Introducing Islam to the West by Sarah, Muslim - HTML preview

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Variations in Islam – Sects and Cults in Islam


There are those who argue that they follow the Koran, the words of God himself, and they do not follow the Prophet Muhammad for he leads his people and dispenses Islam his way, but he leaves us with the Koran so that we can carry the spirit of Islam and our life our way, and remain compassionate and kind. These people consider themselves Muslims too and have their own rituals. Other Muslims however reject this group as being a cult, unIslamic, and have been banned by some governments, declaring the cult as “haram” or forbidden, as if they own Islam, as if they speak for Islam.

And then there are also sects in Islam which all have different ways of praying and each have their own unique rituals. Indeed if we go down to lower levels of Islam, there are many arguments amongst Muslims as to what is permissible and not permissible ( halal and haram ) including whether it is fine to touch a dog, which some Muslims declare as haram. Such is the variety in Islam that perhaps the only binding factor is the Pillars of Islam and the Koran.

Clearly since there is no freedom in Islam at all, there is no room for clear honest expression. And so the Sunnis say the Shias are wrong and the Shias say the Sunnis are wrong. And so down the line each sect and cult say the other sect or cult is wrong, until sects in Islam say everybody else is wrong, only they are right. With this atmosphere, why are we surprised Muslims are at war with each other because of religion ?

The race seems to be for heaven. The fear for God and for Hell. The race is to show that they are a better “Muslim” than others. A “holier than thou” race.