Hebrews God's Plan For Spiritual Maturity by John Power - HTML preview

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The Book of Hebrews has been called "The Fifth Gospel". The four Gospels describe Christ's ministry on earth, but this book describes His ministry in Heaven at God's right hand. The book of Hebrews exalts the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our eyes are fixed upon Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He is set before us "crowned with glory and honor" in the heavens (Hebrews 2:9). When we realize all that we have in and through Him, we have no desire for anyone else or anything else.

This book was written primarily to Jewish Christians at Jerusalem who were wavering in their faith and were in danger of lapsing back into Judaism. Because of the taunts and jeers of their persecutors, the Jewish Christians were beginning to think that they had lost everything—the altar, priests, sacrifices—by accepting Christianity. The writer proved that they had only lost the shadow to be given the substance, the Lord Jesus Christ. They were undervaluing their privileges in Christ, were becoming discouraged and were thinking about going back to Judaism as a form of worship.

The writer was trying to lead them from an elementary knowledge to a mature grasp. He exhorted them to be loyal to Christ. He showed the superiority of the New Covenant over the Old Covenant.

In this letter, the Christian was admonished to press on to perfection or maturity of full growth in spiritual things, especially in the knowledge and power of the Lord Jesus Christ Who saves us, directs, and intercedes for us.

It is true that Hebrews carries a particular message to the Jewish believers who were faced with problems we do not face today. They were living in the transition period Law and Grace, the transition from the Law of Moses with its ceremonies to the liberty of Grace, the transition from bondage of legalism to grace and truth that makes us free.

As the reader will see, the Book of Hebrews is truly God’s plan for spiritual maturity for the child of God.