I am Coming, Volume 1 by Susan Davis and Sabrina De Muynck - HTML preview

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This was dictated by JESUS to Susan in the first letter for you. Then Sabrina received a letter from the LORD also for you. JESUS speaks of the stench the lukewarm church is to Him. He speaks of the path being narrow because it requires a full surrender which few are willing to give. In Sabrina's letter JESUS talks about the blood only being available in this world not the next life. HE talks about what happened on the cross and how this generation abuses HIS good name. The time of this mercy is running down.

December 31st, 2010.

This Part 32 was dictated by JESUS to Susan in the first letter for you. Then Sabrina received a letter from the LORD also for you.

The idea that the LORD is returning soon is about the furthest thing from many people’s minds. Yet, we receive many messages from people who read these letters and who are reporting seeing visions and having dreams about end times topics. Many are hearing similar words from the LORD. Many of these are from children who are sometimes the best witnesses the LORD uses. We also receive many emails about incredible things going on in the world. The theme of these messages is about turning to JESUS, your only hope for being ready for what lies ahead.

Please Note: with this message below are different links put together by our friend Jude of the Philippines of the LORD’s letters in brochure format for public distribution and also some of our linking partners and the LORD’s letters translated into other languages.



Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops!



Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan.

Letter 61. December 29, 2010. Jesus dictated this letter to Susan.

Susan I will give you words.

Susan this is the final hour that I come before MY people and bring these words. I have tried to convince you. I have pleaded. I have reasoned. I have given you reason after reason to believe what I am saying. MY Words are clear. I am a truthful GOD. I tell the truth. I have come before you and I have spoken truth. You do not raise an eyebrow or bat an eye. You do not believe. You have your reasons: life seems so normal. Everything runs smooth. There is no reason to be concerned. No reason to change our patterns of living. No reason to shed a tear over our bad behavior, or humble ourselves before a HOLY GOD, repent of our worldly ways. No reason to think differently than we have always thought. Life goes on like always.

We are just going along for the ride.

MY children, let ME tell you that I, GOD am fed up with this generation. I cannot stomach you anymore. You are a stench under MY Nose. Your preoccupation with every sin-ridden activity makes ME nauseous. I cannot tolerate this anymore. I cannot look on this world and its absolutely irrational evil doing any further.

You are nauseating. I cannot stomach this. What must I do to reach you? How can I reach a lost, dying generation that rejects GOD and loves evil so overwhelmingly? I do not want to hold up MY bride for this adulterous generation much longer. The people who have little or no part in their GOD are a stench to ME. I will spit you out. MY

Word is clear about this. I do not want you to think that I, GOD do not stand by MY Word: I love, I bless, I provide, I heal, I give, but I am consistent in truth and when I tell you, MY people, I have no time for your lukewarm commitment to your CREATOR, I am truthful. You will depart from ME for eternity when you finally come face to face with ME. I cannot take you with ME to MY beautiful Home in Heaven. You will not enter in or even be part of it. You will never witness the magnificence of the heavenlies. You will be in 230


outer darkness, in torment, far, far away from a loving, caring GOD.

These are hard words to speak, but it is MY Truth and this is the way it will be.

MY Path that leads to MY Kingdom is very narrow. Very few find this path. Why, you ask? The path to MY Kingdom requires a full surrender. You must repent and give ME all your life plans and give ME everything. I must be the center-focus of your existence. This seems like an unreasonable request? I am GOD. I breathed life into your flesh and you now have your being. You exist because I deemed it. I know you better than you know yourself. So now, you believe MY request of a full surrender to your GOD too much to ask? If you really think I, your LORD am asking more than you can give ME, you may certainly have your life apart from ME. I will give you this freedom. You choose to go your own way, follow after MY

enemy who lures you to the wide road to hell. This is your choice and you will have your choice. I will allow you to depart from ME and to have your decision to follow after MY enemy.

If you move in that direction, let ME tell you what will happen when you separate yourself from ME for eternity. All the things in this life that you consider to be good, will evaporate from your grasp. You will never know love, hope, peace, kindness, and MY Beauty.

Instead you will receive terror, torment, and horror. This is hell. It is where most people go. Few find the narrow way. I am the narrow way. I am the way to the narrow path that leads to MY Kingdom of beauty, perfection, peace, love, hope.

MY bride knows the narrow road. She follows only ME and worships only ME, her LORD and MASTER. She will come with ME to safety.

I will protect her, love her, and keep her safe for all eternity. She will never know regret. She will be forever satisfied by ME, her HUSBAND. I, JESUS am her love and l will love her always and forever. We will share in MY Kingdom for all time. It will be grand and wondrous. Very few come to this place, this place of MY Heart.

Few look to find ME and put ME at the center of their worlds. Those who do, will never know disappointment. Their worldly loss is eternal Kingdom gain, MY Kingdom.



You are being given the opportunity to choose for yourself the outcome of your eternal existence. MY children, eternity never ends.

Do not put yourself outside of MY World, MY Kingdom for all time.

Surrender your all to ME NOW. The hour is swiftly disappearing.

Find ME and find yourself.

MY Patience is wearing down. Soon the time will be up. I will leave without you if you choose against ME. I am always true to MY Word.

I CHANGE NOT. MY Word is true.

Love ME and live. Hate MY Ways and live apart from ME for all time. You decide. I love you. Choose for ME. I am your MAKER and I created you for MY eternal pleasure. But you must want to be with ME.

I AM has spoken.

Words dictated to Sabrina of Belgium by JESUS on December 30, 2010.

“Listen to ME all MY people. I AM is speaking.

Why do you forsake ME? Why do you continue to live your lukewarm lifestyle? Why is it that I, GOD am not enough for you?

You were good enough for ME when I died on the cross for you.

You didn’t even know ME. You were in existence, but not from this world. You were created by ME already, everything is created by ME. You did not know ME then. You got to know ME as soon as I sent you to this world.

You were a pleasure in MY eyes. Everything on you was perfect. I enjoyed every detail of each and every one of you. Yet, now, you turn your eyes to others. MY heart is hurt by this. Little by little you were falling away from ME, your CREATOR. You were like a love story for ME. The intention was to enjoy each other for eternity. Yet, I was losing you to this world and its attractions. You were enjoying it so much and I was standing on the side to see when you would turn your eyes on ME again, your CREATOR, the ONE who breathed life into your nose.



But you chose the pleasures of this world that was a way much better odour for you. Yet, MY odour, MY ways, MY instructions, MY

plans, MY very Word, the Holy Word written by MY HOLY SPIRIT, who should be your guide in this life are not found pleasant in your eyes. This is the worst choice you can make: choosing against your MAKER who breathed life in you, is not a good thing to do.

Therefore, the Heavenly gates are closing in. The path is narrow indeed, like MY Word says, but the gate is closing in and those who have followed ME all the way with total love and surrender to their LORD, will enter in. They will be rewarded greatly. Their eternal life will be so overwhelmingly full of joy and peace and love, that it can never be measured. MY Place is a beautiful one. I have created all kinds of things so you could enjoy this for eternity together with ME

your MAKER. I have thought out unique plans for every one of you.

You would be so pleased, and the things you are running after now in this temporary world, are falling into pieces compared to what I have in store for you.

So here is the deal: Surrender it all, like MY Word says, like it is written, and live HOLY before your GOD in Heaven, or have your way in this stinking world full of sin and idolatry, leading you to the path of hell. Why do you think MY Words are so harsh and full of warnings? Because I know what hell looks like. Many souls are crying out in there to have another chance. They would do anything to follow ME now. They realize they were misled by their worldly activities led by satan. Now, they are in agony and pain forever, their torment knows no end.

They realize the power of MY BLOOD now when they see ME, as I visit hell often. MY BLOOD is only available for this world. If you reject it now, you make your choice for eternity. MY BLOOD cannot save you once you are lost, once you have chosen your destiny yourself. I gave you freewill. I died a horrible death for all of you, to give you life in abundance. This is meant for eternity. Yet you seek this abundance in the world away from ME, your GOD and CREATOR. This was never meant to be.



You know well enough MY people, when you wander away from ME. You know it in your spirit-being. That’s the righteousness of GOD. I AM is a righteous GOD. So nobody would be lost. You still have a chance, but once the door is closing for good, there is little hope for you. MY bride will be with ME in Heaven celebrating her CREATOR and her victory through ME. Do you really want to let it come this far?

MY heart is broken, but I say, fine. What else can I do? You were created with freewill. But it is not MY will that anybody is lost and spends eternity in hell. You think: I will not go to hell. I remember MY GOD on Sunday, I go to church, and I harm no person. You violate MY Word and you harm no person? Love the Lord your GOD

with all that is in you and your neighbour as yourself. Have you witnessed to your neighbours? Do they know and see in you that you are special, a different kind of breed, one who loves his of her GOD above anything else in this world? Do they see this kind of love flowing through you? Do they know? I have put you there, so you could be MY witness.

Everybody you meet should know I AM is your GOD. Yet, many of you are ashamed to even mention MY NAME. I tell you, I was not ashamed to carry your load of sins on ME, naked on a cross. I was not ashamed to endure the beatings of the whip for you. I was not ashamed to let MYSELF be humiliated by the rulers of that time, so they could mock ME and play a game with ME.

Yet, all you have to do is mention MY NAME and you can not get it over your lips. That means I AM is not in your heart. That means the pleasing of people is more important to you then pleasing your GOD, the ONE who created you. I will not be ashamed to take the ones when I appear in the clouds, who surrendered completely and gave their lives for MY NAME sake. However, I will turn MY FACE

from the ones who have denied ME, mocked ME, made ME a joke to go along with their so called worldly friends, who abused MY

HOLY NAME and who thought it was not really necessary to live by MY Word, MY HOLY WORD, so it would go well with you, so crime would not rule in this world.



Oh yes, the enemy is pulling at you, but you give him permission to do so. I am a righteous GOD, I gave you freewill, also in this. Every choice you make, is your own. So don’t come with excuses when you stand before MY HOLY THRONE one day, I will not accept them. It’s all or nothing. Everything in between I cannot accept, neither does MY FATHER.

Now is the time of grace. I made this all possible for you. So choose wisely. It’s a choice for eternity, MY people. If I would not care for you, I would not have died for you. The way is open, the choice is yours.

I AM has spoken. Amen.

Ephesians 1:4. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Isaiah 43:6-7. I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring MY sons from far, and MY daughters from the ends of the earth; Even every one that is called by MY name: for I have created him for MY glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Isaiah 45:12. I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even MY hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

Genesis 2:7. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

1 Thessalonians 4:7-8. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.

Genesis 28:17. He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”



Joshua 23:16. If you violate the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them, the LORD’s anger will burn against you, and you will quickly perish from the good land he has given you.”

1 Samuel 15:24. Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned. I violated the LORD’s command and your instructions. I was afraid of the men and so I gave in to them.”

Luke 9:26. For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of MY

words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.

Our friend Terry also sent us this note to add to this message: In China, the Bible is limited and often expensive. Often people have to rip out a chapter in the Bible and read just on chapter. Each person is allowed one chapter and they read that 1 chapter for a whole week, and get a new chapter when they exchange it every Sunday. This way, everyone is given a chance to read all the chapters within a year if it is 52 chapters. If you print one chapter on an 11 by 8.5 paper on both sides, and fold it three times, you can put it in your wallet without damaging the word printed. Did you know that if you read the same chapter the whole week, it will last sink deep into your heart because you have read it so much. Please visit: www.john316tips.com

These urgent prophetic messages are recorded at the website: http://end-times-prophecy.com

Sabrina's email is: jan.sabrina@pandora.be and

Susan's email is: kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net 236

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