Islamic Education for Youths - Level Two by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Eighteen

Dont be the fifth, if you are, you will perish

Part two

The Envoy ((The Messenger)) of Allah (cpth) said: ((Be learned or learner or listener or lover and dont be the fifth, if you are, you will perish)) . [ Al muajem Alawsat for Tabarani.]

We have understood from the last lesson that, the word learned is the one who has insight-eyed by it he sees within the light of God the Almighty. He is not blind-hearted and he has a constant link with the holy Prophet (cpth) the lightening Sun. While the word learner means to take the right way and follow the first Teacher Prophet Mohammad (cpth), who said: I was sent as a Teacher. So, he is the one who teaches mankind the way of believing in God the Almighty. God the Almighty says:)) Say (O Mohammad to mankind): ((If you (really) love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you )) [Fortress Aal Imran, Verse 31.]. So, we have to follow the Prophet (cpth) and do as he did, consequently we do good deeds therefore God loves us.

How can learning be? For instance, if someone reads a book of repairing motors engines, is it right to him to work as an expert in a workshop for repairing broken-down engines? Of course, no it isnt, because his study is still theoretical. But if he starts a regular constant practical repairing work and his hands become colored with engine oils and grease and he resists the heat of the engines, understands their various types, sizes and the reasons for their break-down, there and after a period of time, we can consider him an expert in repairing those engines. So reading alone is not enough, it must be accompanied by the practical practice. As well as the student in his institute, we cant consider him successful if he doesnt study during the year; Going to his institute every day, sitting in class, concentrating in lectures, doing his Exercises, practicing practical experiments in the institute laboratories and be attentive to his teachers instructions, then, all that makes him succeed in the exams. There, we can say that this student has succeed and promoted to the next class.

Also through belief in God, a human being has to proceed through practice in his belief in God. Recognition by tongue is not enough i.e. to say by your tongue; there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his Messenger, is not enough to be a true believer. Many of those who say they are believers, while their deeds are not good, are not true believers. We do see them harming animals, abusing people, gossiping about each other and doing many bad deeds, in spite of all their not right deeds they say that they are believers! These bad deeds are not the deeds of a believer and not the work of a person who want to be a learner. Indeed, he who wants to study the way of the holy Prophet (cpth), does not turn to any of the bad men and does not follow them but you see him very busy caring for his state in order to be successful and become educated i.e. learned scholar. The end of the true educated one is to get the knowledge of the high Names of the Almighty from the Envoy of Allah (cpth).

The words – Or Listener: In this noble Hadith the holy Prophet (cpth) asks man to listen to Allahs word, not just listening but the listening which associated with thinking of all what you hear. So, a person who listens to the holy Quran has not to be satisfied only with listening without thinking of what he hears of the holy Verse s, of what God the Almighty Wants from His great revelation, and of the high wisdom of Allahs orders.

God the Almighty says: ((So, when the Quran is recited, listen to It, and be silent that you may receive mercy.)) [Fortress Al Araf, Verse 204. ] The listening which is mentioned in the Verse is to pay attention to the recitation with thinking in these words of Allah the Almighty. There, mans spirit itself will truly listen to the words of its Provider and understands them, absorbs them and starts moving gradually to the truthful ones ((the true obedient people of Allah)) and perceives grasping in itself the high meanings of the holy Quran Verse s. For that reason, the disobedient ones shall regret on the Day of Resurrection because they never listened the listening that is shown by the noble Prophets saying (the noble hadith) and consequently they never comprehend the words of God the Almighty… God says: ((And they will say: ((Had we but listened or comprehended, we would not have been among the dwellers of the blazing Fire!)) [Fortress Al muluk, Verse 10. ].

The words - Or Lover: The love (in this noble hadith) is toward God, His holy Envoy and the true obedient people of Allah.

But, how can someone attain this love?. If someone sees a kind behavior of another he certainly will love him. For instance, why does a person love his parents? Because he sees their great taking care of him and how they give him all what they can, providing him with all his needs. And he feels much of their great love when he is afflicted with any illness, where he sees their continuous kindness, pity and mercy onto him and all that makes his heart loves them more and more. For that reason, God the Almighty commands man when he grows up to thank them for the great care and goodness they have been giving him since he was still a baby till now and to pray for God to grant them compassion and forgiveness. So, we notice that, if man thinks of this uniVerse around him, he witnesses many evidences around him, the nourishment, the benevolence and the bounties that God the Almighty pours continuously upon him, then this man of thought certainly loves his Provider the Almighty and his heart will be connected to Him. The holy Prophet (cpth) said: )) love God for His graces and favors (such as food, water, fresh air and so on) which He the Almighty overwhelming you with and love me (the Prophet) with the love of God)) [Reported by At tirmizi. ]. Loving the Prophet (cpth) also is attained after thinking, because a man who thinks of the holy Quran and Practice its commands and instructions very well, as a result he/she gains happiness, then he/she will see that his good happy life which he/she lives is caused by the holy Prophet (cpth) who brought him/her this Great blessing Book. This is a very important matter that the love of the holy Prophet (cpth) is a very important condition of the true belief and it is a real practical conduct of practising the holy Quran. God the Almighty says: ((Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight … are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are AlFâsiqun(the rebellious, disobedient to Allah).)) [Fortress At tauba, Verse 24]. And the holy prophet (cpth) said:)) None of you believe if I am not more lovely to him than his son, parents and everybody)) [Sahih Al Bukhari…]. The true believer loves the holy prophet (cpth) more than all creation including his mother and father. That is because of the very nearness of the holy prophet (cpth) to God the Almighty, his great favour, his kindness and pity to us and to all creatures. He (cpth) is the enlightening Sun that pours Allahs Light upon your heart enlightening your spirit to attain the piety (Al-Takwa) to become learned as explained in the noble hadith.

Finally, and dont be the fifth, if you are, you will perish and the fifth as we have learnt through the above lesson, is something not of the four mentioned ways: (learned or learner or listener or lover) which is the loss of this world and the hereafter i.e. if a man is not learned, learner, listener or lover, he/she absolutely loses the happiness in this life and the hereafter (he/she is not from those who dwell in Paradise but from those who dwell in the Fire).

We seek refuge in God from that loss and the Hell