I Quit, Breaking the Chains of Sin by Kholisile Kosana - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Manifestation of your relationship with Sin


The serpent makes us fall in love with sin so that he could control our behaviour and thinking processes. When the devil has married us with sin, our thinking and behaviour would change to reflect our new spiritual position.


Anyone who is married to the holiness of Jesus behaves according to the word of God. The word of God determines his thoughts and actions. A child of God is always chasing after the will of the Father and wants to do what is right in the sight of God. He does not care about what the world is doing to entertain itself. In fact, a child of God lives on earth and in heaven at the same time. His body is on earth but his mind is with God. He sees what others are doing, but he is not attracted by anything that the world does as the world is controlled by the serpent.


The devil hates those who abide in the holiness of God because he is unable to attack them. He cannot penetrate their defence because the glory of the Lord is covering them all the time. Therefore, holiness is an impediment to the plans of the devil, as it prevents him from attacking us. The only way Satan could successfully attack a child of God is to tempt them to lose the clothes of holiness which protects them all the time.


The devil uses temptation as a weapon that could take off our clothes of protection. When we fall into sin, our lives would be transformed by the new relationship we have with sin. Our thinking and behaving would reflect the new relationship with have with the devil.


As soon as we have a relationship with sin, we would be careless with our lives, and we would do anything as long as it makes us happy. Our conduct would be man-centred instead of being informed by the will of God. Our will and the benefits that we would receive from our partnership with sin would inform our behaviour. Not only would we want to determine our lives, we would reject the authority of the word of God over our lives.


There are three things that reveal whether a person has a relationship with sin. These are a careless lifestyle; a man-centred view of the world; and the rejection of the world of God. Anyone who displays one of these tendencies has fallen into sin, he has made the devil the master of his life.


A careless life

When you are in a relationship with sin, the only thing that counts in your life would be you and your sin lover. You would not care about what God and other people might think or say about you, as your focus would be on your partner from the kingdom of death. A person who is wedded to sin would be focused on committing more sin. The more he commits sin, the more he would want to do it again.


If you are wedded to the ‘Bottle,’ you would want to drink more than you have drank before. And when you are married to fornication or adultery, you would always want more illicit sex. Those who are wedded to adultery would not mind about the bitter implication of their actions on those who would be affected by their actions. They would not care about their children and partners who would be negatively affected by their sinfulness.


Surely, your newly found lover might compromise your future and health, but you would not see this. Sin would kill you silently, but you would still be in love with it despite the damage it might cause you. The reason you would not see the sting of sin is that sin is essentially a bondage that will shackle every area of your life. The first shackle of bondage would be in your brain so that sin could prevent you from thinking correctly.


Your new partner would also make you fight against anyone who is against your new relationship. Any person who says something against your lover would face your wrath, as you would be defensive about your new partner. Those who would try to correct you would do so because they care about you, but you would view them as your enemy. Assuredly, many of them would be sent by God to put you back to the ways of heaven, but you would not even notice this.


Man centred life

Anyone who is wedded to sin has lost all the sense of God consciousness. He is no longer mindful of the presence of God, and as a result of that, the Lord is only an afterthought. The actions of the sinners and their minds do not have an allowance of what God might think or do in response to their sinful actions. In their minds, the Lord has ceased to be.


They would only start to think about God when sin has harmed them badly. When they are down and broken, they would start to run to the Lord for comfort and help. It is only when they are badly hurt that they would know that there is a God in heaven.


When you are married to a particular kind of sin, everything that counts in your life is you. You are the centre of everything that you want to do in your life. Your standard would be, ‘If it is good for me then I would do it regardless of who says what.’ If sin makes you happy then you would be happy despite what others might think about you and your new lover. Assuredly, you would also not care whether the Lord approves what you are doing. At this stage a sinner will behave as though they are god, because they might feel empowered by their sinful actions.


Those are wedded to sin might accumulate wealth and they might also be the toast of the town. They would be oblivious to the shackles that the serpent has put on their eyes. It is only when they realise that they have been duped by their lover that they would begin to pray, seeking God’s intervention in their lives.


God is the Lord and anyone who is not mindful of God would one drink tonnes of tears that would run down their cheeks, and some of them would start to smell the blood that would come from their wounded bodies.


Rejection of God and His word.

Sin makes us hate the righteousness of God, because righteousness is the only thing that convicts us of our sinfulness. Righteousness is the only thing that reveals how spiritually deprave we are when we abide in sin.


Anyone who rejects righteousness rejects God and His word. The word of God reveals who God is and how righteous the Lord is. It is impossible to separate God from His word, and all those who love sin would reject anything that comes from heaven. The word of God is the first target of those who are married to sin.


Those who are married to sin hates the Bible because it reveals how spiritually dirty they are. They may admit that God exists, but they despise His word because it is the only authority on what God expects them to do. By rejecting the word of God, they are trying to justify the sinful choices they have made in their lives. To them the word of God reminds them that they are indeed sinners, hence they reject it so much.


When you want to determine whether someone is obedient to God, just determine their position in relation to the word of God. Anyone who loves the word of God loves God because God has a direct relationship with His word. The opposite is also true, anyone who hates or rejects the word of God rejects God. Those who reject the word of God might not realise that they are rejecting God. It does not matter whether they realise this connection or not. God’s authority over us is in his word, and anyone who rejects His word is rejecting the authority that God has over his life.


The word of God determines our behaviour, and anyone who is controlled by the devil wants to control himself. He does not respect the authority of the word of God over his life because it opposes what he is doing.


Indeed, the word of God is our conscience, as it reminds us of the expectations of God for our lives. Those who are married to sin want to be their own conscience, as they want to determine their lives outside the word of God. Their close relationship with sin makes them hate the word of God because the word of God is the constant reminder of how sinful they are.