Sharing your Christian Faith is important. One must depend on the Holy Spirit and be led by the Lord when sharing the Faith. Yet, one must also study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed but rightly divides the Word of Truth. Study is important, but not mere intellectual study. Understanding of another religion should further solidify one’s Biblical worldview. The arena of this world and our War against the world, the flesh, and the devil is largely a battle of ideas, worldviews, and beliefs. Those beliefs, ideas, and worldviews shape economies, political institutions, education, and even nations. Jesus Christ told His followers to go forth and disciple the nations. Are we preparing to go forth and do so? Are we preparing to teach others all that Christ has commanded us as He laid out in the Great Commission or are we only evangelism focused saying repent of your sin and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord but not willing to walk alongside others for the long haul, teaching them the Word of God, bringing them up to maturity in Christ so that they will be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ themselves who are able and ready to go forth and disciple others?
May we evangelize as well as do our part to disciple the nations for Jesus Christ!
Grace, Truth and Peace in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Ryan Marks