Is The Bible Divinely Inspired-Special Edition by Richie Cooley - HTML preview

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Appendix #2 Dino-flesh; Ussher’s Revenge

I haven’t yet watched the epic Ham-on-Nye clash that took place recently at the Creation Museum, solely because I don’t particularly want to stream three hours of video from YouTube. I’ve heard commentary about it, and apparently it was a bit of a grudge match, as Nye went for the typical high-handed-scattergun approach.

One comment I heard that Nye purportedly spoke was especially crass; namely, that if Ham could produce some fossil swimming up between layers then he would be the hero of the scientific community. This is the ole “show us a pre-Cambrian rabbit” barb in a different dress. Better yet, how about we just show you the Cambrian explosion! (Of course the new trend for them is to deny the 'explosive' nature of this massive anomaly; surprise surprise).

The truth of the matter is, there are many, many instances where a tree is fossilized within several layers of sediment {which are supposed to represent eons of time} and no one seems to care about that, so what would a “swimming” fossil prove? Any anomaly is rejected, overlooked, unpublished, or repressed; Haman will never crown Mordecai willingly.

This same attitude has come to the fore recently with the discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bones. Where’s the ticker-tape parade heralding the young earth creationist? Instead of concession there’s a mad rush to try to offer ceaseless phony explanations so the jeers and sneers can go on uninterrupted. This is evolutionary theory in a nutshell. Eventually there will probably be so much pressure and so many excuses from Darwin’s children placed on this issue that even creationists will begin to shy away from citing it; the materialists are the new popes of the new Inquisition.

Here's an article about it anyway; enjoy a bit of science before the censors-on-patrol complete their smear campaign...