Throughout life many people forget the correct way to feed
themselves. As is known is because human evolution itself,
demand often far exceed the Social gains they need and can
Taking and many of them lose control of themselves. To the extent
that the soft and squishy they develop the most diverse conditions
over time in an Unconscious way. These are the people that this
manual is directed through the remembrances contained within
the application easy and effortless, with no need for any
medication, or depriving yourself of foods you like, without
having to make stupid and expensive diets or gastric banding,
without resorting to the business of health and wallet.
That in most cases instead of solving the problem only
All content described in this Manual has been previously tested
extensively over the years for me.
As witnessed by many people, and be monitored by the medical
part. Troubleshooting and healing all health problems that existed
for me.
As I describe in the books I wrote before. Reunion of Light, only
later was applying all this recognition that I was subjected, and
in patients without known something that was never charged for
that, because I humbly asked to be governed well.
José Cruz
All people who have started this new and revolutionary method of
reducing what is more.
They are the example and living proof that, like me.
Guide to Lose Weight Naturally
Step st1
About the Method
As innovative shape, simple and honest as I present to you
first hand, how to get around this text, personally and without
anyone noticing. Unfortunately it is not very well accepted by
drug companies or pharmacies, as well as the medical profession.
Because of these industries and services is facing consumerism,
patients on medications or consultations, having just viewing
your portfolio, in most cases.
Except a few exceptions the medical profession I admire and
respect. It takes having in mind a certain way, that after all this
way to try to treat.
The people who need to lose weight through clinical methods,
rarely successful, it is a long shot, becoming ineffective, leading
often to lose the little self-esteem that still preserved.
Therefore leads one to also start to lose your self-confidence, and
feeling in part an increasingly failed in these attempts, may need
to lose weight become an obsession, and increasing pain in all
aspects, coming to resonate over time in health, and of course to
alter significantly their quality of life in all aspects and those
around them.
José Cruz
The method I present simple to use, it has nothing to do with
religious practices or of any kind, requiring help from a particular
person, or be confined to something, to achieve the purpose
The person just needs her own, and nothing to change this path in
his life. For this new journey to your forgetfulness, will need a
Light, this is my own Light, in Union with the whole Universe.
Many times they are engrossed in reading, or have moved in some
way, the Manual suggests that this may sometimes feel chills
physical act of yawning, cold, warmth, laughter, tears, itching or
palpitations and other symptoms. But do not be afraid and do not
deny anything, just accept it with open hearts, all that feeling,
because it is part of the Illuminating Light, which gave me the
Universe, which touches you in your deepest intimacy.
Through the words they read and feel, consciously or practice in
your memories contained in various corners of yourselves, going to
trigger the start of your journey and healing and not a single
Guide to Lose Weight Naturally
Step st2
The Mind
As is well known any health problem, you might get, always
starts in the Mind. She is just a complex mechanism, which in
turn controls the body almost always rest.
When there is a total control over the mind of the person, this will
never bring him troubles at all, when this does happen and the
person begins to lose autonomy to the Mind, the case then that a
different story.
The mind begins to gain confidence about the person, whether
through thoughts, which then lead to actions not so good, like
everything that she is an expert in manufacturing, in most cases
without the permission of the person.
As the depression, the feelings, emotions, anger, pride, addictions,
unhealthy habits and illusions, in most cases without the
permission of the person itself.
But of course the human being needs of the mind but not
possessed. Need it in their day to day, just as often as necessary
and nothing more.
As is to memorize something, which you can later, use this
fabulous archive for consultation.
José Cruz
Or in a variety of learning in life that require a systematic and
constant pounding on it until this learning, wow many among
which one can find multiplication tables, learning to read and
write, or just chat.
She only learns something through repetition and nothing else. It
should be noted that after she learns something through
repetition, to let go of itself, always cyclically continues to hit the
same key, type broken record.
Guide to Lose Weight Naturally
Step st3
The Conscience
Unlike the Mind is a mechanism which is powered by
negative energy. When the power goes out the engine simply
stops. It appears then that the great saving of any person,
consciousness. From the moment that Conscience takes advantage
of the person. Automatically changes the course of direction,
which was negative before slowly is becoming positive.
Consciousness and works tirelessly to the base of positive energy,
which can be Solar or Spiritual Light. She will then begin to feed
the mind. That in turn when they have the energy needed back
then to command the entire physical body, normalizing all systems
and organs that hitherto had stopped for lack of energy.
How to repair Consciousness is antagonistic to the Mind. While
the first energy remains positive, the second lacks the negative
energy to its maintenance. And through the consciousness that it
takes action on what is. Because she is older than the mind, give
out more and become more authoritarian.
José Cruz
Consciousness is the ally of Intuition, due to its evolutionary
origin of Light what does the other one does not deny.
Consciousness exists as a judge of the Mind produces that, as
mentioned before in step two.
When she steps the risk consciousness is right on top of it, not let
it take care of the individual, because it simply does not pass, the
orders of a set of her mistress, which is consciousness, when you
no longer need to send her to leave, because it has already reached
a conclusion as soon as the mind works to the detriment of the
person or not. And the power that consciousness has on it. Let's
go to the liberalism of Intuition.
Guide to Lose Weight Naturally
Step st4
Intuition as a Guide
Who has not met to feel the need to go to a particular site?
Or contact with someone without having thought about it, and
not knowing why, feel motivated to do so. Or when talking to
someone and feels something within him that what he is telling
the other is not so in fact as good? And then do not think just
Well my friends this inner feelings are, what we call intuition
itself. What the extent that we feel and relate more with her, we
come to fully trust what she tells us. It's going to live when was a
child, through intuition. Only when she was little / a, there was
the Mind and its products for the coming atrophy of Intuition.
Maybe for some people is an inexpensive back, to feel when they
were children who had no habits, and lived only intuitively.
Having no problems and always feeling what they should do, and
This is a challenge each of you will have to initiate, and must
accept as an inner evolution. Because the return to interact with
your inner child or intuition, as the wish to call.
Go back to feeling self-esteem and self-confidence.
José Cruz
This will happen naturally, without having to seek or force
whatever to achieve what you want. Everything is done to a
snail's pace, is to last, so there is no hurry, haste is a mental
In this way, and will slowly begin to take into consideration
everything that your intuition shows them.
Guide to Lose Weight Naturally
Step st5
The Confusion
In early to start taking better account of Intuition, will feel
within your heads often a real chaos.
Do not be alarmed by this, which is consciousness that is
beginning to sweep the house. For the future interact with
Intuition. The same has never ceased to live within each one of
you was just hidden by a veil to avoid being degraded.
But as consciousness took the trouble to clean the house, she start
to feel more welcoming home, lifts the lid and start to make their
appearances. And back again to relate to consciousness.
The confusion in the head tends to remain indefinitely, only
depending on the individual capacity of each to such.
By just simply accept gladly and humbly what is happening to
him. The people, who are more accustomed to living in the Mind
and its products, will certainly hear distinct voices inside your
head. Sometimes even without knowing which echo its origin, or
intended, often feeling desperate.
José Cruz
Do not be alarmed that the voices are neither more nor less, than
the mind and consciousness, to discuss on how to clean house.
One wants to keep the pound, while the other wants is clean.
You never should intervene at all in these discussions, or take
advantage of them. Just get used to observe, and nothing more.
Not that this will have to be absent for some time.
This absence, in failing to observe, may be through listening to
music, play any sports, making love, laugh, anything you enjoy,
appreciate and make them feel good, but must always be to the
application and physical stress through any healthy environment.
Because only this way the energy that fuels the discussion of the
Mind Conscience against him is withdrawn due to go to other
parts of the physical mechanism to be spent.
And the mind simply abandons the discussion, if silent, for no
longer have the energy to feed.
Leaving then mindfulness alone, cleaning the house, while you
talk with Intuition, which is the messenger of the Soul.
This can only happen in the absence of the Mind.
Felt it!
Guide to Lose Weight Naturally