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{1} For discussion on this topic see Touchy Topics by Melvin Tinker, EP Books, UK, 2016, from page 13.  This is also a topic of the atheist author Richard Dawkins’ book, The God Delusion, Transworld Publishers, London, 2006.


{2}  Information in this section was obtained from http://www.antnest.co.uk


{3}  Information in this section was obtained from the book Hallmarks of Design by Stuart Burgess, Day One Publications, UK, 2004.


{4} This information is at a most basic level. For more information see for example Senior Biology, Du Toit et al NASOU Cape Town 2000 at page 227 - 231

{5} This information is at a most basic level. For more information see for example Senior Biology, Du Toit et al NASOU Cape Town 2000 at page 219-229


{6} Information in this section was obtained from the website http://book.bionumbers.org


{7}  Information in this section was obtained from an article Cell Structure and Function 

http://people.eku.edu/richisong/RICHISO/301notes1 and an article by Alexandra Villa-Forte, Cells



{8} Information in the sections on DNA and living cells was obtained from the following articles: “What is DNA” https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/dna; “What is a chromosome” https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/chromosome; “What is a cell” https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/cell,

all under the title “Genetics Home Reference; and an article by Brooke Rosenbaum “How do healthy cells work” http://www.oncolink.org/healthcare-professionals/oncolink-university/general-oncology


{9}  Information in this section was obtained from the following articles; “What is Mitosis?” http://www.livescience.com, “The Cell” by Alex Williams, Journal of Creation 28, “Human genome decay and the origin of life” from https://www.cancerquest.org April 2014.


{10} Information in this section was obtained from the following articles: “Introduction to Meiosis” http://www.ck12.org/life-science/Meiosis-in-Life-Science, “Meiosis” https://www.ck12.org, “What is crossing over and when does it occur?” Quora.com, “Genetics: no friend of evolution” by Lane Lester, Creation 20(2), March 1998, and Genetic Recombination, Wikipedia. 


{11} Wikipedia, List of organisms by Chromosome Count


{12} Information obtained from New Health Guide, http://www.newhealthguide.org/ When-Does-Baby-Have-A-Heartbeat.html


{13} Does God believe in Atheists? By John Blanchard, Evangelical Press 2000, Edition 2014 at page 369, quoting Oxford University neurochemist Susan Greenfield


{14} Isaac Asimov, quoted in Blanchard at page 368


{15}  Jerry R Bergman, contributory author, In Six Days – Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, New Holland Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd 1999, p30


{16} Published by Simon & Schuster, USA, 2005

{17} Some technical aspects of heredity, but not anything about information, was obtained from the book Life Study, A Textbook of Biology by D.G. Mackean, John Murray (Publishers) Ltd. London 1999.  For further technical aspects, also see Wikipedia Heredity and Wikipedia Dominance (genetics).


{18} See, for example, the article by Lita Cosner entitled Parade of Mutants – Pedigree Dogs and Artificial Selection Creation Ministries International website Creation.com


{19} There is a large number of sources on the topic of genetic mutations. Amongst others, the following articles were consulted which are available on the Creation.com website: Time – no friend of evolution by David Catchpole, Creation 34(3), July 2012; Genetic entropy and simple organisms by Robert Carter, October 2012; Communicating truth with grace by Lita Cosner, September 2013; Genetics: No friend of Evolution by Lane Lester, Creation 20(2), March 1998; Beneficial Mutations: Real or Imaginary? – Part 1 by Alex Williams, Journal of Creation 28(1) 2014; Beneficial Mutations: Real or Imaginary? – Part 2 by Alex Williams; Journal of Creation 28(2), August 2014; Can mutations create New Information? by Dr. Robert W. Carter, Journal of Creation 25(2), August 2011; The Diminishing Returns of Beneficial Mutations by Shaun Doyly, July 2011; Human Genome Decay and the Origin Of Life by Alex Williams, Journal of Creation 28(1), April 2014; Designed to Adapt? by Judah Etinger, January 2017.


{20} Noble D. Physiology Is Rocking The Foundations Of Evolutionary Biology, Exp Physiol 98(8): 1235-4.

{21} John Blanchard Does God believe in Atheists? EP Books, Darlington England 2014 page 111


{22} Creation.com  Cambrian explosion points to creation not evolution.

{23} Blanchard page 111

{24} Pierre Jeristrόm Journal of Creation 14(2):11-13 August 2000

{25} Blanchard p112

{26} Blanchard page 125 - 126

{27} Blanchard page 126


{28}  Jonathan Sarfati, Refuting Evolution 2, Mastic Books, Inc. AR 2002

{29} Blanchard pp 118-119

{30} Richard Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press, Rochester, Vermont USA page 202


{31} Milton, pp 202 - 204 


{32} Milton, p 204


{33} Creation Ministries International website creation.com Search under “complexity”


{34} Creation Ministries International website creation.com Search under “complexity”


{35} See for example Richard Sorabji, Moral Conscience through the Ages, Fifth Century BCE to the Present, University of Chicago Press, 2014. The history and content of the philosophy of conscience is a very large subject in itself.


{36} C S Lewis, Mere Christianity, HarperCollins, New York p13.

{37} Guinness World Records Limited 2020


{38} https://thebibleanswer.


{39} The International Bible Society. https://www.biblica.com 


{40}  While it is known who most of the authors of the Bible are, there is no certainty about some, e.g. the book of Hebrews in the New Testament.


{41} John Piper, DesiringGod.org.

{42} For a commentary on the Septuagint, see Considering the Septuagint: Today’s forgotten book that changed human history. Considerthegospel.org

{43} There is a wealth of information on the Dead Sea Scrolls, which the serious student is encouraged to research.


{44} This information, and that which follows on this subject, obtained from a paper compiled by Tony Payne, with material by John Chapman, “A Fresh Start”. Simply Christianity, Matthias Media. 


{45} The Bible and Archaeology, also from the paper of Tony Payne, above.

{46} Dr. Gary Linton, Authenticity of Scripture: Evidentiary Support, www.ministrymaker.com


{47} Dr. Gary Linton, Authenticity of Scripture: Evidentiary Support, www.ministrymaker.com


{48} Life Application Study Bible, Tyndale House Publishers Inc. Illinois


{49} Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1998

{50} Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry, edited by Rev. Leslie F. Church, Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., Zondervan Publishing House, Grand rapids, Michigan 1961, pages 1506 - 1508


{51}  Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan. page 226

{52}  Grudem p 226

{53} Grudem p 226 - 227

{54} Grudem p 230

{55} New Bible Commentary, 21st Century Edition, D A Carson et al, Intervarsity Press, pages 930 - 931


{56} New Bible Commentary, 21st Century Edition, D A Carson et al, Intervarsity Press, pages 1010


{57} John MacArthur, The Only Solution to the Greatest Problem, Grace to You, gty.org


{58} The Portable Seminary, general editor David Horton, Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan 2006, at page 165


{59}  Robert Lavarde, Don’t All Good People Go to Heaven, FocusontheFamily.com


{60} Timothy Keller, Making sense of God, VIKING An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC New York 2016, pages 112 - 113


{61} Melvin Tinker A Lost God in a Lost World EP BOOKS Welwyn Garden City UK 2015


{62} J I Packer Knowing God Hodder and Stoughton A division of Hodder Headline Ltd London 1988 pages 38 and 39


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