Islamic Education for Youths - Level Two by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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- How can you disprove he who claims that, understanding the Holy Quran needs a perfect and continues study of sixteen books of different branches of knowledge?

- Why Has God, the Almighty originated humans spirit making its characteristic such as to love beauty and perfections?

- What are the factors which make some people have knowledge, wisdom, mercy whereas others lack such knowledge, wisdom... etc? We know that God the Almighty gives Divine knowledge, wisdom… etc to some people and deprives others from these knowledge, wisdom …etc through right and justice, and according to what everyone deserves. Explain this important view through what you have understood from the previous lesson.


- Memorize Fortress Al-Qadr very well with your teacher.

- I must prepare myself to get the Night of valuation in the next month of Ramadan. I must obey the commands of God, persist in obeying and worshiping Him, and be good and kind to all His creatures awaiting the next Ramadan passionately. Immediately it starts, I have to maintain myself straightly on the way of Allah and perform Attarawiih prayer daily without stopping no matter what happens. For it is the main reason and the great way of getting the Night of valuation.


1- God the Almighty has poured down the Holy Quran in the heart of Prophet Mohammad (cpth) in the Night of valuation. What is this Night?

2- Why has God the Almighty set the Night of valuation in the blessed month of Ramadan? What are the factors which make its approaching during the last ten days of blessed Ramadan month?

3- God the Almighty says: ((The Night of valuation is better than a thousand months)) why is such one night, the night of valuation, better than a thousand months? What is meant by ((a thousand months)) ?

4- Why is a fasting mans spirit affected by the effects of hunger and thirsty in the blessed month of Ramadan?

5- Can someone succeed in getting the Night of valuation while he is sinful? Write a brief text about this research and explain the effects of uprightness on the sublimity of humans spirit and how it qualifies him to succeed in getting the Night of valuation.