Gods and Heroes; or, The Kingdom of Jupiter by R. E. Francillon - HTML preview

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THIS series of books consists so far as possible of complete works from the great masters, specially edited to meet the wants of young people in the school and in the home.

Æsop’s Fables

Andersen’s Fairy Tales, Part 1

Andersen’s Fairy Tales, Part 2

Arabian Nights

Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress

Burt’s Stories from Plato

Cervantes’s Don Quixote

Chamisso’s Peter Schlemihl

Chesterfield’s Letters

Church’s Stories of the Old World

Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

Dickens’s Tale of Two Cities


Fiske-Irving’s Washington

Fouqué’s Undine

Francillon’s Gods and Heroes

Franklin: His Life by Himself

Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield

Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Part I

Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Part II

Grote and Ségur’s Two Great Retreats

Hughes’s Tom Brown at Rugby

Hugo’s Jean Valjean

Irving’s Alhambra

Irving’s Sketch-Book (Six Selections)

Jefferies’s Sir Bevis

Johnson’s Rasselas

Kingsley’s Greek Heroes

Kingsley’s Water-Babies

Lamb’s Adventures of Ulysses

Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare

Litchfield’s Nine Worlds

Marcus Aurelius

Martineau’s Peasant and the Prince

Montgomery’s Heroic Ballads

Plutarch’s Lives

Ramée’s Bimbi

Ruskin, Selections from

Ruskin’s King of the Golden River

Saintine’s Picciola

Scott’s Guy Mannering


Lady of the Lake

Lay of the Last Minstrel


Old Mortality

Quentin Durward

Rob Roy

Tales of a Grandfather


Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice

Southey’s Life of Nelson

Spyri’s Heidi

Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels

White’s Selborne

Williams and Foster’s Selections for Memorizing

Wyss’s Swiss Family Robinson