Hebrew Prayer - The Resonance Of Saints by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Most individuals who have read one or more of the works produced by this commentator are certainly not surprised by the Hebraic centric slant on this topic of Hebraic Prayer. Over the years it has been in essence a personal mission … a compelling mission by this commentator to bring to light the truth about G_D and his plan for humanity in a context that G_D himself chose … the Hebraic context!

Objectively speaking this commentator has attempted to explore numerous aspects of belief and faith spanning a broad variety of topics such as but not limited to: the nature of G_D; G_D's great plan for humanity; G_D's Everlasting Covenant; G_D's Torah; G_D's Eternal Festivals; G_D's Mishkan (Holy Place); and G_D's Holy Service.

Naturally the exploration of all these glorious aspects related to G_D has inevitably led us to the reality and truth of Yeshua HaMashiach … Messiah of Israel … G_D manifest to humanity on Earth … Bless his holy NAME!

These fundamental aspects of knowledge and truth have naturally been explored within the auspices of the Sacred Hebrew Texts … as well as the broader history of humanity and the Gentile church in as much that everything is connected … everything is part of G_D's plan … everything is subjected to G_D's great plan for creation.

Previous works by this commentator have been undertaken with genuine and passionate efforts to correct what is viewed as a traditionally incomplete and wrong understanding of Messiah and the subsequent presentation of Yeshua to the Nations by mainstream Christianity and conversely to combat mainstream Judaism's blindness and rejection of Messiah!

Previous works by this commentator have been undertaken to address G_D's plan for humanity in a Hebraic context so that our human understanding of G_D and his plan for us can be aligned with what appears to be the intuitively obvious Hebraic tradition (seemingly concealed for nineteen hundred years) … when the conventions and framework of Hellenistic philosophy are pried away from our minds.

Now despite all best efforts, desire and prayers, this commentator's works are assuredly imperfect, incomplete and are primarily designed to bear testimony to this commentator's understanding of G_D's truth so that we … as individuals and all Israel … can comprehend what G_D is achieving through Messiah and just as importantly what this means by way of the true Gospel Message and how this Message of redemption, hope and salvation is designed to bring about true transformation … not just in that day to come … but in the here and now!

Beloved children of G_D we are being prepared not just for the Heavenly union with G_D but just as importantly for the return of Messiah Yeshua … and his glorious Earthly millennial reign … as prophesied in Ezekiel chapters forty through forty-eight and the Book of Revelation respectively.

Upon review of these prophecies we find a millennial reign with Mashiach ben David as King … we find a Kingdom wherein Israel has been restored to glory … we find a Kingdom wherein the Holy Temple is once again the center of the Earth … we find a Holy Temple wherein the G_D of Israel is with us … ImmanuEL!

Can we see and discern that Messiah's return will in fact be precipitated by the persecution of Israel … and the remnant of her seed … those that keep the commandments and have the faith of Yeshua … those that are the persevering saints?

Can we conceive of such a scenario and amazing events? Do we believe? Do we await with joyful hope the coming of Messiah? Do we long for the days of the King when we can pour our hearts out to him in praise, worship and thanksgiving … while he is here?

Can we see and discern that this is an earthly Kingdom (not New Jerusalem) wherein the ways of old will be established … the ways of old will be taught … the ways of old will be promulgated throughout the Earth … readying the creation for its final and ultimate restoration!

This is a Kingdom where the Covenantal promises to Israel and G_D's faithfulness is manifested! This is a Kingdom where the righteous and just Sacred Law of G_D is the very Law of the land!

This is the precursor to the Kingdom of Light wherein all remaining chaff will be exposed and ultimately burned … but more importantly wherein all that contains goodness (tov) will be pruned, refined, molded and prepared for the coming permanent renewal of all things in Messiah!

Does our Spirit not have us panting for the days of the King? Does our Spirit not have us sharing in the joy, gladness, honor and glory of our beloved Messiah … our Redeemer … our Savior … as he finally comes to receive what is rightfully his … the entire Earth as his inheritance!

And if this Spirit is working within us do we not long for this Kingdom … for this King in such a manner that has us readying ourselves in the here and now?

Oh yes indeed dear reader … this commentator has been producing Hebraic perspective works that point us towards the eternal truths and the aspects of this great plan of G_D … in, by, with, through and for Yeshua HaMashiach! 

These previous works have been a great blessing upon this commentator, (and hopefully for those who may receive these writings) and these works have most assuredly enlightened this commentator, strengthened the faith and resolve and transformed the personal behavior … but … these previous works have still left the commentator wondering what more is there … wondering what G_D has in store for us in the here and now … wondering why at times life remains such a struggle … a tribulation … even having the knowledge of the truth?

And months ago an old question posed by this commentator in a previous work came to mind: "What is important … what is required by G_D … knowledge of the truth or real circumcision of the heart?"

It was this very question that prompted some badly needed introspection with regards to prayer at a time when things (halakha both ritual and dynamic) did not seem to personally produce within me the same joy and contentment which had been previously experienced … I had found myself becoming complacent without realizing it … in spite of having just completed a fairly in depth work regarding the Sacred Biblical Festivals!

Ultimately I realized that somewhere along the line my heart … my passion … was waning while at the same time my zeal and thirst for knowledge of G_D was heightened! Naturally this commentator was baffled … naturally this commentator decided it was time to dig in and pray harder … make supplication with greater intensity … you get the idea … the commentator decided that it was time to take matters into his own hands!

And praise G_D … because he stopped me right in my tracks and decided to leverage this "mental zeal" to his own advantage. G_D decided for me that now was the time to finally pursue the work on Hebraic prayer that had been planned for nearly five years and what has been presented herein is the result of this endeavor and most assuredly it must be admitted that this result has been an eye opening surprise for the commentator.

Oh most assuredly the knowledge that all things are in Messiah … was embedded in my mind and to a certain extent even within my heart. I know this to be true yet at the same time there was a realization that I was operating under severe limitations. I did make Messiah the object of my prayers … but my prayers were still my own … my prayers were still reflective of my perceived objectives for G_D's plan … G_D's will for my own life … my prayers were not Messiah's prayers … my prayers were not necessarily resonating the desire that Messiah be my objective … my prayers were not Messiah himself!

So … now this commentator is left with the reality and understanding that there is more … much more that G_D has in store for me … if I can get out of my own way … if I can, like the Psalmist … like Yeshua … just let G_D be G_D!

Ultimately the journey continues children of G_D … for me … and all of Israel! It is a journey that ebbs and flows like the rivers, winds and seasons. It is a journey that takes the individual and community, if we allow G_D to be G_D, everywhere we need to be at the right time. It is a journey rife with risks, tribulations, trials and failures but at the same time is offset by exhilarating and indescribable joy and comfort knowing that G_D is faithful!

It is ultimately a journey designed to bring us face to face … heart to heart … soul to soul with Messiah Yeshua. In our temporal state this convergence is through his own Spirit, seeking to enable us … to drive us … to become his disciple … to become like him … to become him and reflect his goodness upon the Earth as a sign of hope for others who are in need of him!

So back to the question … "Is knowledge of G_D or circumcision of the heart the requirement?"

The answer naturally is yes to both sides of the equation!

And now when this commentator ponders and muses the great Biblical Psalms there is no longer a cognitive attempt to get inside the head of the Psalmist … or understand the great truths revealed within the Psalms themselves; these blessings have already been imparted in adequate measure. Now there is simply a spiritual request that Messiah bless this commentator's soul as he did the Psalmist.

To what end or how this blessing may manifest … only Messiah knows. But rest assured dear reader that if Messiah's blessing for me is to take me to a place of active discomfort … anxiety … fear … joy … praise or worship; I will be assured that it is all for his good pleasure and I will be assured that I am being given exactly what I need … exactly what Messiah's Spirit within me is requesting … exactly what I need to understand about G_D's will and purpose for his creation and the honor, exaltation and glory of Messiah Yeshua!

Trust this commentator on this issue … Messiah Yeshua has indeed forever changed … nay perfected … the Hebraic Prayer paradigm and has done so by the only means possible … Messiah Yeshua has become prayer itself!

John: 16:26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I will say not that I will pray to the Father for you: 16:27 For the Father himself loves you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from ELOHIM.

Yes beloved children of G_D … it would appear that Messiah has revealed that at some point … in that day … Messiah within us shall be revealed in full … the great mystery of mysteries. But if nothing else has been discovered by this work let it suffice that we know Messiah's Spirit is what intercedes … resonates from within us … longing to go back home … just as Messiah longed to go back to the Father!

"Whatever you ask in Messiah's Name will be granted!" Ultimately there is only one prayer request that counts: "Father in Heaven … the Spirit longs to be reunited with you through the righteous and holy begotten Son … Yeshua; and while we wait, we pray that Messiah fill us up so that he can continue to do your will on Earth … as it is so in Heaven!

Shalom Aleichem,


P. R. Otokletos