I am Coming, Volume 1 by Susan Davis and Sabrina De Muynck - HTML preview

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The LORD warns people in the letter to Susan that a vile nation is forming and the people are not paying attention to what is coming. Through Sabrina's letter the LORD

pleads for the people to repent and come to HIM before it is too late.

October 23rd, 2010.

The Lord told me He had more words to share and so I took down this letter as I heard Him speak to me, Susan. These are serious words from our LORD JESUS. I want to share with you that as I heard and wrote His words it was a different experience for me than before. Although I had seen the movie “The Passion” before, MY

son and I had just watched it again and we sat stunned knowing that our beloved LORD JESUS had suffered so greatly for our sins.

Also knowing that the portrayal of this film was probably not even as harsh as the actual event has made this task of putting out this letter much more sobering for me personally. Please consider the significance of the LORD’s words in this letter and please share with your friends and family. Sabrina has also received serious words from the LORD that HE dictated to her in a second letter here below. We are clearly not the only ones in helping the LORD send out warnings in this final hour.

Your sisters in Christ,

Sabrina of Belgium and Susan of the U.S.

Letter 27. October 21, 2010.

Susan, write it down.

I, Jesus am your Lord, I have a letter for you. These are MY words.

This generation is lost. It is not looking to ME. It seeks life through everything but ME. I implore it to seek ME. Why can it not see ME?

Why can it not see that I am its Savior, only Hope, only Love, only 65



These are MY words. Write it down.

I, Jesus am the One and Only True Savior for all mankind. I am HE.

There is no other. Look though they may, they will never find the answer through anyone or anything but ME. I am the one true Shepherd to the flock. I can lead them out. I can save them from the horrors to come in this late hour. No other Savior exists who can rescue the people but ME. Look no further. Don’t look to money, people, things, culture, I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. I am the One who saves. Why do they seek after other gods, wooden idols that don’t speak?

They are a sad generation lost in their sin, in their devastation. Time is running out and I am ready to bring MY bride out to safety away from this tragic generation of lost people. These people are far from ME, groping in the dark, looking for answers to life through all sorts of vile means and gross activities.

I, God have seen enough. Time is running out. I am about to leave this world to its own devices to linger in its own sin. I cannot stomach this sin much longer. The world has turned its back to ME

and gross darkness is setting in all around.

The people die from lack of knowledge. They do not shed a single tear over their evil ways. They look away from goodness as if it is vile to them. They are wretched and lost, a foul stench to ME.

Holiness is far from their minds. They completely have lost themselves in evil and have forgotten how to blush.

I, God cannot take their ways anymore. I am about to leave these people to their own devices and give them up to their evil and allow them to be completely consumed by the evil they engage in. How much more do they expect a Holy God to tolerate?

If they turn from their evil, I would receive them. I would take them back and clean them up with MY Word. There is but a little time left to turn, repent, and to come clean and surrender to a Holy, Pure 66



I love MY children, but I can’t allow the world to continue forever in the stench of evil unabated. It must come to its end. I will remove MY people, MY bride and carefully place her in a safe place away from all terror and darkness. Then the world will change and I will lift MY hand of protection away and the darkness will consume the world and all in the world will know the evil that engulfs it. It will be man’s worst hour unrivaled by any other time in man’s history.

I am sending out MY warnings and pleas to mankind. Please surrender your all to ME and escape this horror to come. I am pleading with you as only a loving Father would do before he sees his children depart into utter darkness. These are MY pleadings. I am Love and I want to rescue you and I will, but you must come to ME and lay down your life before ME and give ME everything, so I can save you this hour.

Oh, you foolish people wake up from your deep sleep and recognize the lateness of the hour. A vile nation is forming under your noses, a dark and evil force is coming together to plan for your destruction and demise. There is no hope in the ways of the world. The world offers you emptiness and hopelessness.

I, God am true to MY Word. I have outlined this in MY Word. You are in the dark because you refuse to see, but it is all there and it is coming to pass as I said it would. There are no deep secrets. It is written and I am true to MY Word. You can choose evil or you can choose ME. I bring goodness, wholeness, peace, comfort, love. The enemy brings death, destruction, lies, and hopelessness, eternal hopelessness, unending loss. This is what you will face if you turn your back to ME.

I, Jesus am extending MY hand a little bit longer and then I will have to pull it away, shut the door, remove MY bride, and scurry to safety while darkness floods the earth. This is truth. I will return, but for a time the world will experience MY wrath. And I want you to believe that MY truth cannot be toyed with and I will do exactly what I say I 67


will do. Love ME and live, reject ME and die, extreme beauty or extreme ugliness.

You must choose. Not choosing is choosing against ME. Choose ME and live, live well in a heavenly home that is indescribable. Let ME take you into MY arms, hold, and comfort you. Let ME save you.

I am waiting, but not for long.

This world is growing darker and soon it will be very dark and foul.

Step out of harm’s way and come away with ME. Put all your trust on ME. I am your Deliverer. I can keep you safe. Now is a deciding moment. The tide is turning. Men will quake at what is forming. Be relieved of this consuming, engulfing coming evil. Turn toward ME, I, Jesus can save you. I love you dearly. I died a horrible death so you can be safe. Let this be.

Please turn to ME your Savior. The hour of change is closing in. Let ME save you.

I love you,


Letter dictated to Sabrina on October 22, 2010.

MY heart is breaking for you, MY people. MY heart is longing for you. MY heart is bursting with love for all of you. I died MY death for all of you. I suffered horrible for all of you.

Heaven has a place for all of you. But many places will not be taken, as hell is becoming larger every day. Don’t you see that? Don’t you know that? How many warnings do I have to give to all of you? Let it be enough.

MY love is enough to save all of you, but you have been given a free will. Choose MY love, use your will in a wise way. Choose ME

and not the lusts of your own heart and your oh so dear fleshly desires! What good are your fleshly desires? Do they satisfy you that much? I don’t think so. Not one of you is truly satisfied without ME. I am the only peacemaker. I am the only One Who saves. I am 68


the only way to satisfy your hearts.

I understand your grief and pain in this life. For some it is a hard life.

But I am the door to come in. Come, the door is still open now, but only for a very short time. The door is about to close and many of you will realize then what a treasure you have missed. I will be away with MY bride. I will celebrate her victory in ME. She will be amazed by her beauty in ME. I will be in her and she will be in ME. But, oh how sad for the ones who didn’t see this truth in the first place.

Please, I am begging you one more time. come to ME NOW! NOW

is the time. Time is about to end. This age of grace is about to end.

Now it is easy to come to ME. So come NOW. If you only knew the treasures laid away for you in heaven. If you only knew the bright future laid away for you in heaven. Would you come then?

I want you to come now. I proved MY love for you. For all of you. I didn’t need to do it, still I chose to. Therefore, I am asking you: come to ME, MY people and make MY heart happy for you. I am happy when you come to ME.

Why do you choose the world before your God, your Creator, by the way? You have no life without ME. You cannot even breathe for one second without ME. Do you realize that? I gave you life and I offer you eternal life with ME in Mine and MY Father’s Kingdom. Why throw it away?

Hell is a real place. Many of you do not realize that. You will soon find out if you die without ME. So don’t be a foolish one. Be wise. I have given you enough intelligence to be able to choose wisely. The choice is yours. The door is about to be closed. Turn from your sins and repent while you still can. The devil will overtake you if you don’t. He is waiting and wanting to destroy you and for many of you, he is about this close.

Repent MY people. I died for you. I rose out of the grave for you, so you can have everlasting life with ME: a life that is truly unseen here on earth. a life that is unheard of here on earth. Please, one more time, choose wisely, choose life, choose ME. MY Name is I AM. I 69


AM has always been and I AM will always be. End of MY words.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Awhile back, Sabrina had inquired of the LORD for me about who the bride is and I decided that it might be a good thing to share those words with you too because so many are seeing these messages. These were the words the LORD gave to Sabrina for MY

question about how Jesus describes His bride: MY bride is the one without stain, nor spot, nor wrinkle.

MY bride is the one who is worth it to sit together with ME at MY

wedding table.

MY bride is the one who loves ME with her whole heart, soul, and mind.

MY bride is the one who does not live for herself anymore, but for ME and for others.

MY bride is the one who gives up everything and follows ME.

MY bride is the one whose hearts are 100 percent well pleasing to ME.

Ephesians 5:25-27. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

Mark 12:30. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

Exodus 20:3. You shall have no other gods before me.