Have You Heard About Eternity? by Marius le Roux - HTML preview

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  • What am I doing with my life?
  • Why am I here?
  • Is there any purpose to my life beyond my work, my family, my needs and ambitions?
  • Is there more to life than comfort, pleasure and entertainment?
  • What will eventually happen to the record of my life?
  • Is there such a record?
  • If there is a world beyond this world, do I need to know about it or prepare for it? Should I care? 


Dear reader, if any of the above questions, or similar ones, have crossed your mind, let us investigate them.  I will endeavour to present this study to some extent as a debate.   I will put forward propositions that will help us to grapple with some of the great issues of life. 

Why should we bother with such a debate?  

Well, in short, the issues that we will be discussing are more important than anything else in your life or mine.  

They are life-defining and life-changing issues.  

They are about eternity.


Marius le Roux

BSc(Mech)Eng BProc

Cape Town

May 2020