I Must Be About My Father's Business by Warren du Plessis - HTML preview

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This book is a testament to the awesome power of the Word of God and the knowledge that it contains for those who care to look. Within the pages of the Bible we find all we need for life:


2Pe 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:


Take any situation or need you might have, whether it has to do with family, business, leadership or life in general you will find the answers you are looking for within those wonderful pages.


The seed of the idea for this book was planted when I heard a businessperson say that it was impossible to do business and maintain biblical principles. His standpoint was that it was necessary to remove your “Christian jacket” if you wanted to succeed in the business world. His words reminded me of the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16 and his illegal and sly dealings to ensure survival.


Using this parable as a starting point, I wanted to examine what the Bible had to say about business and the result is this book. There is very little in the business environment that is not addressed, in one way or another, in the Bible if you care to look deep enough.