to us by His Son Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Since our definition of rebellion means the willingness to disobey rules or reject normal standards of behaviour established by authority, it therefore means that disobeying the rules and regulations of the Almighty God who is the highest of all authorities whether in heaven, on earth or beneath the earth is a rebellion.

Presently, there is a rebellion against the teaching and lay down rules and regulations of our Lord Jesus Christ which is obviously noticeable. I call it “national rebellion” because it involves a group of people in a given country. These people are leaders and lawmakers of various countries of the world. Some or most of them are Christians who collectively decided to rebel against the rules and standards of our Lord

Jesus Christ by legalizing same sex marriage (SSM), etc. below are list of countries where same sex marriage have been legalized:

1. In the year 2000, Netherlands legalized same sex marriage. They were the first country in the world to do so.

2. Belgium followed in 2003

3. In June 2005, Spain legalized SSM

4. On July 20th, 2005 Canada joined the list of countries where same sex marriage is legal.

5. On 15th November 2006, the legislature of South Africa passed a law legalizing same sex marriage (marriage involving a man and a man or a female and a female), by a vote of 230 to 41 with three abstentions.

6. Norway legislation passed a law legalizing SSM in June<