Islamic Education for Youths by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Five

Fortress of Oblivious Humankind, Oblivious Jinn-kind (Al-Nas Surah )

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

1. "Say: I proudly seek refuge in the Provider of oblivious humankind" .

2. "The King of oblivious humankind" .

3. "The Steering God of oblivious humankind" .

4. "From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who withdraws(when a person resorts to God):"

5. "He who whispers evil in the chests of oblivious humankind:"

6. "Through jinns and oblivious humankind."

In this noble Fortress, the Almighty God  guides  you, oh listener, to the way which will save  you from the evil of Satan and his whispers. If you follow His  Guidance  you will then see the truth of everything; so you will be able to distinguish between what is bad and what is good, so that this enemy will have no way to overcome you. It is you who will overcome this enemy.

Therefore,  God  says:  "Say:  I  proudly  seek  refuge  in  the  Provider  of  oblivious humankind,  the   King  of  oblivious   humankind,  the   Steering  God  of  oblivious humankind, from the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who withdraws (when resorting to God),"

Verse no.1

8. "Say: I proudly seek refuge in the Provider of oblivious humankind,"

The  word  "sayis  addressed  to  the  Envoy  (cpth).  It  means:  "say  to  My  obedient followers  that  they  should  proudly  seek  refuge  in  Me.It  is  also  addressed  to humanity, If anyone reads this verse "Say: I proudly seek refuge" , they will feel as if they have heard it recited by Al’lah to His noble Envoy, and then the reader’s spirit will enter into God’s  Presence along  with that of the Envoy.  Thus  it can understand what it says and can comprehend the Godly Purpose of such words.

Therefore,  the statement "Say: I  proudly seek  refugedenotes: you,  believer!  Say to yourself: ―I proudly seek might and protection." Let your state always be the state of one who is proud of their Provider, who clings to their Possessor, and resorts to their God and Director.

The Almighty has revealed three of His Attributes to you, to provide a reason for  your spirit to come nearer to Him, and to provide a motive for you to see the necessity of this nearness. Thus, you find  yourself with no choice except to seek His Might and to keep resorting to Him as He is: "the Provider of oblivious humankind."

"The  Providermentioned previously  in ‘the Opening’ Fortress,  is the Grower who supplies  all of  us  with  life.  His  Sustenance  is  not  restricted  to  merely one  element  of yourself, but instead it is extended to all of your spirit, your body, your soul and each of your organs.

To  be  more  specific  we  can say that  this  Sustenance  is  extended  to: the  eye,  and  the systems and layers it contains that allow it to see things; the ear, and the membranes and stapes inside of it that allow it to hear sound; the heart, and the ligaments, tendons inside of it; and the digestive system, the glands juices it contains. In fact, you can say that each atom of your body and each of your cells – however small and minute they might be, and even  including  those  which are  so  small  as  to  be  inconceivable  –  all  depend  on  this continuous  Sustenance   for  their  formation  and  ongoing  existence.  Fortunately,  this Sustenance  from the Almighty is comprehensive and permanent, and so  it never ceases for even a single moment.

Verse no. 2

9. "The King of oblivious humankind,"

The  Almighty  is also the King of oblivious  humankind.  "The  Kingis  the One Who comes  to  control people  through  His  Support  and  Provision  for  them.  people  have  a genuine  need  for  His  Favor  and  Support,  and  therefore  they  surrender  to  Him  and continue to connect with Him and enter into His Presence, both through their spirits and their bodies.

Verse no. 3

10. "The Steering God of oblivious humankind,"

The Almighty is the Steering God of oblivious humankind. As mentioned before in ‘The Opening’  Fortress,  "Godis  He Who  is  obeyed and  who  regardless of anything else, conducts   the  steering  of  His   followers.   Al’lah  is   the  Steering   God  of  oblivious humankind,  who  –  in  accordance  with  their  choice  –  directs  them  to  what  is  most appropriate  for  them, and accrues the  greatest benefits to  them. It  is  He, the Almighty, Who  directs  all of  your  works  and  your affairs;  it  is  also  He  that  steers each of  your organs.

It  is at  His  Direction that  the  hand  works  and  moves,  the eye  looks and  sees,  the  ear listens and hears, the nose smells, the mouth chews, the tongue moves and talks, the heart expands and contracts, the chest moves up and down, and so forth.

In short, every sense and every part of your body are directed by the Command of God and are subject to His Direction. While you possess the will and the choice, the might, the power, and the steering in deeds are from Him, the Almighty.

Thus,  the Provider of oblivious  humankind,  the King of oblivious  humankind and  the Steering God of oblivious humankind orders you to seek refuge in Him at every moment.

The word "oblivious" can be translated as "An-Nas" in Arabic. It is a name that refers to all the children of Adam.

Humanity is so-named because they are coming into this world and entered into the world of  shapes  and  bodies  caused  them  to  forget  the  knowledge  of  Al’lah  that  they  had possessed  in  Al-Azal,  the  world  of  spirits.  Meanwhile,  the  physical  body  in  which humans now exist became a veil, preventing the spirit from possessing consciousness of itself, and becoming aware that it is a weak and powerless creature in consequent need of its Creator and His continuous Care for it. However, if it returns to enter the Presence of its Provider,  it  will remember  its original state  and will recover  its  former knowledge. God says, through His Envoy’s tongue: "...but none  will  remember except those who come back (to God)." The Holy Qur‟an, Fortress 40, Ghafir (The Forgiver "God‟), verse 13

In another verse He says: "…and none will remember except those who have minds."

The Holy Qur’an, Fortress 3, Al ‘Imran (The Family of ‘Imran), verse 7

Thus, if you truthfully feel proud of God, the Owner of the aforementioned Qualities, and wholly resort to Him, then you will be safe from the evil of the sneaking whisperer. That is why God says: "From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who withdraws  (when a person resorts to God)" .

Verse no. 4

11. "From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who withdraws (when a person resorts to God):"

"Evil" means ‘harm’ and ‘damage’.

"Whispereris derived from the verb ‘to whisper’ which means ‘to speak secretly with evil suggestions’.

"Sneaking" is derived from the verb ‘to sneak’ which means ‘to go stealthily’.

Therefore  "the  sneaking  whispereris  the devil. This  verse  indicates two qualities of his:

-  Firstly,  the  verse  tells  us  that  he  is  a  "whispererbecause  he  whispers  evil suggestions to the spirit when it is far from God.

-  Secondly,  the  verse  says  that  he  "withdraws,  which  means  that  Satan withdraws because he becomes defeated and is expelled. When the spirit returns to God, seeking His Might and Help, Satan shrinks, draws back, and flees.

If the spirit  maintains  its nearness to  its Provider and establishes a permanent  link with Him, the devil will have no control over it at all. Then he will not be able to approach it nor dare whisper to it.

This spirit remains in a heavily fortified and inaccessible place for as long as it remains in God’s Presence and maintains permanent communication with Him. However, if it leaves this  Holy  Presence,  the  whisperer  will  hasten to  it,  and  will  tempt  it  with that  which would ultimately sadden and deject it, and with that which entails evil and harm.

Verse no. 5

12. "He who whispers evil in the chests of oblivious humankind:"

As for the way of whispering evil thoughts to people, the Almighty has illustrated it to us when He says: "He  who  whispers  evil  in  the  chests  of oblivious  humankind.The Almighty mentions ‘the chest’ because it is the spirit’s location and its center.

Thus the devil whispers to the spirit, and makes it envisage the temptation that he offers.

Finally,  the  Almighty  has  revealed  the  entrance  of the  devil  into  you and  the  way by which he sneaks to you. He says: "Through jinns and oblivious humankind."

Verse no. 6

13. "Through jinns and oblivious humankind."

According  to  what  is  shown by this  noble  verse,  the  devil  whispers  to  people  in  two ways:

- A hidden interior way: when you do not see him with your eyes or feel him with your senses, but you feel him inside of you nonetheless, and perceive him with the aid of your spirit, at a time when he himself comes to you and tempts you with that which leads to disobedience of God. This method of whispering is what is referred to by the word "jinns" .

- An obvious and clear way: this is when he comes to you wearing the spirits of people who are far from God, and talks to you on their tongues about that which would cause damage to you. He makes the things which would lead you to break with the Orders of God seem fair to you through the words of these people. However, this would only result in your misery and distress. That is what is meant by the words "oblivious humankind" in this last verse.

Thus,  if  you enter  into  God’s Presence, seeking refuge  in Him,  you will  save  yourself from the evil of the whisperer and live happily as a master who cannot be defeated. This is because you will then live under the Protection of your Merciful and Noble Creator, in the state of bliss that He has created for you.