How To Be by Joseph F. Roberts, ThD, PhD - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


About the Author




In the secular world, the Book and eBook Market is flooded with “How To” e-books. There are

“How To” books on almost any subject available. You notice I said, “Almost.” Rarely have I seen any Christian or Bible writer or author write any “How To” materials on hardly any subject. Do not God’s people need to know “How To” whatever in terms of how to live a Christian life, how to do this or that for the Lord, and the list could be almost endless. Many secular “How To” e-books, or even printed books, generate hundreds, even thousands of dollars for their writers and publishers.

Now, I am not writing these e-books to make money, my aim is to inform, educate and equip God’s people for better service to Him.

Many times, we feel that God would have us to do something, but we have no idea on how to start.

Me, I was fortunate to have a pastor like Bro. Glen Davenport—now Dr. Davenport—who was interested enough in me to take me aside and teach me small practical things as a pastor that I would have to learn the hard way otherwise. One of the things I distinctly remember all those years ago, was him taking me into the back of the church building where he was preparing for us to observe the Lord’s Supper. He said he did not know if I knew how to prepare for the actual supper or not, so, he thought it would be good that he teach me how to prepare the drink and the bread. He gave me practical instruction that benefited me the rest of my ministry.

As a young preacher, I was always afraid of preaching something or saying something that would take away from him and his being our pastor. He seemed to sense this and one day took me aside and gave me this counsel: He said, “Any time either of us get into the pulpit, let us make sure that we give the people something from God’s Word that they need.” That was good advice! That radically changed my preaching. From that time on, for almost 50 years, each time that I have gotten behind a pulpit to proclaim God’s Word, I have endeavored to give those listening something that they could use in their lives and their service for the Lord. I don’t claim that I always succeeded, but that was my intent and heart’s desire.

I give this background to lay this foundation, this is the purpose of the “How To” e-books that I write. A child of God needs to know why he or she is a child of God, what they should believe being that child and lastly, be able to communicate that knowledge to someone else. I am striving to give practical instruction on whatever the “How To” is. I have chosen to use this methodology in order to get the truth of God’s Word to as many as possible. My prayer is that you, the reader, will be able to use what has been written here to help you be a better servant for the Lord. If it does, then I will have succeeded, whether I ever know it or not.



I’m sure that you noticed that this is a multi-titled e-book. “How To” and then six different things were added, Humble, Joyful, Kind, Meek, Obedient and Pure. The Bible teaches that we are to be all of those, but sometimes we are not sure how we are to be humble, joyful, etc. That is the purpose of this e-book, that we will know how to be humble, how to be joyful, how to be kind, how to be meek, how to be obedient and finally, how to be pure.

This e-book was developed from sermons that I have preached on these items. I hope they will give you the “practical” on “how to be” what the Lord would have you to be.

May God bless you richly as you work your way through this booklet.


Chapter One

How To Be Humble

James 4:10 KJV 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.