I Quit, Breaking the Chains of Sin by Kholisile Kosana - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


The decision to break free from sin


You cannot terminate your relationship with sin unless you have come to a conscious decision to do so. Sin will never run away from you unless you kick it in the face. Like all other things in life, actions flow from mental decisions that we take. We cannot do anything unless we have decided to do it.


How we do something is also influenced by how we have conceived it in our plan. The weaknesses of our plans will impact negatively on our objectives. The same is true in the spiritual realm. Our motives of doing something will determine whether we would fail or succeed in achieving our aims.


If we have wrong motives of terminating our relationship with sin, we would fail to reach our aim. Many people want to divorce sin because sin has hurt them badly. This is an important reason, but it is not good enough. When we want to terminate our relationship with sin because it has hurt us, we will go back to a life of sin as soon as we have gotten over the pain.


The only reason that is strong enough to break the bondage of sin, is when we want to terminate the relationship for the sake our God. When we love God with all our hearts, mind, and body, we would always do everything to keep Him happy. When we love Jesus with all our hearts, we would always desire to please Him in all things.


The grace of the Lord would be availed to anyone who is doing something for the sake of the Lord. God is the centre of everything in the entire universe, and He is the only reason we hate sin and embrace His righteousness. Anyone who wants to terminate his relationship with sin because God hates it will be able to overcome sin, the Lord would help him to extricate himself from the yoke of the devil.


The correct motive that could set you free from sin

Many people have seen the abuse and hurt that sin has caused to their lives, and because of this, they have tried to divorce sin only to return back to it a few days later. They have done all they thought possible to extricate themselves from sin, but many are still struggling to free themselves from this abusive partner. Indeed, others have succeeded to break this relationship for many years, only to return back to the life of sin a few months later.


What is the reason so many people struggle to get free from the power of sin? You cannot break off your relationship with sin unless you understand what the devil has done to you when he married you with sin. When you were in love with sin, the devil made sure that you would never break free from the control of sin. He has afflicted you with many spiritual traps that you are not able to see with your own eyes.


You cannot be free from the power of sin unless you use the wisdom of God to do so. The word of God is the only proven formula that could set free any spiritual prisoner from the powers of the serpent. The word of God gives you a blueprint of what you must do if you want to be free from the abuse of sin in your life. This is the only blueprint which has the power to free us from the bondage of sin. Any other way of freeing ourselves from sin will fail.


What could give you freedom from the power of sin is the blood of Jesus. This precious blood of God is the only power that could break all the shackles of sin is your life. The cross of Calvary released to us all the power that could free any spiritual prisoner from the bondage of sin.


It does not matter what kind of sin you are wedded to, the blood of Jesus could help you to divorce it. Every power of the enemy is under the feet of Jesus. Jesus is your only secret to a life of freedom, and any other method you could use to free yourself from the power of sin will fail dismally. All the spiritual powers of God are found in the blood of Jesus. This precious blood could give you any weapon you need to fight against the devil.


The secret of overcoming the devil is Calvary. At Calvary, all the powers of the enemy were defeated. The humiliation, the death of the Lamb of God and His ultimate resurrection has given us the spiritual power that could help us to do anything we could not do before. When we want to be free from the bondage of sin, we must run to the righteousness of God which is only found in the blood of the Lamb.


Having been buried with Him in baptism, you were also raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And when you were dead in trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive with Him and forgave us all our trespasses. He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; He triumphed over them by Him” (Colossians 2: 12-15, HCSB).


Another reason that could set you free from the power of sin is your motive of desiring to be free from it. If you want to be from sin because sin is abusive to you, that is only the start of your quest to be freed from the bondage of the devil. If that is the only reason you want to be freed from sin, you will fail to free yourself from the power of the enemy.


Your motive of desiring to be free from sin must be God-centred. In addition to desiring to be freed from sin because it is abusive to you, you need to be freed from the powers of the devil because that is what God wants. You need to recognise that God wants to be with you, but sin makes it impossible for him to abide in your body. Sin makes you spiritually dirty, unfit to house God.


Indeed, you could only free yourself from sin when you want to end the relationship with it because God hates sin. When you want to end the relationship for God’s sake, the Lord will help you to overcome it. Surely, when you want to end the relationship with sin because it has hurt you, you would go back to a life of sin when you get over your pain.


Sin could make you miserable, in fact, it is making many people miserable, but this is not the only reason that must make you want to end your relationship with it. When you end the relationship with sin because of what sin has done to you, you will not be free from it. You will always be in a relationship with one or other kinds of sin. When you end the relationship with adultery or fornication, you might still be wedded to idol worship.


Assuredly when you end a relationship with one sin you would still be in a relationship with other kinds of sin. When you end one relationship with one sin, but remain in a relationship with other kinds of sin, you are still controlled by the devil because you are still in bondage to the power of sin. You cannot hate one sin and be in love with another. If you divorce one sin and remain madly in love with another, you are still married to the devil. You could only end the relationship with the devil when you reject every kind of sin because you have found a new lover, a Lover who died so that you could be freed from all the powers of the enemy.


When you want to end the relationship with sin because of God, you would want to end all other relationships you have with different kinds of sin. It is only when you want to do it because of God that you could truly be freed from all the powers of the serpent. The devil is clever, he knows that if you do not terminate the relationship for God’s sake, you are still married to other kinds of sin. He does not even worry when you try to end a relationship with one sin, he knows that you are still married to him.


When you want to end the relationship with sin for the sake of God, you do it out of love for God. Your love for Him makes you want to please Him, and you could only please Him if you reject all kinds of sins in your life. If you love Jesus with all your heart, you would always want to put a smile on His face. You could only put a smile on His face when you abide in the holiness of God.


Your love for God and the sacrificed He made for you through Jesus is the only thing that could help you to get free from any bondage of sin. When you truly love the Lord, you would love all that He loves and hate all that He hates. Surely, when you love Jesus, you would always be madly in love with His righteousness, and sin would be very repulsive to you. As a result of this, you would hate all that is associated with the devil and you would embrace all that belongs to God.


Indeed, you might realise the harm sin has caused you, and what you do after this will determine whether you would be successful in breaking the bondage of sin in your life. The Lord would first make you aware of all the damage sin has caused to your life, and He would also make you understand that it is only Jesus who could set you free you from all the powers of the enemy.


The Lord could set you free from the power of sin when you desire to be obedient to His word. Your love for Jesus and His righteousness is the secret of breaking the control Satan has over you. You need to love Jesus with all your heart, body and soul, and this love would help you to do what you have always wanted to do, which is to be free from all the powers of the enemy.


The dynamics of sin

If you are in a relationship with sin, one day that relationship will come to an end. How it comes to an end would determine your destiny. There are two things that could terminate your relationship with sin, the devil could terminate it or the Holy Spirit might do it for you.


You might be in love with sin, but you must bear in mind that one day, that relationship would come to end. If that relationship came to an end in the correct way, you would escape death. But when that relationship comes to an abrupt end in the wrong way, you would die with it. When it ends in the wrong way, you would be buried with it.


When the devil decides to terminate his love affair with you, he would kill you, and he might also kill those who are close to you. Satan is the destroyer, and when he decides to terminate his love affair with you, he would do it in the most painful way. He would do so by killing you and sometimes, he would also kill those you love.


Undoubtedly, when you are still in love with the devil, your relationship with sin would affect your family negatively. When the devil ends the relationship with you, he will not hesitate to kill you, and certainly he would also not think twice about killing those you love.


Many people are involved in relationships with different kinds of sin, and all of those sins have the potential to kill them. Fornication and adultery are the sins that have the potential to kill you directly, and the same could be said of any alcohol and drug addiction. In fact, any sin invites demons in your life, and these demons would control your behaviour. They may make you very reckless with your life and make you do something that could kill you. Demons have made many people go to prison, and they have also led many people commit suicide. Depression also comes from demons, and so is any painful experience you might go through in your life.


When the devil decides to terminate the love affair he has with you, he could use the sin you are in love with to kill you. He could use nicotine to kill you, and he could also use alcohol or any drug addiction to do the same. He could intoxicate you with alcohol or any drug and cause you to be involved in a car accident. This would not be an accident because it would have been initiated by unseen spiritual forces.


Those who are involved in illicit sex could be killed by sickness that they got from illicit sexual engagements. The devil could also use an illicit partner to kill you for no apparent reason. Surely, he could also use the wife or husband of the person you are involved with to kill you.


There are different methods that Satan could use to kill you if you are in love with him. The devil has also used gambling to kill many people. He could lead you to gamble your money or property and make you lose all your money and property. When you have lost all your wealth, he would make you worry yourself to death. And when you are too depressed, he would suggest suicide as the only way you could escape all the pains you are experiencing.


There are many people who have been destroyed by the devil because of their love for money. Satan has made many people go to jail as a result of their illegal actions. He has used many methods to kill those who love money. The devil has made others to be involved in armed robberies which led to their death. Many of those involved in gangs or armed robberies were killed by their partners who did not want to share the loot with them.


When the Holy Spirit ends your relationship with sin, he will connect you with the blood of Jesus, which would set you free from any bondage of sin. It is only God who could give you rest from any spiritual shackle the devil has put on you. Indeed, when the Lord saves you from the power of sin, you would escape death. His gift of salvation would rescue you from all forms of death and powerlessness.


You could only extricate yourself from all forms of unrighteousness if you run to Jesus. When Jesus saves your soul from the powers of sin, he covers you with His precious blood which would save you from death and powerlessness.


If you are involved in a relationship with sin, there are two things you could do. You could run to the blood of Jesus so that it could save you from the abusive sin, or you could wait for the devil to terminate the relationship. When God terminates the relationship, he will make you escape death, but when you wait for the devil to terminate the relationship, Satan would also terminate your life in the process.


The serpent is undoubtedly the destroyer of note. In fact, there is no one who is more effective in destroying people’s life than the devil. His main tool of destroying us is sin. He weds us with sin because he knows that there is no other tool that could destroy us faster than sin.


Ultimately, when we do not separate ourselves from sin, the devil would kill us. Death is the ultimate weapon that the serpent would use against us. Surely, death is the ultimate weapon that would conclude our relationship with sin. But before the devil could kill us, he would destroy everything we hold dearly.


The serpent would embarrass us with sin, and he would make us shameful to God and others. He would take away our dignity by stripping us naked so that people could laugh at us. Every child of God is highly regarded by God and man, but when we are wedded to sin, sin would bring us down to the level of the devil. Sin would make us naked and we would always be the laughingstock of the world.


The devil is very cruel, he makes us love sin and when we are married to it, he will tell everyone that we have fallen into sin. This is the way that would be travelled by those who would succumb to sin. They would lose their dignity, and not only would they lose dignity, all the people who are associated with them would also be ashamed. Sin makes us dirty, and it also makes our families lose the respect of others. In the worst case scenario, sin has the potential to kill those who are close to us. The devil could either kill those who we love or he could kill two birds with one stone, where we would die together with those we love. Undoubtedly, sin puts the lives of those we love in jeopardy, and due to this, they would one day bear the brunt of our sinfulness.


Sometimes, before the devil could kill us, he would disfigure us. He would make us disabled through sicknesses or accidents. After we have been afflicted with disabilities, some of us might want to run to Jesus, but the disability might be permanent. The Lord would welcome us back to His loving heart at any time, but the consequences of sin might remain with us for the rest of our lives.


When the devil has done all he wanted to do with us, he would spit us from his mouth by killing us. The devil would not hesitate to kill anyone who is wedded to sin. In fact, we have buried many people who were killed by the devil through different ways.


It is better to break the relationship with sin before the devil could decide to do so. If the devil has made us dirty with sin, let us run to the blood of the Lamb for deliverance from sin. The blood of Jesus is the only thing that could give us rest from the pain and destruction of sin.


We must run to Jesus because the devil could decide to divorce us at any time. When the serpent terminates his relationship with us, he would also terminate our lives in the process. Jesus is waiting to save anyone who wants to be free from the powers of the devil. He is the only one who has the power and the will to liberate us permanently from the power of sin.


The importance of terminating the immoral love affair when you are able to do so

Certainly, if you do not end the relationship with sin, it will eventually end very badly. In the end, if you do not end it, sin will end your life and it might end the lives of those you love dearly.


There is a price that we all pay for our sinfulness. Sin will abuse us all the way, and ultimately, it will end our lives permanently. This is the truth, and there is no other way of looking at it. Sin is death and it is powerlessness, as it opens you to all the attacks of the devil.


When we are wedded to sin, we would jeopardise everything we hold dear in our lives. Sin will make life very difficult for us, and we would one day lay down our lives in shame, for sin would embarrass us badly and eventually, it will destroy us completely.


If you are wedded to one kind of sin, it is time to divorce it before it could divorce you. The devil has a way of fooling us to believe that we are wedded to small sins. Every sin is dangerous to your well-being because one sin attracts many other sins.


You might be wedded to a ‘small sin’, but in due time, you would be married to all kinds of sins that want to harm and embarrass you. In the end, one of the sins you are married to will kill you. This is a reality that you cannot escape from. There is only one escape road for you if you are wedded to sin, and that is the way of the cross. When you are wedded to sin, do not wait for sin to kill you, run to Jesus and repent of your sins, He shall forgive you.


If you are weak to do anything about the sin you are wedded to, Jesus has the power to help you. He will send the Holy Spirit to break all the bondage of sin in your life. The most important thing you must do is to realise the dangers of sin, and desire to be separated from it permanently. When you want God to help you with any kind of sin you are married to, the Lord would do it. He would also give you the strength to maintain your liberty from sin.


If you desire to be freed from sin, ask Jesus, He is ready to liberate you from the shackles of the enemy. Do not worry about the nature of sin you are wedded to, or how ghastly it is, all sins are filthy in the eyes of the Lord.


You might have killed many people or did the most horrible deeds, despite all this, Jesus is waiting for you to ask Him to forgive you for all the bad things you have done. If you worry about what people might say, you would not repent of your sins, and due to this, you would never be free from the oppressive hand of sin. In fact, sin will encourage people to say bad things about you so that you may be ashamed to approach them and ask for their forgiven.


Don’t listen to the voice of the serpent, if you understand the dangers of sin, do what is necessary to be freed from it. People might laugh at you when you do what is right, but you would have freed yourself from the bondage of sin.


Undoubtedly, People will always have something to so say about everyone. They would say bad things about you regardless of your relationship with God or the devil. Do not worry about people, just worry about what God is saying about you. If you are standing on the ground of inequity, ask for God’s forgiveness, the Lord would forgive you. If you do what is right in the eyes of the Lord, that is the only thing that must matter to you.


If you want to break free from any relationship you have with sin, just take a stand immediately and divorce it completely. There are many sins people have become accustomed to, and sometimes they are so wedded to a particular sin that it would be difficult to terminate their relationship with it.


The way of the cross is the only available way to you, and if you want to please God, you must be able to do all it takes to separate yourself from any inequity. You must be able to forsake what you love so that you may be obedient to the Lord.


More often than not, when you break off a relationship with sin, you might have to cry due to the attachment you have with that particular sin. If you have to cry to please God, so be it. Break any bond you have with sin, and ask the Holy Spirit to give you grace so that you may overcome the pain of separating from your abusive lover.


God knows our hearts, and when you ask Him to comfort you after you have divorced sin, the Lord would do so. Surely, it is better to cry in obedience to the word of God. When you cry as a result of pleasing God, our Father would strengthen you, and the pain of the divorce would be bearable to you. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, and when we are burdened by pain, He is the only one who could help us to overcome it.


When you divorce sin, you will cry if you were so madly in love with it. But bear in mind that the pain of divorcing sin is only temporary. You would heal completely from the pains of divorcing sin in a few weeks. Indeed, it is better to divorce sin than to lose your life. The pains of divorcing sin are minuscule compared to the pain sin will cause you and those you love. Remember that if you do not divorce sin, sin will eventually kill you.


I would rather be obedient to God than to be judged by him one day. If we do not separate ourselves from sin, one day, we might not have the privilege to do so. When we die without divorcing sin, we will face the most difficult period of our lives. We will be condemned together with the devil into the lake of fire.


Indeed, it is better to deal with the fire that is caused by the pain of separating yourself from sin, rather than to deal with the burning fire of hell. One day, those who would face the wrath of the Lord would wish they could have broken the relationship with sin whilst they were still alive, but at that time it would be too late for them to do something about it.


If you cannot deal with the little fire of divorcing an abusive sin, then, the burning fire in hell will make you cry for eternity without any comfort from God. The love of God can only save you when you are still alive because there is no forgiveness of sin after death. When you die without making things right with God, judgement is the only thing that awaits you. But if you realise how filthy sin has made you, you would run to Jesus so that He may forgive you of any sin you have committed.


“Seek the LORD while He may be found; call to Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6)


The grace of God is only available to you whilst you are still alive. Beyond the grave, there is no forgiveness of sin. The door that leads to the heart of Jesus is still open, but if you die without making things right with Him, that door of forgiveness would be closed forever. Assuredly, if you die without making things right with the Lord, God would be the last person you would want to face on the judgement day.


God loves you, but you must note that God respects His word more than anything in the entire universe. When you are obedient to His word, the Lord would do everything for you. But when you reject it, you would have taken a side against God, for you would have taken the side of the devil. When you have sided with the devil against God, you will have to live with the consequences of doing so.


Why many people fail to quit sin?

You would be able to divorce sin when you want to do it for good reasons. If you do it for the wrong reasons, you would fail dismally to extricate yourself from the bondage of sin. You would fail if you want to divorce sin for the following reasons:


When you want to please others. Anything that you do for others does not last for long. If you reject sin because you want to impress other people, you would not be separated from sin, as you would only be acting to please others. When you are acting as someone who rejects sin, you would not do that sin when others are looking or are around you. As soon as you are alone or away from the sight of others, you would go back to your sin partner.


This is a pretence, as you would be trying very hard to be who you are not. The devil knows that you are just playing games if you are rejecting him because you want to impress others. As a result of that, the devil would not worry too much about you, as you do not pose any threat to him. In fact, when you are playing hide and seek with the devil, he will fasten his yoke on your shoulders, so that he could make sure that you would never leave him.


When sin has disappointed you. Indeed, many people would reject sin because of the pain that sin has inflicted upon them. Pain comes in many forms. Frustration and embarrassment are other kinds of pains. Losing money or your wealth is another kind of pain. Pain is any negative consequence of any action.


When you divorce a particular sin because of the harm it has caused you, you would go back to it soon as the pain is over. You might vow never to go back to that sin again, but this would be the voice of the pain you would be experiencing. Once the pain is over, your attitude towards that sin would change. In due course, you would again view that sin positively.


When sin still tastes good to you. Most assuredly, it is very difficult to separate yourself from something that still appeals to you. When you try to separate yourself from something that you still enjoy, you would struggle to break free from it. Sin has power over the one it has a relationship with it, and this power could only be defeated by the opposing power of righteousness.


The opposing power that could help you to divorce sin is the love you have for Jesus. If your love for Jesus is strong, it would help you to defeat the power that sin has over you. If you love Jesus with all your heart, you would naturally love what He loves and hate all that He hates.


The love of Jesus is able to deliver you from any relationship with sin. Our love for Jesus occupies our minds, and this love empties us of anything that is not from heaven. Anyone who loves Jesus loves righteousness because righteousness is the only thing that appeals to him.


Undoubtedly, our relationship with Jesus is the tonic that we all need to reject the devil and all the tools he uses to hook us into his kingdom. When we love Jesus, we do not have space in our hearts to love anything that is an abomination to God. The grace of the Lord has joined our hearts with Jesus’ heart. Jesus’ spirit has been implanted in our souls, and because of that, we are able to act and think like Him. Our new hearts only hunger for righteousness.


How you could get over sin?


If you want to break the power that sin has over you, you need Jesus. Jesus is the power that God gave us so that we may be liberated from the powers of the enemy. Assuredly, if you want to be free from the yoke of sin, you need to make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of your life, by repenting of all the sins you have done. In addition to this, you need to forsake the control of your life and give Jesus leadership over your entire life.


When Jesus is the Master or Lord of your life, you need to live your life in accordance with His word. You need to make the word of God your Master so that it could Lord over every area of your life. When Jesus is the Lord of your life, He would give you the grace to overcome all the powers of the devil. Jesus is the only one who has the key to every locked door of your l