I Must Be About My Father's Business by Warren du Plessis - HTML preview

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A Strange Instruction


This verse is the start of Jesus’ explanation of the parable of the unjust steward and He makes a startling announcement to His disciples:


And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. (Luk.16:9)


The word “mammon” refers to money or wealth, and Jesus calls it “unrighteous” because so many cases the wealth is acquired and held in an unrighteous manner. For the Son of God to tell His listeners to be friends with that which He would a couple of verses later speak so disparaging of is strange to say the least. The original Greek could mean either “make friends with unrighteous mammon or make friends using unrighteous mammon.” Either way the bottom line is to use money properly so that it is of benefit to you, that when you are dismissed from being a steward of God’s possessions here on earth i.e. when you die, you will have friends in heaven who will receive you gladly.


The steward had used money to make friends for the time when he would need them thus ensuring his future comfort and security. Jesus is not commending the steward’s unrighteousness but rather the results thereof. In business we cannot avoid the world and its order, but we can avoid being unethical.


…..but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God.(Eccl.2:26b)


There may come a time when we need to approach other sources for help, sources not as pure and righteous as we would like. Jesus is reminding us that we can still do business with the sinner, even if it goes against the grain, because it is He who gave the sinner the instruction to gather for the believer. The sinner’s wealth is ours to collect.


We must, however, keep in mind who we are and make use of all opportunities to spread the Word. We have to keep in mind that there is a greater prize than the sinner’s wealth, the prize of his soul, and what greater victory than bringing others to heaven with us.


This instruction allows us to ‘enter the enemies camp and to take back what he stole from us’, and while we are there, to use the opportunity to win over others to the kingdom of God, using the instruments that the enemy willingly gives us.


Everything we do whether it be business or sport, at home or in church, must be done with the furtherance of the kingdom in mind. Even failure can be an opportunity, a door that could lead to a more fruitful, a longer lasting, and much more satisfying victory. That is why vision is so important, to set your goals, spiritually and physically, and then to do all you can to achieve them. With this approach, you can never fail.



Heavenly Father, help me please, as I stretch toward the fulfillment of my vision, towards the crown of victory which You have for me. Help me keep focused on what needs to be done to please You, to maintain my integrity, even in times of failure and at all times to grow in righteousness, in Jesus Name. Amen.


God’s plan for your life is success. The enemy wants you to fail. What on the surface may look like a victory for the enemy may ultimately be the key to your success.


Always keep in mind the words of Paul in his first letter the Timothy:


For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1Tim.6:10)


The enemy will try to use money to deceive and delude you, to turn your goals and your vision to his purpose. With success in business will come the temptations of pride, greed and lust all designed to draw you into his net. That is why it is so important to keep focused and to maintain your faith in God who will protect you.


…but the just shall live by his faith. (Hab.2:4b)


Knowing without a doubt that God is in your camp, that He will guide you and shower you with the blessings of wisdom and knowledge, is half the battle won. The other half is putting into practice and using that which He has given you.