Islamic Education for Youths - Level Two by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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1- Why are the beginnings of some holy Fortresses Verse s which describe the signs of this uniVerse and the Godly Favour bestowed on His people and creatures? State the wisdom behind that.

2- Memorize the holy Fortress very well with your teacher in class, then think deeply of what you have studied and understood through its great and blessed interpretation.

Practice and instruction:

- God says: ((Let human being look at his food)) (fortress humankind - Verse 24) my dear student: Really ((looking)) that is mentioned in this Verse means to think of the food you eat… this holy Verse is commanding us to do that. So God the Almighty, Who has created you and favored you with thought, is commanding you to think of your food He creates in order to appreciate His Favor, His Goodness, His Mercy and His Kindness and become one of the thankful ones who truly love Him.

- Pick up any type of fruits or vegetable other than the Fig and Olive with your hand; try to count the specific contents of it in the way mentioned at the beginning of the interpretation of this holy fortress. Then think of its great creation and remember its life cycle, how its tree grows up and how it will end. Think again of the Greatness of the Creator Who creates everything, His great Favor is bestowed upon us through these fruits…, and do so (think) throughout your life so as to be one of the true believers.


1- Man has to say ((In the Name of God the All-Compassionate, the All-Merciful)) when he starts having his meal. In fact, there is a high wisdom behind this practice; it is just to remind himself of the Godly provision and bounties which the Almighty bestowed upon him making him joyful and happy with them, then man feels truly of his Gods favor and bounties, consequently if he continues in such practice, he will attain gratitude in his heart toward his Creator perceiving in his mind that Allah is the Source of the favor, the provisions, and the whole bounties. Finally his thinking and gratitude will lead himself (his spirit) to glorify his Almighty Provider and swim in the sea of the Godly favor enjoying highly.

2- After finishing having food, man praises and thanks God the Highest, remembering His continuous favor with this delicious food.


1- What does God the Almighty want to turn Humans look at, when He says: ((Behold the Fig and the Olive)) ?

2- It is mentioned in the above lesson that: God the Highest grants this man thought, qualities, judgment and the ability of sight, shows him the cosmic wonders ((signs)), gives him a powerful spirit which is most tolerant and most capable of absorbing Gods light than other creatures, and in addition to all of what mentioned He gives him the freedom of choice. So, what for does God give these gifts to man? Briefly explain that.

3- What is the meaning of His holy saying: ((Then we shall abase them to be the lowest of the low)).

4- Why does God the Almighty describe the reward of those who believe and do good deed such as: ((Unfailing)) ?