Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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The Tenets of Islam and Why


The above dictionary description of tenet is made in order to introduce the tenets of Islam, but we need to be sure we understand what a tenet is, and understand it in the same way.

All religions have their own main tenets, and Muslims follow the main tenets of Islam, mostly without question, as they are well, tenets, and to qualify as a Muslim one has to follow the tenets of Islam. And what is it exactly ?

A peek at Wikipedia gives us this information ...


Presumably, all Muslims know these basic tenets. But I do indeed doubt that many of them know why, and if they are allowed to or have even considered alternatives to what religion was trying to solve by way of these tenets, in their own respective societies. The simplistic Muslim belief has it that if they follow these basic tenets all their life, then they are guaranteed heaven, and there is nothing more to do in life other than just to follow these basic Islamic tenets.

I would like to examine these tenets and propose reasons why they are such, because I believe understanding them is extremely important.

The tenets are said to be the pillars of Islam. I would describe them as the nails that would nail you to the coffin called Islam all your life. If seen as a mental prison, the tenets are then the walls of the prison. If seen as a mind control tool, the tenets are then the levers that work the tool. If seen as a software product, then the tenets are the mnemonics or machine codes that drive the processor.

Whatever and however you look at it, these tenets make up the very foundation of the religion. It is very obvious therefore, to shake this religion to the ground, all we have to do is to remove it's foundation, like they do when they bring down giant skyscrapers with implosions. The entire religion comes crumbling down, without disturbing the neighbouring skyscrapers and environment, and all in one session which lasts only a few seconds.

Why would anyone want to demolish a religion ? Well, when members of that religion starts killing people and become a threat to society, and to the world even, when the religion itself behaves like some kind of lethal virus spreading very fast, even more lethal than Ebola, when it infects the human mind to the extent that other human beings, other human life and souls, are no longer regarded as Sacred, it is then time to bring in that vaccine, the demolition experts, the virologists and whatever else we humans have to combat this threat to world peace and harmony. It is our duty to do so as humans beings, and if we can do it without talking away a single life, we then can consider that we have done our part in saving the world.

Lets examine the very first tenet, the Shahadah or testifying that "there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger" .