Islamic Education for Youths - Level Three by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Twenty

The Story of Our Master Noah (pth) ‎(Part one)‎

‎The Almighty God has mentioned three nations in the Holy Quran ‎from the beginning of the human existence on earth, which came in ‎succession of each other. At first He the Almighty mentions the people ‎of our Master Noah‎‎‎‎ (pth) then Thamoud and A’d people, these three ‎examples of a destructible damned people are enough to be ‎considered as a lesson and exhortation to whom of those who are ‎seeking to purify themselves and be saved from Hell-Fire, thereby the ‎Almighty God mentions them in The Holy books exhorting us from ‎conducting their path. ‎

‎‎The bestowed Mercy:

My dear students:

‎‎A long space of time passed over Adam’s sons after his death, then they ‎went astray form the path of right and drew far from God. ‎

So, the Almighty Al'lah sent them our Master Noah‎‎‎‎ (pth) in order to warn ‎them of the results of their deeds and remind them of Allah and their life to ‎come.‎

They were taking idols as gods, worshipping them instead of Allah.‎

The most famous and the greatest of these idols to them were Wadd, Suwa, ‎Yaghuth, Ya’uq and Nasr, God says: {And they have said: 'You shall not ‎leave your gods, nor shall you leave Wadd, nor Suwa', nor Yaghuth, ‎nor Ya'uq, nor Nasr}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 71, Noah, Verse‎ 23

‎‎What are the indications of these names according to their ‎belief? ‎‎‎

They pretended that:‎

Wadd [21] establishes the relationships of intimacy among ‎people.‎

Suwa [22] seeks after their good and happiness.‎

Yaghuth [23] succors them when hardships.‎

Ya’uq  [24] prevents evil and disasters from them. ‎

As for Nasr [25], it is the most grand and the head of these ‎gods.‎

They claimed the above mentioned without knowing that the Creator Who ‎has created the entire universe‎ and the Provider Who supplies each of their ‎beings with life unceasingly is the Steering God, alone. ‎

He is alone Who manages the requirements of the universe‎, succors man ‎when surrounded by adversities and inflicted with hardships, and hinders evils ‎from them if their acts become good. ‎

So, He drives to every human what is proportional to his deed. ‎

These people broke off their link with their Provider and linked their hearts ‎to their idols. ‎

They thought that things and affairs in this universe‎ happen randomly and ‎through no account and accordingly, the hardships and mishaps which they ‎were afflicted by are not related to their deeds. ‎

Therefore, they asked these idols to bring them goodness and to draw off ‎distress form them. ‎

Had they only minded, they would have known that only the Creator is the ‎Doer – Executor – and the Organizer of affairs of the entire universe‎. ‎

So, none can harm or profit another, nor can one bring goodness for or drive ‎evil away from another. ‎

Thus, When God, The Almighty, afflicts someone with distress, none can ‎draw it off except Him, and if He pleases gift to someone of His obedient ‎people, none will be able to drive His favor away.‎

But since these people – our Master Noah’s folk – were far away from God ‎without believing certainly; Therefore, they fell under what they fell of error. ‎

They drew astray form God and misguided a lot, yet their disbelief added ‎them nothing but loss.‎

The Origin of Idolatry

‎Idolatry arose among the previous nations but out of the extremism in ‎religion and exceeding the bounds laid down by God for mankind.‎

As God, the Almighty, had ordered the angels to prostrate themselves to and ‎bind up with our Master Adam ‎‎(cpth); He also ordered Adam’s sons to bind ‎themselves up with their Messengers and to enter into His Presence through ‎their company so that they would be a shining sun for their spirits and a light ‎for their hearts.‎

So, by the envoys of Al'lah they can reach knowing Him, and by the light ‎coming into their spirits from Him, those who are entering into God’s ‎presence through Al'lah's envoys can see the Godly Perfection. ‎

This clarifies God’s Saying: ‎‏}‏Verily, the prophet is always ‎communicating with Allah, and His angels are communicating with ‎him. You who believe, communicate, then, with him and submit ‎whole heatedly}‏‎. ‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 33, Al-Ahzab (The Combined Clans), Verse‎ 56

‎‎So, the communication with prophet, in its reality, is but a link and coupling ‎with this Noble and pure spirit ‎‎and draw nearer to Al'lah through this noble ‎spirit, so as to be a shining sun for the spirit ‎‎bound up to it and alight for the ‎believer’s heart who communicates with Al'lah through its company.‎

After his death, Adam’s sons relied on this important point in their ‎approaching towards their Provider ‎‎. ‎

Some of them were righteous who were entering into God’s presence and ‎whose spirits became worthy to be a shining lamp for their contemporaries.‎

But, after these good men had died, Satan came and whispered to the ‎oblivious people to make effigies representing them, reminding people of ‎those good men and increasing love in the heart of who looks at them.‎

Then, time passed over these effigies when the oblivious people forgot those ‎good men and the entering into the Presence of the Provider ‎‎of all the worlds ‎with them. Long time passed, step by step people forgot those good men and ‎to those effigies, they limited their spirits’ facing and stuck, thinking that they ‎had might and power. Thus, their spirits broke off their link to God and they ‎fell into what they fell of polytheism and farness off God.‎

Accordingly, it becomes obvious to us that binding up with the Noble ‎Messengers (envoys) then with the righteous men coming after them is right ‎and a requisite precept as long as it be a means serves drawing nearer to Allah. ‎

But if man confined his spirit to the messenger, the sacred man or the worthy ‎guider and tended only to him without directing himself through his company ‎towards God; this would be the polytheism itself which is more similar to ‎idolatry’.‎

Now, we can have a reasonable attitude between those who exceeded the ‎bounds of their religion restricting their direction to the creature instead of ‎the Creator; so they fell into polytheism due to their turning away from God, ‎and those who denied coupling with worthy men and denied entering into ‎God’s presence through the Noble Messenger. ‎

Then, neither the former ones were right concerning their polytheism and ‎going away from God nor were the latter denying the means and ‎disconnecting form God’s Messenger. ‎

The middling and right position is that the believer should approach towards ‎only God through the companionship of the closer to Allah who are alive. ‎There, he will see Al'lah's Perfection and Justice and witness that only His ‎Command directs the whole universe‎.‎

Thus, he will certainly have the knowledge of certainty that: There is no God ‎but Allah.‎

Heart-Coupling should be but with the Alive

‎The function of the perfect guider comprises two duties:‎

‎1- First, he guides you, by his saying, to Allah ‎‎and acquaints you with the ‎indication to Allah ‎‎that His Messenger brought.‎

‎2-‎ ‎‎Besides that, he would lead you, if you were sincere and spiritually ‎bound up with him, to the love of God’s Messenger ‎‎(cpth) who is greatly ‎interested in the entrance of the whole creation to Allah.‎

So, by means of your true love to this perfect guider; your spirit will be ‎impressed with the elevated love to God’s Messenger that impressed in this ‎guider’s spirit and sooner you will find yourself bound up with this Noble ‎Messenger, clung to him and never separated from him.‎

If your guider found you coupled spiritually with God’s Messenger, then he ‎would say to you: ‘Adhere to this entrance, for my task towards you is over as ‎I have conveyed you to him whom God, the Almighty, made an entrance for ‎the worlds and ordered all the believers to bind their spirits up with him, that ‎is, to communicate with him. ‎

The example of the guider here is as that of a boat which carries those who ‎want to travel and transports them from the shore to the large ship. ‎

So, the boat’s task is confined to transporting from the shore to the ship ‎without exceeding that, while the Ship sails to the deep seas, seas of Divine ‎knowledge and witnessing the Godly Perfection. ‎

Thus, the ship is only one, whereas the boats which transship travelers to it ‎are many. ‎

When this guider dies, his function will end and move to another alive one ‎after him. To such spiritual coupling with God’s Envoy the Noble Verse‎s ‎‎‎refers as God says:‎‏ {Verily, the prophet is always communicating with ‎Allah, and His angels are communicating with him. You who believe, ‎communicate, then, with him and submit whole heartedly}‏‎.

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 33, Al-Ahzab (The Combined Clans), Verse‎ 56

‎‎The Almighty Al'lah has ordered all the believers to adhere to and bind up ‎with this Noble Messenger and never separate their spirits form him, this ‎meaning is confirmed to you within God’s saying:‎}And hold fast, all of ‎you together, to the Rope of Allah, and never separate yourselves ‎from him}‏‎.‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 3, Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran), Verse‎ 103

‎‎This Rope is but God’s Envoy ‎‎(cpth). ‎

As for following the guidance of the guiders coming after the Envoy ‎‎(cpth), it ‎is referred to by the Noble Verse‎s, God says: {Let there arise out of you a ‎group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining favor and ‎forbidding disgraceful acts. And it is they who are the successful}‏‎ (the ‎doers of what results in good for them).‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 3, Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran), Verse‎ 104

‎‎After the Messenger, these guiders invite you to proceed the path of right.‎

So, if you follow their guidance got form God’s Messenger; the confidence in ‎God’s satisfaction with you will arise in your spirit there upon, you will ‎approach towards the almighty Al'lah, and by such approaching, the ‎perfection will be imprinted on your spirit, so you will love the owners of ‎perfection, love your leader and guider. then, through him you will shift to the ‎love of God’s Envoy as mentioned before.‎

What did Our Master Noah invite his people to?

‎‎‎Our Master Noah began with inviting his people to worship Al'lah ‎alone. Such inviting to worship only Al'lah is the soul of all the heavenly ‎religions and the essence of the whole Envoys’ mission, to that the Noble ‎Verse‎s ‎‎indicate, God says:‎‏ }‏Indeed, We sent Noah to his people and he ‎said: “O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other God but ‎Him. Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a Great Day!‎}‏

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), Verse‎ 59

‎‎Al'lah also says:‎‎‎‎ }‏And to 'Ad (people, We sent) their brother Hud. He ‎said: “O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other God but ‎Him”.‎‏ {

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), Verse‎ 65

‎‎Al'lah the Almighty says too:‎‎‎‎ }‏And to Thamud (people, We sent) their ‎brother Saleh. He said: “O my people! Worship Allah! You have no ‎other God but Him”‎‏ {

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), Verse‎ 73

}‏And to (the people of) Midian, (We sent) their brother ‎Shu'aib. He said: “O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other ‎God but Him”.‎‏ {

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 7, Al-A’raf (The Heights), Verse‎ 85

‎‎Thus, every Envoy was inspired by God to invite his people to worship only ‎Al'lah.‎

The Noble Verse‎ indicates that fact, God says:‎‎‎‎ }‏And We did not send any ‎Messenger before you (O Mohammad ) but We inspired him that ‎there is no God but Me, so worship Me (Alone and none else).‎‏ {‏

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 21, Al-Anbiya’ (The Prophets), Verse‎ 25

‎‎It is intended by worshipping Al'lah the Almighty, to obey Him by applying ‎His orders without obeying anyone beside Him.‎

That is our Master Noah’s mission and the whole messengers’ (Peace is ‎through him and them).‎

Since the call for worshiping Al'lah requires acquainting people with Him; ‎therefore God's saying: '' Worship Allah '' was always followed by His ‎saying: “You have no other God but Him”, Revealing to them that God ‎is Who deserves obedience and there is no other god beside Him, for God is ‎the Controller whose Hand organizes the affairs of the universe‎ and directs all ‎the creatures it contains whatever they are: Small or big, grander or minute: ‎

The sun, the moon, the Earth, the planet, the wind, the clouds, the rains, the ‎thunderbolts, the lightning, the thunders, Man and animal and even each of ‎the Creatures moves by the Command of this Provider, He is alone the Driver ‎of all that and the Responsible of steering them.‎

After acquainting his people with the necessity of obeying Allah Whom there ‎is no God but Him, our Master Noah ‎‎(cpth) wanted to draw their attention ‎to the cosmic signs under their sights which indicate to God’s Omnipotence, ‎Might and Wisdom in managing His creatures’ needs, so that if they think ‎about the creation of Heavens and Earth, and the signs they include, they ‎might magnify and remember their Provider; consequently their spirits would ‎submit and surrender to Him.‎

To those signs (cosmic wonders) which our Master Noah had called his ‎people’s attention to, the Noble Verse‎s ‎‎indicate as God says: ‎

‎{why do not you aspire to revere Al'lah * although he has created ‎you in gradual stages * See you not how Allah has created the seven ‎heavens one above another. * And has made the moon a light therein, ‎and made the sun a lamp. * Allah ‎‎has brought you forth form the ‎Earth like a plant; * ‎

Afterwards He will return you into it, and bring you forth again *

And Allah has made for you the earth wide spread * ‎‎so that you ‎may advance in great strides in faith – through it.}‎

The Holy Qur’an,

Fortress 71, Noah, Verses‎ 13-20

‎‎Through these Verse‎s you can see that the belief which is not based upon ‎thinking and contemplation, and does not produce in its owner’s spirit ‎‎‎revering and glorifying the Creator, is unprofitable and unavailing for its ‎possessor.‎

In order to be straight within his Creator’s Command and worship Him ‎sincerely; man should precisely think, consider and contemplate this universe‎ ‎a speculation and contemplation that are originated from the sincerity of ‎seeking the knowledge that makes its owner acquainted with the Creator and ‎reaching the truth.‎

If the spirit was so truthful, then it resorted to think of this universe‎, its ‎consideration would certainly lead it to glorify this universe‎, consequently to ‎magnify and revere the Creator. Thereupon, it will yield and comply ‎submissively with Him, driven Willingly to obey Him, it will worship God ‎truly, abide by and apply brought by the Noble Envoy where it dares not ‎breaking His orders or disobeying Him in anything.‎

Yes, it (the spirit) will submit and surrender to its Creator and no doubt, this ‎will make it confident of His Satisfaction with it, so it will turn its face ‎towards Him.‎

To this important point the reported invocation of the Prophet’s Saying – ‎Mohammad ‎‎‎‎(cpth) – refers when he says, “O, God of all! You alone we ‎worship, with You alone we communicate and to You alone we ‎prostrate”.‎

So, if man worships and obeys His Provider Properly, he will be able to ‎communicate with Him, that is to enter into Allah Presence and attain the ‎spiritual communication with Him.‎

Absolutely, this link and true facing purify spirit from the dirties of wicked ‎desires as the Godly light cleanses the spirit from what had been attached to ‎it, so it will be pure, immaculate and having the finery of perfection and virtue ‎‎.‎

By my life! That is the only way leading to refine the human spirits and uplift ‎them to the highest positions of perfection and humanity; for the noble ‎moralities are obtained from Allah ‎‎and to Him, alone, the seekers of reaching ‎virtue return as He is the Owner of Supreme Attributes and the Source of ‎endless perfection.‎

‎‎Praise be to Al'lah, with all His Supreme Names the Provider of all worlds.‎‎‎


‎1-‎ ‎‎What thoughts about the idols did the people of our Master Noah‎‎‎‎ (pth) ‎have in their mind? What requirements did they want to get through ‎these idols?‎

‎2-‎ ‎‎Why does the Almighty God order humankind to link their spirits ‎‎(hearts) to their Noble Envoys (cptt)?‎

‎3-‎ ‎‎How did idols- worshipping come into existence?‎

‎‎‎4-‎ ‎‎The Almighty God says: And hold fast, all of you together, to the ‎Rope of Allah, and never separate yourselves from him…} Who ‎is the Rope of Al'lah? What is the way to hold it fast?‎

‎‎‎5-‎ ‎‎Explain the Noble call of the Envoy ‎‎(cpth) (“O, God of all! You alone ‎we worship, with You alone we communicate and to You alone ‎we prostrate”)?‎
