Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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What is fundamentally wrong with Islam today ?

This chapter will perhaps invite the most fiery, the most acidic, the most violent response from Muslims and Islamists, who will undoubtedly take it as an insult to Islam, an insult to them, to the Prophet of Islam and whatever else they can think of as counter attack.

The title itself “What is fundamentally wrong with Islam” will be rejected, as both Muslims and Islamists will say there is nothing wrong with Islam, it is them bad Muslims giving bad examples, it is them Terrorists who are stupid, it is them Bigots who bring bad name for Islam. No, no, no Islam in not wrong, you don't understand Islam even, how can you say that ?

Typically, this is the line of answer that will be given, and the above would somewhat be the first response. It is extremely hard, almost impossible for someone indoctrinated into Islam, or into whatever religion for that matter, to accept that the religion is wrong, or even worse, that they are wrong, they got it wrong, they got the message wrong ! Hell no, it is not possible. They would indeed be very angry with you, or they might just write you off as someone crazy. Either way you will be condemned as dangerous or mad or both and very quickly arrested and charged with whatever charges they can throw at you, silence you, and then leave you to rot and die. Alternatively they may take the cheaper and easier solution to just shoot you point blank.

For what ? For simply having a title or a chapter called ” What is wrong with Islam “.

In short, you will be sent to hell. Not by God, no, but upright walking homo sapiens who once upon a time normally dwell in caves and have survived and multiplied until there are over 7 billion of us all over the world today.

Since I am not dead yet, I wish to proceed, if you may, on trying to explain what is wrong with Islam today. Thank You.