Is This the Kingdom of God?
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Author: Brian E. R. Limmer
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What constitutes a Kingdom? To belong to the Animal Kingdom, you have to be an animal. Likewise, only plants can be a member of the Plant Kingdom. But who gets to classify? Scientists are unable to classify the 800 species of Euglena into one kingdom, so happily, they live in a Domain called Eukaryote, crossing kingdom boundaries as they please.What distinguishes ‘World-Kingdoms’ from the ‘Kingdom-of-God’? Scripture tells the story of the Kingdom-of-God. Starting with its purpose and motivation in Genesis, laying down its constitution in Exodus, and describing its failings in Judges and Kings, The Prophets express its distinguishing culture. Jesus, expands on the differences between the two kingdoms in his parables, showing how to change citizenship from one to the other.